Practising your English
In our globalized world, English has become the most important language for universal communication. That’s probably one of the main reasons why you have chosen to take some time to study abroad at an ESL school such as TALK English Schools! Improving or perfecting your English language skills is going to go a long way to help you in your career advancement, and to be able to communicate with others, including non-English native speakers. Here are a few ideas about you can do to improve your English language skills.
- Start Writing an English Blog – Blogging is a way to express yourself, and to enable you to practise your written English language skills. Writing in English is a great way of acquiring vocabulary and understanding the meaning of words as you sue them in context. Start off by writing just a sentence a day, then a bit more like a paragraph, and before long you will see a great improvement in both your reading and writing skills.
- Listen to Music with English Lyrics (Words) – Music is a great way to improve your English. By listening to how the words are used, and how they are rhymed with each other, you can learn a lot about the sound and meaning of a word. Listen to the same song over and over again, become familiar with the words and very soon you understand the meaning and rhythms of the words.
- Read English Children’s Books – Children’s books are also a great way of helping to improve your overall English. Children’s books are designed for beginners who are learning to read and write. They often have pictures attached to the words or sentences so that the meanings are easier to understand.
- Speak out Loud – Find a private place, where you can go to talk or read out loud in English. Saying and hearing the words will make you more comfortable with doing so in company or in class. This is a good practise if you are reluctant to communicate with native speakers or more fluent English language learners, but need to be able to practise your English in the company of others.
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