Twitter Shorthand

With Twitter followed twitter shorthand as a matter of necessity. The most famous symbol associated with Twitter is of course the hash tag, which signals the specific issue or topic that the [...]

Texting Symbols

Internet and text language is made up of acronyms, abbreviations, made-up words and texting symbols emoticons and other symbols that express ideas. Many texting symbols for communication both in [...]

Texting terms

In our blog about online dictionaries we listed many great sources of texting terms,  and text and chat room acronyms. The internet and cell phone has spawned an entirely new language, with [...]

Internet Slang

Internet slang lies somewhere between words that are trending among Gen-Y-ers and other digital citizens and those that have crept into dictionaries as new words. The number of new words, [...]

Best Online Dictionaries

The best online dictionaries are not the only kind of dictionary that an ESL learner needs while studying English. To have one actual print-form dictionary constantly on hand, that you place in [...]