New Resolutions That You Can Stick With

 In College Life

As the beginning of the year rolls around, folks start thinking about how they can make the year ahead an improvement on the last one.  Some of these resolutions are going to prove very difficultResolutions to keep as they ask you to make very significant lifestyle or psychological changes.  It is best to think of some simple resolutions that although important are not too difficult to maintain.  So, if you feel you are in a rut, think about making one of more of these resolutions.

Change Your Routine – Something as simple as changing a part of your routine will help you shake off some old bad habits, and give you something new and exciting in your life. Whether it’s waking up an hour earlier to exercise or write, or taking yourself out at least one night out a week, these little tweaks can do a lot to alter your outlook.

Eat Better – It is a guarantee that a new diet, more nutritious and healthy, will result in a change in your health, your appearance and your energy.

Have Real Face Time with Friends – With the saturation of technology in our lives, we find ourselves glued to a computer or phone screen. This year, why not make the effort to rely less on technology to communicate with the world and to make more time to socialise and converse with your friends in the world that exists outside of your computer or smartphone.  Discover great parks, restaurants, museums and have more at-home evening with friends and family.

De-clutter – Decluttering your life is a great way to feel that you have a clean slate on which to create your life.  By throwing out clutter, you can feel refreshed and re-invigorated. De-cluttering one area of your life often lead to de-cluttering others.

Exercise – Exercise is important to keep you healthy and fit. Why not rearrange your life so you can make a little time to exercise? If at first you do just 5 minutes in the morning or evening, gradually increasing your exercise schedule, you will find that you have slipped into an exercise routine that you can manage.

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