10 Weird Things about America

 In Culture Exchange

Living in America you may think you know everything there is to know. On the contrary, here are 10 weird things weird things about Americaabout America you may not have known about!

  1. The state of Montana has up to 3 times the number of cows than it does people. That’s a lot of steaks.
  2. About 3000lbs of food is wasted in the average US supermarket each and every year. Some of this food could be used for the less fortunate but isn’t.
  3. The average US citizen each year drinks equivalent to over 600 sodas. That’s a lot of sugar!
  4. California is the official state of the grizzly bear, although there hasn’t been a sighting of the grizzly bear in California since 1922.
  5. The USA features a higher population percentage in prison than that of any other nation on earth. But then again it is one of the largest countries in the world.
  6. Today 25 million adults in the American society are still living with their parents. This is said to be due to either laziness, lack of jobs or poverty.
  7. It is said that 1 out of 7 Americans have at least 10 credit cards. This helps to contribute to the growing debt and poverty of the American society.
  8. Although job growth is on the rise, there are more unemployed people in the USA than people living in Greece. That’s a lot of unemployed people in the USA
  9. The USA has a 22 percent rating of teen pregnancy. This is the highest in the world. It is said that more should be done to help teach teenagers the ins and outs of pregnancy, birth, and raising a child.
  10. If Bill Gates gave up his fortune to the United States government it would be able to cover the US budget deficit for up to 15 days.
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