Decorate Your Room Ideas When Studying

 In College Life

One of the highlights of studying abroad is having a room in which you can decorate. Even if you are sharing a room Room Decoration Tipswith another student you can decorate your room and make it feel like home. The following are some fantastic decorate your room ideas you can use to make your room stand out and feel more relaxed when studying abroad.

Room Decoration Tips

  1. Hang a giant map and place dots on it where you have been around the world. This will allow you to keep track of where you have been and where you might want to go.
  2. Create a cork board with a funky style with actual corks. Decorate it with pictures of the ones you love to give you a sense of home.
  3. Hang a blackboard on the wall. Not only will it give you a fun place to place things but it will give you extra space to write your notes.
  4. Use patterned or colored tape as photo frame. Your pictures will look amazing and will give them that extra something special to make them stand out.
  5. Install invisible shelves on your walls so it looks as if your books are floating.
  6. Removable wall stickers are also a great way to decorate a room. Not only can you mix and match your picture but you can also create a beautiful scene that can represent who you are.
  7. Make a sunglasses coat hanger. Simply take a coat hanger, hang it on the wall, and place all your sunglasses on it.
  8. Install fairy lights around the room. These can really highlight your area and make it look fabulous each time you walk into it.
  9. Use glass bottles and wine bottles as vases to give that extra flair to the room.
  10. If you have your own toilet, why not hang up some newspapers or book pages on the walls so you can read while doing your business.

As you can see there are plenty of fun things you can do to decorate your room. Why not try some today and see what you can create in your room.


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