A Day in the Life at your English School

 In Travel

Filming a Day in the Life at your English School is a great way to document your study abroad experience.  Taking the idea a bit further you might film a day in the life at your English School more than once during your course. Filming a ‘first impressions’ early on, and then again, in the middle of your course, and, finally, on your graduation day will give you an amazing record of the stages of learning, of adapting and achieving.   Recording a transformative period in your life!

Recording a day in the life at your English school is recording a transformative period in your life!

student drinking coffee at collegeGopro-ing or otherwise filming with your action camera “a day in the life of ….” (whatever you choose) has become really popular and you will see a lot of “A Day in the Life of a (SCHOOL NAME) Student” movies on YouTube.  You will also see “A Day in the Life of a Dentist, a Cat, a Martian, a Firefighter … well, you get the picture!

A great idea out there is to get a remote-control car, a grab-bag of adhesive mounts, and mount your action camera on the car.  On one of the days you could ask your School director if you can drive the car around school and film the students, the classrooms, graduations, get-togethers between classes.  Make sure that your action camera has Wi-Fi capabilities as you are going to chew battery life!  Take videos and stills at goofy angles! Post the results on the school’s website or Facebook page to create interest and excitement around your movie.

With your teacher’s permission and co-operation, students could also use their action cameras during class to record a lesson which requires class members interacting and practising their English.  This could not only improve self-esteem but also help students improve the quality of their work.

Another interesting idea which would make action camera usage in the school a real art form is to attach the camera to a number of students, some teachers, and even a drone for a day and share the resulting video of a day in the life at your English school with other TALK English Schools, as well as on your TALK social media pages.

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