Savvy Traveler in San Francisco
When planning to visit a big city like San Francisco for the first time, the savvy traveler knows to do some homework, and, if possible, get some insider tips about local hangouts, tucked-away shops, neighborhood hotels and locally-run guest houses, as well as things like what to

Treasure Island Flea Market
wear and public transportation. San Francisco is an especially supportive of locally-run and innovative enterprises. This information not only makes the stay more enjoyable, but our savvy traveler probably ends up saving a lot of money because she avoids tourist traps and other costly mistakes, such as packing clothes unsuited for the season (which means having to shop for wearable clothes), or hiring a car when traffic is impossible and parking hugely expensive.
We stumbled across a great online cities guide: Each city site’s authors are locals and these insider tips are always up to date! It’s also available on iPhone and android.
Savvy Traveler in San Francisco
The savvy traveler is the one who knows how to go beyond what the guide books say about exploring a place. What’s San Francisco’s best season? (Hint: it’s not summer.) It’s no secret amongst fellow Californians that it is in the fall months – September to November – that the Bay Area experiences its warmest weather and clearest days. Yes, warmer than summer, when temperatures often hover around the 60’s and that famous fog doubles down on the Bay. Average temperatures in the fall are in the low 70s but can go into the 80’s, skies are blue and it is sunny.

Salsa on Saturdays at El Rio in the Mission District
During these months, you will find that most of the visitors are fellow Californians, who come to the city to enjoy its many festivals, outdoor concerts and fairs, its beaches, its nearby vineyards and outdoor events. It is the sweet spot in the city’s annual weather cycle. Hotel rates drop. Yes, there are those occasional bayside breezes, so, like every savvy traveler, you will bring a jacket, but also prepare to strip off to light clothing and head for the beaches.
Check out other insider tips that locals in San Francisco provide. To make your research more fun, once you are in San Francisco, head for a recommended local hangout and get their scoop on San Francisco.