How Study Abroad Makes You A More Informed Person

 In Study Abroad 101

A study abroad experience is probably one of the highlights of your life, whether it is before or after you attend study abroad university, but certainly before you get a job and settle down. You possess the right amount of curiosity, confidence and ambition to take this important step in your young adult life, knowing that it will result in better opportunities and experiences in the future. Study abroad not only helps to improve your academic and your life skills; it also makes you a more informed person about yourself and about the world around you.

How You Are More Informed As A Person

  • Better Understanding Of Yourself – Study abroad often lead to a better understanding of yourself.  It opens doors to worlds and possibilities that allow you to explore your feelings and your opinions in ways that have not occurred before in a more shielded stage of your life.  You become more in-tune with your emotions, have more confidence, and find new ways of interacting with people around you. This self-knowledge enable you to be a better decision maker and judge of situations and people.  This is often referred to as ‘worldliness.’
  • Have A Better World Understanding – As you travel and meet new people, see new places and live alongside other cultures, you develop a knowledge and understanding of how other societies work and why
  • Understanding Of World Threats – No matter where you travel around the world, there is always something going on which you need to be aware of – conflicts, unrest, crime – are part of our world. Information is crucial to ensure your well-being and to alert you to situations in the world which are best avoided.


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