A Few Volunteer Ideas and Activities

 In College Life

As a study abroad student it’s so easy to get caught up with your everyday routine. Between daily errands, managing Volunteer Ideasyour money, your studies, social life and extracurricular activities you may decide you do not have time to do anything else. Although these activities may be important in your life, why not take make a little time – a hour a week, say, to participate in a volunteer activity and have the satisfaction of giving to a cause or to those less fortunate than yourself others.

Volunteer Ideas For Student

Give Blood

Giving blood is one of the best ways that you can help save lives. Your blood donation is used for those who may require a blood transfusion. If you can’t give blood yourself due to issues such as iron deficiency, why not help organise a blood drive to help collect more blood for life saving opportunities.


Coaching kids is a great way to give back to many people. Whether you’re coaching a sports team or helping to coach kids with life skills, you can really make a difference.


Why not help tutor someone in a subject that you are proficient at, such as computer skills or math? Not only will you help your pupil, but you will also pick up English terminology for these particular skills or subjects.

Become A Role Model

There are many different organizations which help provide mentoring relationships for children. If you’re interested in this field, you can look into programs such as:

  • Big Brother, Big Sister
  • National Mentoring Alliance
  • National mentor partnership
  • Experience Corps

Just Be A Volunteer

Find out what local projects or organizations exist that enable you to become a volunteer involved in helping animals, children, the elderly, etc.



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