Women’s Day In America

 In College Life

International Women’s Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social Women's Dayachievements of women past, present and future. In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women’s Day is a national holiday.

Suffragettes campaigned for women’s right to vote. The word ‘Suffragette’ is derived from the word “suffrage” meaning the right to vote. International Women’s Day honours the work of the Suffragettes, celebrates women’s success, and reminds of inequities still to be redressed. The first International Women’s Day event was run in 1911.

Women’s Day celebrates women’s achievement and recognized the important role that they play in society.

Make Women’s Day this year special:

  1. Wear a purple ribbon. Women’s power has been associated with purple since the suffragette movement.
  2. Show kindness and help others, especially women, by doing something for them to help ease the stress of their day.
  3. Learn and be more informed about the importance of women in the world. Learn about women in other parts of the world and what their lives are like. Maybe you could work out ways to help them. International Women’s Day extends to all parts of the world.
  4. Spread the spirit and the word of International Women’s Day. Celebrate women as mothers, sisters, daughters, workers.
  5. Participate in a Women’s Day event being held in your city or town.

No matter where you live in the USA or the world, you too can get together and raise awareness and support for women while celebrating all they do in the world.

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