Testimonial from a PDP Student from TALK Schools Miami

 In Student Testimonials

My name is Anil Donmez, and I’m from Turkey. I want to share an experience that was very exciting and contributed greatly to my growth. My PDP class at TALK Miami and I had the opportunity to participate in The Money Show 2024 in Miami, Florida, thanks to our wonderful teacher, Sandra Falcon.

We all gathered at the venue, dressed up and looking sharp. As time went by, we became more excited because we were about to meet some of the greatest brokers and traders, individuals who understand the nature of money and know how to teach others to make money. When we entered the conference room, it was filled with people who seemed as interested in the show and the speakers as we were.

The first speaker was one of the most important American stockbrokers, Peter Schiff. He gave a very clear speech about today’s stock market, how it operates, and discussed some investment options he personally recommends. The information he shared was incredibly useful for our future endeavors, and as a team, we thanked him personally upon leaving.

The next speakers were Pete Najarian and his twin brother Jon Najarian, who was also an NFL player at one point in his career. Both are option traders and market analysts who educate people about trading. They shared strong trading strategies for those who want to educate and develop themselves in trading.

As the show was coming to an end, I took a picture with these two gentlemen who generously shared their knowledge with us. I thanked them and our teacher for this invaluable experience.

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