Students Reveal Surprising Things about Boston
Those Accents and Other Surprising Things about Boston

Ranking second in the surprising things about Boston stakes is the amazing diversity of the city’s population.which were remarked upon by Genesis and Valdemar of Venezuela, and Will from Taiwan was the diversity of the city’s population. Boston is one of the most favored cities for immigrants because of its long history of welcoming newcomers to its shores.
Indeed, Boston is ranked among the 21 most ethnic and racially diverse cities in America out of 313 US cities surveyed. The Irish have been coming to Boston since the early 1800’s, and Italian formed the second wave of migration later in the 19th Century. Since then, Boston has become home to large communities of Brazilians, Colombians, Jews, West Indians, Chinese, South Asians, Syrians, Lebanese, to name just a few of the larger groups which have settled here.
It is these diverse ethnicities, religions, cultures, and languages that have proved the vital force in shaping Boston’s character and vibrant, rich culture. And for our TALK students, it means that nobody can feel like a stranger in this great city.