Set your goals after esl

 In After Graduating, College Life

The experience of studying abroad for TALK International students promises to be one of the best of their lives. During this time of learning English abroad, students learn new skills, including life skills, new ideas, and new ways of looking at the world that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Because the study period is a fun, new and exhilarating experience, many international students don’t spend a lot of time thinking about future steps and goals once they have finished their studies. It is important to consider these, and prepare yourself for life after study-abroad. Here are some ways to think about this:

Tips to Setting Your Goals after Studygoals

Before you set your goal it is important to ask yourself some questions that help you define your goals and assist you with your professional and educational planning. Such questions include:

  • Am I willing to take the time needed for a higher education?
  • Regarding the profession I think I would like to pursue, is there a need for it in my home country?
  • Will the amount I earn in my chosen profession justify the time and money investment?
  • Will my credentials be recognised back home by potential employers?
  • Will I miss important opportunities at home when studying abroad?
  • Will the skills I learn be transferable to the job opportunities in my home country?
  • Will any technological expertise I learn be used at home?
  • Is there any further education or training available at home if I need it?

When you have answered these questions you can then work on setting your future career goals.

Choose a Profession – Before you begin to think about your choice of profession, it is important to have a very thorough idea of the particular career. You should feel passionate about this line of work, and be willing to work hard to excel in it.

Create a Resume – A good resume will get noticed by future employers. When writing your resume, make sure you add any previous employment you have had, your skills, your academic and other qualifications, and anything else that may be relevant to your new job.

Establish Realistic Timeframes – When job hunting, keep in mind that you more than likely won’t be hired for the first job for which you applied. Don’t be dismayed by this. Have a realistic timeframe for ideally you would like to start work. Realistic means anything from 6 months to 1 year after graduation.

Be Respectful at all Times – When you have interviews, remember to be respectful, polite, and confident. Future employers like someone who can handle themselves well, and won’t take disrespect lightly. Even if you don’t think you may get the job, don’t be disrespectful.


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