Dating in College

 In College Checklist, College Life

Dating in college promises to be exciting, but also nerve-wracking, experience, and for our TALK international students, this is no exception. When it comes to dating, there are many different things you should and shouldn’t do to help make the relationship a healthy and enjoyable one. Here is some college dating advice that any student can use to when dating during this important phase of a person’s life.

Say Yes!dating

When another young college student asks you out on a date, just say yes! Remember to keep an open mind when it comes to dating and that sometimes the one you may not see yourself with, may just be the man or woman of your dreams. As the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover! Take a chance, but if you feel something is completely wrong or you have a bad feeling, follow your instincts.

Have Fun

When on a date, have fun and don’t think to hard about whether it will turn into a long term relationship. If it is going to happen, it will. Casual relationships without too much commitment on the first date tend are really the norm for both genders, and it’s wise not to have high expectations. Although, if you are hoping that something more serious will develop from that first date, make your feelings known.

Never Date Someone who is Attached to Another

Going out with someone that you know is dating someone else is not a good way to start any relationship. Never date someone who is involved with someone else until they have ended that relationship. This way you won’t be heart-broken if you want more from this person, and you won’t end up getting hurt, or hurting others unnecessarily.

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships aren’t easy, and you may find it best to break it datingoff for a while until you can be reunited again. When in a long distance relationship, remember that it will be tough, it will be a lot of work, and you may or may not stay together. Remember if you are destined to be together it will happen.

Expand your Horizons

If you are finding it hard to find a date or partner on campus, why not go to local clubs or events and see if you can meet anyone there that you may “click” with. Local events are a great way of meeting new people, and you never know, your true love may be waiting for you!

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