Parts of Speech – Nouns

 In Parts of Speech

The word “noun” comes from the Latin word nomen which means “name,” and nouns are how we name people, places and things. What do we mean by a noun? Simply put, nouns are words that name people (girl), places (Miami), ideas (happiness), activity (drive),  or things (desk). Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word which names it. That “naming word” is called a noun. Nouns are often called the busiest of the eight parts of speech. Nouns are to be found in many parts of a sentence because they perform numerous functions.

NOUNSthe function and types of nouns

Subject Nouns
When nouns indicate what the sentence is about, this is called a subject noun:
want to dance
I” is the subject of the verb ‘dance

Direct Objects
These are nouns which on the receiving end of a verb
She fell into the pool.
Pool is the direct object of the verb ‘fell

Indirect Object

These are nouns that receive the direct object. These types of noun are not too common.  To determine the indirect object, ask who or what received the direct object.
John booked his mother a room in the best hotel in town.
‘John’ is the subject ‘booked’ is the verb ‘a room’ –  direct object. Who got the room? “his mother” –  indirect object.

Objects of Prepositions
These refer to nouns that come after prepositions in prepositional phrases
I saw Diane in her room.
Room” is the object of preposition ‘in’.

Predicate Nouns
These come after linking verbs and they rename the subject and give more detail about it.
The clothes that I bought are shirts and pants.
Shirts and pants rename the clothes

Object complements
These are nouns that modify or complete the direct object.
My brother named our dog Spot.
Spot is the name of the direct object, dog.


Abstract Nouns name ideas or non-concrete things like feelings:  curiosity, love.

Concrete Nouns name concrete things:  laptop, classroom

Common Nouns name general things or people: town, school, woman, team.

Proper Nouns indicate a specific thing and begin with a capital, or uppercase, letter:  Apple, Dakota, Mimi.

Countable Nouns – a countable noun indicates something you can count.
You can count cats: one cat, ten cats, or a cat, many cats.

Uncountable Nouns – an uncountable noun is something you cannot count.
You cannot count water, or machinery or advice.

Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word which names it, and that  “naming word” is called a noun. We have no doubt that you see why nouns are the busiest of the eight parts of speech!

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