Father’s Day: Celebrating Fathers Around The World

 In College Life

fathersFather’s Day, which falls on Sunday June 19 in 2016, recognizes fathers in the USA and the world over. Father’s Day is a day of appreciation for what fathers do in their children’s lives. It honors fathers, and all those who play a paternal role in children’s lives, whether they be stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, or foster fathers.

In today’s world, fathers are more hands-on with their children. Men realize that they have an important role to play in shaping values and providing stability and a loving environment in the home, and that this role is no less influential for a child than a mother’s. Fathers often go unrecognized and so this day is a perfect time to show that we care about and respect the way that fathers have stepped into the role of being active co-parents.

In fact, many fathers are choosing to stay at home to look after the children while their wife goes out to work. With the high divorce rate, single fathers are common and, with laws which understand and promote the value of co-parenting, they play an equal role in raising their children. Studies reveal that stay-at-home-fathers number 2 million in the USA, a figure nearly double to the number of stay-at-home fathers in 1989.

Today, stay-at-home dads are celebrated for stepping up and taking over the reins for the mother for any number of reasons. Although no matter whether you’re a stay-at-home father or a working father, a father-figure and a great role model is the best thing you can do for the children in your lives and the leaders and citizens of the future.

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