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Hope it will always be alive!', 0, '1', 'Opera/9.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)', '', 0, 0), (95, 194, 'TALK', 'fransy.castillo@talk.edu', 'http://', '', '2009-12-03 09:36:14', '2009-12-03 14:36:14', 'Hi Alexander,\r\n\r\nWe have two test dates in February both for Academic and General tests - Thursday Feb. 11th 2010 at Davie, Ft. Lauderdale location and Saturday Feb. 20th 2010 at our office in Miami.\r\n\r\nPlease click on the link to look at the information about how to register for the test http://www.talk.edu/ielts/how-to-apply.php \r\n\r\nThank you for your interest!', 0, '1', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; SU 3.24; GTB6.3; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0)', '', 0, 1), (126, 207, 'ahmed', 'Ahmedtotti_2009@hotmail.com', '', '', '2010-02-25 16:01:09', '2010-02-25 21:01:09', 'i like learn English in usa and i like take avisa', 0, '1', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100202 Firefox/3.5.8', '', 0, 0), (154, 233, 'Tweets that mention TOEFL Preparation Courses in Florida | TALK International in the USA -- Topsy.com', '', 'http://topsy.com/trackback?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L1&url=http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/%3Fp=233', '', '2010-05-14 21:18:15', '2010-05-15 02:18:15', '[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TALK International. TALK International said: News update: TOEFL Preparation Course - The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to... http://ow.ly/17mP64 [...]', 0, '0', 'SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.08', 'pingback', 0, 0), (175, 54, 'mydaylerarets', 'jitteehixm@gawab.com', '', '', '2010-06-24 09:18:16', '2010-06-24 14:18:16', 'thank!', 0, '1', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Deepnet Explorer 1.5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)', '', 0, 0), (173, 14, 'qfpimgt', 'dvgteo@depsoa.com', 'http://hdhlptvrbakk.com/', '', '2010-06-12 04:55:53', '2010-06-12 09:55:53', 'G8RrPp lddbhjxbkqrt, [url=http://ddzpiicgirfa.com/]ddzpiicgirfa[/url], [link=http://sgsntsgdadff.com/]sgsntsgdadff[/link], http://jeanjrglfaek.com/', 0, 'spam', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', '', 0, 0), (94, 194, 'alexander feri', 'a_feri2001@yahoo.com', '', '', '2009-12-01 07:55:12', '2009-12-01 12:55:12', 'Can i please know the exam dates and location for the month of February. I am willing to take the exam in miami or places where you will administer it.\r\n\r\nThanks', 0, '1', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009101601 Firefox/3.0.15 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)', '', 0, 0), (171, 207, 'Lenita', 'lenitaprima@hotmail.com', '', '', '2010-06-02 05:39:29', '2010-06-02 10:39:29', 'Gostaria de falar com os brasileiros que fizeram o curso para mais informaçoes.\r\nobrigada\r\nLenita', 0, '1', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; GTB6; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618)', '', 0, 0); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `wp_links` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_links` ( `link_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `link_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `link_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `link_image` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `link_target` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `link_category` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', `link_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `link_visible` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'Y', `link_owner` int(11) NOT NULL default '1', `link_rating` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `link_updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `link_rel` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `link_notes` mediumtext NOT NULL, `link_rss` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`link_id`), KEY `link_category` (`link_category`), KEY `link_visible` (`link_visible`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=13 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `wp_links` -- INSERT INTO `wp_links` (`link_id`, `link_url`, `link_name`, `link_image`, `link_target`, `link_category`, `link_description`, `link_visible`, `link_owner`, `link_rating`, `link_updated`, `link_rel`, `link_notes`, `link_rss`) VALUES (12, 'http://www.cityofboston.gov/', 'City of Boston', '', '_blank', 0, 'Boston, Massachusetts. 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After nearly 11 million downloads of WordPress 3.0 in just 42 days, we’re releasing WordPress 3.0.1. The requisite haiku:


Three dot oh dot one
\nBug fixes to make you smile
\nUpdate your WordPress


This maintenance release addresses about 50 minor issues. The testing many of you contributed prior to the release of 3.0 helped make it one of the best and most stable releases we’ve had.


Download 3.0.1 or update automatically from the Dashboard > Updates menu in your site’s admin area.


Note: If you downloaded 3.0.1 in the first 20 minutes of release (before 2200 UTC), you’ll want to reinstall it, which you can do right from your Updates screen. Our bad.

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:55:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/wordpress-3-0-1/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:338:"After nearly 11 million downloads of WordPress 3.0 in just 42 days, we’re releasing WordPress 3.0.1. The requisite haiku: Three dot oh dot one Bug fixes to make you smile Update your WordPress This maintenance release addresses about 50 minor issues. The testing many of you contributed prior to the release of 3.0 helped make [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:951:"

After nearly 11 million downloads of WordPress 3.0 in just 42 days, we’re releasing WordPress 3.0.1. The requisite haiku:


Three dot oh dot one
\nBug fixes to make you smile
\nUpdate your WordPress


This maintenance release addresses about 50 minor issues. The testing many of you contributed prior to the release of 3.0 helped make it one of the best and most stable releases we’ve had.


Download 3.0.1 or update automatically from the Dashboard > Updates menu in your site’s admin area.


Note: If you downloaded 3.0.1 in the first 20 minutes of release (before 2200 UTC), you’ll want to reinstall it, which you can do right from your Updates screen. Our bad.

