About Study Abroad and Cost of Living in US Cities

 In Study In The USA

The cost of living while you are studying English in the USA varies considerably based on the city you choose for your study tour. English Schools are located mostly in the major cities in the USA, such as Boston, San Francisco, and New York.  What city your choose makes a difference to the funds you will need to live while you are studying.

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Comparative Cost of Living per City in the USA

What is the cost of living index and how is it measured? This is a clear explanation of how the cost of living is calculated and what the cost of living index means:

“The cost of living is how much you pay for housing, gas, food, clothing, and other everyday items. It is a useful measurement that allows you to compare expenses between locations and over time.

Many sources estimate the cost of living for you. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s an index, so your particular expenses might be higher or lower. For example, gas would cost more if you have a Hummer versus a Prius.”

So, the cost of living index is a way of using cost of living estimates to compare living expenses of one destination with another:

“The cost-of-living index gives you the percentage difference in the cost of living between your location and another… Since it’s an index, the cost of living in your area is always 100. If the place you’re comparing it to is greater than 100, it’s more expensive to live there. If it’s less than 100, it’s cheaper. The difference is the percent more or less it will cost you. For example, if it’s 120, then it’s 20 percent more expensive.”  www.thebalance.com

Here, for example, is the Cost of Living Indexes for each city in which TALK English Schools are located:

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using this measure, you can see that San Francisco’s cost of living is the highest of these cities, and Atlanta’s is the lowest. Research and compare cost of living in the city destinations you are considering. As with your Accommodation decisions, this has to be weighed against the type of experience you are looking for. Once classes have actually begun, you will find that it all adds up.

To learn more about the cost of living in cities across the US, take a look at our e-Guides comparing the average costs of local transportation, utilities, meals, entertainment and other aspects of living in Aventura, Atlanta, Boston, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Miami Beach and San Francisco. Download now, free!


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