Fine Art America – 50 Great American Paintings

 In Culture Exchange

Fine American Art has paved the way for some incredible and memorable artwork which is now known throughoutfine art the world today. American painting has been influenced by parts of the world while fine American art brings out something from the past and history of the USA while making you feel connected.

The following are 50 great paintings that are well known today.

50 Fine Art American Paintings 

1.      George Washington (Athenaeum)

Painter: Gilbert Stuart

Year: 1796


2.      Washington Crossing the Delaware

Painter: Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze

Year: 1851


3.      George Washington Carver Crossing the Delaware: Page from an American History Textbook

Painter: Robert H. Colescott

Year: 1975


4.      Three Flags

Painter: Jasper Johns

Year: 1958


5.      President Elect

Painter: James Rosenquist

Year: 1960-61 and 1964


6.      Barack Obama/Hope

Painter: Shepard Fairey

Year: 2008


7.      Untitled

Painter: Irina Rozeal Brown

Year: 2003


8.      Amethyst Hummingbird with a White Orchid

Painter: Martin Johnson Heade

Year: ca. 1870-1880


9.      Death of General Wolfe

Painter: Benjamin West

Year: 1770


10.  Great America

Painter: Kerry James Marshall

Year: 1994


11.  The Old Plantation

Painter: probably John Rose

Year: 1785-1790


12.  Self-Portrait

Painter: Chuck Close

Year: c.2000-1


13.  The Artist in His Museum

Painter: Charles Wilson Peale

Year: 1822


14.  Peaceable Kingdom

Painter: Edward Hicks

Year: ca. 1825-30


15.  Watson and the Shark

Painter: John Singleton Copley

Year: 1778


16.  The Jolly Flatboatman

Painter: George Caleb Bingham

Year: 1846


17.  Dean Berkeley and his Entourage (aka the Bermuda Group)

Painter: John Smibert

Year: ca.1729-39


18.  Reverend John Atwood and His Family

Painter: Henry F. Darby

Year: 1845


19.  Gallery of the Louvre

Painter: Samuel F.B. Morse

Year: 1831-33


20.  Kindred Spirits

Painter: Asher Brown Durand

Year: 1849


21.  The Veteran in a New Field

Painter: Winslow Homer

Year: 1865


22.  The Gross Clinic

Painter: Thomas Eakins

Year: 1875


23.  Spectrum

Painter: Richard Philips

Year: 1998


24.  Christina’s World

Painter: Andrew Newell Wyeth

Year: 1948


25.  Madam Pierre Gautreau (aka Madame X)

Painter: John Singer Sargent

Year: 1884


26.  Elizabeth Clarke Freake and Baby Maryfine art

Painter: Anonymous

Year: c.1671-74


27.  Arrangement in Grey and Black: Portrait of the Painter’s Mother

Painter: James Abbott McNeill Whistler

Year: 1871


28.  Portrait of the Artist’s Mother

Painter: Henry Ossawa Tanner

Year: 1897


29.  The Grass Fire (Back-Firing)

Painter: Frederick Remington

Year: ca. 1908


30.  Sugar Shack

Painter: Ernie Barnes

Year: ca. 1972


31.  Stag at Sharkeys

Painter: George Bellows

Year: 1909


32.  Brooklyn Bridge

Painter: Joseph Stella

Year: 1919-1920


33.  Woolworth Building no. 31

Painter: John Marin

Year: 1920


34.  American Gothic

Painter: Grant Wood

Year: 1930


35.  Jack-in-the-Pulpit

Painter: Georgia O’Keeffe

Year: 1930


36.  Nighthawks

Painter: Edward Hopper

Year: 1942


37.  Untitled

Painter: Lee Krasner

Year: 1949


38.  One: Number 31

Painter: Jackson Pollock

Year: 1950


39.  Sleepwalker

Painter: Eric Fischl

Year: 1979


40.  Elegy to the Spanish Republic

Painter: Robert Motherwell, LXX

Year: c. 1961


41.  Skylight

Painter: Alma W. Thomas

Year: c. 1973


42.  Carol

Painter: Patrick Nagel

Year: c. 1980s


43.  Untitled

Painter: Keith Haring and Andy Warhol

Year: 1985


44.  Allegory

Painter: Kara Walker

Year: 1996


45.  Pantocrator

Painter: Vincent Desiderio

Year: 2002


46.  View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts (The Oxbow)

Painter: Thomas Cole

Year: 1836


47.  Portrait of a German Officer

Painter: Marsden Hartley

Year: 1914


48.  Bush at Abu Ghraib

Painter: Peter Saul

Year: 2006


49.  Ledger Painting (Abbott Ledger Book)fine art

Painter: Cheyenne Tribe

Year: ca. 1870s


50.  Freedom from Want

Painter: Norman Rockwell

Year: 1943

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