American foods

 In College Life, Health Wellness and Safety

America is well known for its fine American cuisine and American food, and for many TALK students when they first come to the USA, they may find a grand variety of options to choose from that they have never thought would be available. Sometimes when eating new foods in a foreign country it may take a bit of getting used to. Here are some tips to help you adapt to the new American cuisines when studying abroad.

Ways To Make The Food Transition American foods

Tip 1: Find or Make Familiar Foods – When you first arrive in your host country, it is a good idea to find any sort of familiar food options in the supermarkets that you may normally or closely eat at home. This way your body doesn’t make a dramatic change in diet which can make you feel sick.

Tip 2: Transition Slowly – When trying new foods, start slowly. Try one or two new things a week if possible to help the transition start. If you find a food makes you feel ill after eating, don’t retry it again for a couple of weeks. If you’re not used to high oil based fried food it is best to limit yourself to its intake until you can handle the flavors and the oil intensity.

Tip 3: Its Ok Not To Like Certain Foods – If you are with friends and are trying new foods, it is ok to express your opinion about any food choices you may not like. Not everyone likes the same food so it is ok to express that to your friends if you require a change in meal options.

Tip 4: Learn To Cook New Foods – As you become more adapt to American foods, why not try your hand at learning how to cook a few new recipes.  Learning how to cook some host foods can help not only save money, but also give you new skills while living abroad.

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