迈阿密的 10 项免费活动
1. Yoga on the Beach for $5 South Beach yoga classes are held every day of the year at 7 a.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m, for $5. Find your spot near the lifeguard stand at Third Street, Miami Beach 2. Skybar at the Shoreclub on Collins Avenue. This glitzy venue has a tropical garden, hip-hop room, pool & beach bars & Sunday pool parties. And you can dance all night for free, just don’t buy the fancy expensive cocktails! 3. The fantastic Miami Beach SoundScape Cinema Series on 17th Street shows free movies on a 7,000-square-foot exterior projection wall on Wednesdays at 8 pm. 4. Night owls and movie lovers can catch one of the discounted late night movie screenings at the Coral Gables Art Cinema at 11 p.m. on Saturdays. The $5 admission price includes free popcorn. 5. For those who want to experience Miami’s Latin flavor, don’t miss out on Casa Panza, an tapas bar in downtown Miami that is a popular destination for free flamenco-dancing and and entertainment music. The venue really gets going around 11:00 p.m. 6. The last Friday of the month brings a free concert and free admission at MOCA the Museum of Contemporary Art, 770 NE 125 St., North Miami. The museum is open by donation from 7 to 10 p.m. during this event, which starts at 8 p.m.
7.对于所有城市自行车爱好者和艺术爱好者来说,温伍德艺术区每周日下午 4 点都会提供非常特别的活动。大家在西北第二大道 2390 号时髦的黑豹咖啡馆集合。然后,自行车爱好者瑞安-费雷尔(Ryan Ferrell)将在当地艺术家的带领下,带领大家进行温伍德壁画之旅。该活动免费,持续一小时,您将看到由年轻的无名涂鸦艺术家创作的令人惊叹的街头艺术和涂鸦,以及由知名艺术家委托创作的大型作品。8.在迈阿密不容错过的一项历史性免费活动是漫步历史悠久的小哈瓦那,古巴移民就是在这里开始进入迈阿密的。这里有许多地标性建筑和纪念碑,还有 Calle Ocho Walk of Fame。9.对于艺术爱好者来说,如果想了解新晋艺术家在这座城市的创作,可以去迈阿密戴德学院艺术与设计博物馆(Miami Dade College Museum of Art and Design)参观,该博物馆始终免费开放,并定期举办展览。10.10.南海滩上有一座神奇的20世纪设计博物馆,即Wolfsonian-FIU艺术博物馆。每周五下午 6 点到晚上 9 点,您可以免费参观展览。如果您想把小而美的原创礼物带回家,他们的商店是一个奇迹。10.Wolfsonian-FIU 艺术博物馆–每周五下午 6:00 至晚上 9:00 期间,您可以免费参观展览。访问迈阿密免费活动网站,及时了解正在举行的特别活动。另一个了解迈阿密当地免费活动和廉价活动的好网站是Hostelling International的迈阿密网页:http://hi-miamibeach.com/。您一定会惊讶于迈阿密的免费和廉价活动种类之多、数量之大,让您体验这座生机勃勃的多元文化大都市。