
 In 英語習得


英語では約150もの前置詞があると言われています。On, in, at, by, under, above, beside, to, out, from, for はよく使われる前置詞です。前置詞は他の単語よりも頻繁に使われます。例えば、Of, to, inなどの前置詞は頻繁に使われる英単語トップ10に入っています。

She put the pen on the desk.
We went into the hall.
We meet at 6 am.
The plane under the radar
This was for you.



Prepositions are the words that show location in the physical world, or location in time. The way to recognize a preposition is that it will appear as part of a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase contains no verbs.前置詞は目的語を指し示す働きがあります。こういった前置詞は従属前置詞と呼ばれます。

例. glance, laugh, wait
Mimi laughed at the cartoon
I waited at the front gates

例. approve, consist, died, smell
She doesn’t approve of that man
My room consists of a bed.
The car smells of mold

例. call, ask, look, caring, prepare
Did you call me greedy?
We asked for the bill.
Don’t look for love there.
Shane has been caring for his mother.
Prepare for the cold winters here!


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