Grateful for our Teachers – Juliana Schulz
“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” – Mary Davis
Gratitude is something that is important to us at TALK. Last year we started with a short three part series of highlighting and thanking some of our teachers. This week, we’d like you to meet, Juliana Schulz.
Why did you become a teacher?
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and after returning from my year abroad as an exchange student I started teaching! My first students were my parents’ age! I was 17 and not even old enough to drive to the company I was teaching so my mom had to drive me for my afternoon classes. My relationship with Talk is a very long one! I’ve been teaching both Portuguese and English since the school’s second year.

Teacher – Juliana Schulz
What do you love about teaching? What do you love about teaching at TALK?
I love the human contact! Meeting new people, being exposed to new cultures, values, building relationships and Talk’s multicultural environment has brought me closer to all of it. Talk values and respects my work.
What has been the hardest part about moving classes online?
The lack of face-to-face contact with students and my co-workers has been really hard to deal with. I so miss our teachers’ room chats and teacher meetings!
What has been the biggest challenge and why?
Technology! When this pandemic started I have to say that my computer skills were limited. Kremena (IT) is the sweetest person! I’m completely grateful to all the help I got!
How have the students adapted?
It took students some time to adapt to this new learning reality. We’re now living a different moment in this process and I feel most of them have been able to incorporate it into their day-to-day routine and take advantage of the benefits that online learning can bring.
What has been the benefits of moving to online classes? What if anything have you learned during this time?
Time saving is definitely a plus and feeling safe during these times of pandemic. We’ve had to find the resilience needed to move through this experience.
Last words?
Working with Professor Woody over the period of 30 weeks was a blessing! His creative power and kindness are incomparable! It made this online journey such an enjoyable one!
Thank-you Juliana for you so many years of service and work at TALK. There’s no question that your contribution has made TALK what is it today – an amazing place to learn and grow.
If you’d like to meet some of our other amazing teachers, contact us here.