Student Corner Review: Brazilian Student Learning English
We love to hear what our students think of our classes and their experience. This month we hear from Priscilla Carmo from Brazil.
Experience in TALK Classes

Priscilla Carmo from Brazil, TALK Atlanta
‘There are students from different countries which help you to develop your English while you learn their culture. Teachers use different methods to help you learn easily. The period you spend at school is enough – you don’t feel tired studying the whole day. Students and friendly and help you feel comfortable during adaptation.’
A fond memory at TALK
‘We had a teacher that once a week created a day of something, like: PJ’s day, hat day, mug day… so during the class you could break the ice and talk about the meaning of that object for you.’
Favorite American Expression
“Don’t push your luck!”
“I use it with all those who are asking me to do things all the time. Lol.”