Packing your Action Camera
The first thing to understand about these little compact Action Camera is that they are a traveler’s dream. The ease of packing your Action Camera – its portability and resilience – just makes the fact that your images look so professional all the more impressive. As a study abroad student, you are looking at the most efficient way to make your luggage weight and bulk manageable. Let’s look at what makes packing your action camera such a plus: for example, the new GoPro HERO4 camera is 1.5 cubic inches – about the size of an ice block! Even at the average size of action cameras which are about 50% bigger than this, they are still small compared to other point-and-shoot cameras. You can easily carry them in your pocket.
What to Know about Packing your Action Camera

packing your action camera for your study abroad adventure
When packing for your study abroad trip, the size of the Action Cameras, or Adventure Cameras, eliminate the unnecessary space in your luggage. All this convenience and a brilliant device as well! Adventure Cameras are specifically designed for heavy-duty action so they can take up a lot more abuse than you think. They can go where other cameras can’t.
So you are packing your action camera for your study abroad adventure? What kind of case do you need for your Camera, your basic mounts and accessories? Some recommendations:
- Many adventure travel blogs recommend the medium-sized Eagle Tree Travel Bag for the camera itself – like these cameras themselves, this travel bag is very tough and holds everything you need. Consider the Eagle Tree Travel Sack for accessories and mounts.
- If you are planning to do a lot of adventure photography on your trip, pack a few extra chargers and batteries so you can charge multiple batteries simultaneously each night. A whole day of shooting with your Action Camera is going to use up 2-4 batteries.
- Take memory cards. Many recommend the PNY Turbo.
- We recommend you have a lot of lightweight utility pouches on you to keep things organized. SDR Traveller has these pouches which are made from waterproof material and can be attached to your clothing. Even if you do not plan and water activities, going camping and hiking also leaves you vulnerable to fog and damp getting into your camera.
- Take a Portable Padded Wrap for Lenses – such as the Tenba padded wrap for lenses.
The action camera is idpacking your action camera might be just theincentive you need to create fabulous memories when you travel abroad.
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