What do you mean by Homophones??
Once the basic elements of English grammar are more or less understood, the focus of the English language learner typically turns to acquiring vocabulary words . Vocabulary is a big part of learning English as a second language. An area that is difficult for students are vocabulary words called Homonyms. Homonyms (also called homophones and homographs) are words that sound like one another but have different meanings and sometimes slightly different spellings.
Some homonyms, however, are spelled the same, like fast (to abstain) and fast (quick, speedy). Some homonyms are spelled differently, like pear (the fruit) and pair (a couple/two.) Learning to distinguish which word is the correct one to use is made easier if you study these words and use them in conversation as much as you can.
Although there are slight differences between homophones, homographs and homonyms, the word homonym has come to mean all three of these words. Homonyms to be words that sound the same, are spelled the same, or both.
Homophones, Homographs and Homonyms
What is the difference between these three types of word pairs?
Homophones – homo=same, phone = sound. These are different words, sometimes spelled alike, that sound the same. Be and bee. Billed and build.
Homographs – homo=same, graph=writing – are words that although they may be spelled the same, have different meanings and may or may not be pronounced the same way. Wound (an injury)/wound (to turn).
Homonyms – homo=same, nyms=names – means homophones or a name for words that are both homophones and homographs —alike in both spelling and pronunciation. Dear and deer. Knight and night.
There are many examples of these three forms of word pairs, or word groups (cent–scent–sent.) Here are some common vocabulary words that sound the same but mean different things.
Some homonyms
allowed aloud
band banned
cell sell
discussed disgust
ewe you
flower flour
grate great
hole whole
in inn
jeans genes
knows nose no’s
lessen lesson
meat meet
night knight
oar ore or
pear pair
quarts quartz
reed read
steak stake
thyme time
unreel unreal
vain vein vane
wine whine
x ex
yoke yolk
Here’s a great online homophone quiz for you to try your hand at selecting the correct word from each group of homophones.