\n";}i:1;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:42:"PHP 4 and MySQL 4 End of Life Announcement";s:4:"link";s:58:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/eol-for-php4-and-mysql4/";s:8:"comments";s:67:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/eol-for-php4-and-mysql4/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 23 Jul 2010 19:01:46 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:12:"Mark Jaquith";}s:8:"category";s:27:"HostingMySQLPHPrequirements";s:4:"guid";s:33:"http://wordpress.org/news/?p=1447";s:11:"description";s:348:"Our approach with WordPress has always been to make it run on common server configurations. We want users to have flexibility when choosing a host for their precious content. Because of this strategy, WordPress runs pretty much anywhere. Web hosting platforms, however, change over time, and we occasionally are able to reevaluate some of the [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:3021:"

Our approach with WordPress has always been to make it run on common server configurations. We want users to have flexibility when choosing a host for their precious content. Because of this strategy, WordPress runs pretty much anywhere. Web hosting platforms, however, change over time, and we occasionally are able to reevaluate some of the requirements for running WordPress. Now is one of those times. You probably guessed it from the title — we’re finally ready to announce the end of support for PHP 4 and MySQL 4!


First up, the announcement that developers really care about. WordPress 3.1, due in late 2010, will be the last version of WordPress to support PHP 4.


For WordPress 3.2, due in the first half of 2011, we will be raising the minimum required PHP version to 5.2. Why 5.2? Because that’s what the vast majority of WordPress users are using, and it offers substantial improvements over earlier PHP 5 releases. It is also the minimum PHP version that the Drupal and Joomla projects will be supporting in their next versions, both due out this year.


The numbers are now, finally, strongly in favor of this move. Only around 11 percent of WordPress installs are running on a PHP version below 5.2. Many of them are on hosts who support PHP 5.2 — users merely need to change a setting in their hosting control panel to activate it. We believe that percentage will only go down over the rest of the year as hosting providers realize that to support the newest versions of WordPress (or Drupal, or Joomla), they’re going to have to pull the trigger.


In less exciting news, we are also going to be dropping support for MySQL 4 after WordPress 3.1. Fewer than 6 percent of WordPress users are running MySQL 4. The new required MySQL version for WordPress 3.2 will be 5.0.15.


WordPress users will not be able to upgrade to WordPress 3.2 if their hosting environment does not meet these requirements (the built-in updater will prevent it). In order to determine which versions your host provides, we’ve created the Health Check plugin. You can download it manually, or use this handy plugin installation tool I whipped up. Right now, Health Check will only tell you if you’re ready for WordPress 3.2. In a future release it will provide all sorts of useful information about your server and your WordPress install, so hang on to it!


In summary: WordPress 3.1, due in late 2010, will be the last version of WordPress to support PHP 4 and MySQL 4. WordPress 3.2, due in the first half of 2011, will require PHP 5.2 or higher, and MySQL 5.0.15 or higher. Install the Health Check plugin to see if you’re ready!

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:63:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/eol-for-php4-and-mysql4/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:348:"Our approach with WordPress has always been to make it run on common server configurations. We want users to have flexibility when choosing a host for their precious content. Because of this strategy, WordPress runs pretty much anywhere. Web hosting platforms, however, change over time, and we occasionally are able to reevaluate some of the [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:3021:"

Our approach with WordPress has always been to make it run on common server configurations. We want users to have flexibility when choosing a host for their precious content. Because of this strategy, WordPress runs pretty much anywhere. Web hosting platforms, however, change over time, and we occasionally are able to reevaluate some of the requirements for running WordPress. Now is one of those times. You probably guessed it from the title — we’re finally ready to announce the end of support for PHP 4 and MySQL 4!


First up, the announcement that developers really care about. WordPress 3.1, due in late 2010, will be the last version of WordPress to support PHP 4.


For WordPress 3.2, due in the first half of 2011, we will be raising the minimum required PHP version to 5.2. Why 5.2? Because that’s what the vast majority of WordPress users are using, and it offers substantial improvements over earlier PHP 5 releases. It is also the minimum PHP version that the Drupal and Joomla projects will be supporting in their next versions, both due out this year.


The numbers are now, finally, strongly in favor of this move. Only around 11 percent of WordPress installs are running on a PHP version below 5.2. Many of them are on hosts who support PHP 5.2 — users merely need to change a setting in their hosting control panel to activate it. We believe that percentage will only go down over the rest of the year as hosting providers realize that to support the newest versions of WordPress (or Drupal, or Joomla), they’re going to have to pull the trigger.


In less exciting news, we are also going to be dropping support for MySQL 4 after WordPress 3.1. Fewer than 6 percent of WordPress users are running MySQL 4. The new required MySQL version for WordPress 3.2 will be 5.0.15.


WordPress users will not be able to upgrade to WordPress 3.2 if their hosting environment does not meet these requirements (the built-in updater will prevent it). In order to determine which versions your host provides, we’ve created the Health Check plugin. You can download it manually, or use this handy plugin installation tool I whipped up. Right now, Health Check will only tell you if you’re ready for WordPress 3.2. In a future release it will provide all sorts of useful information about your server and your WordPress install, so hang on to it!


In summary: WordPress 3.1, due in late 2010, will be the last version of WordPress to support PHP 4 and MySQL 4. WordPress 3.2, due in the first half of 2011, will require PHP 5.2 or higher, and MySQL 5.0.15 or higher. Install the Health Check plugin to see if you’re ready!

\n";}i:2;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:41:"100 Million Plugin Downloads and Counting";s:4:"link";s:46:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/100-million/";s:8:"comments";s:55:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/100-million/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 02 Jul 2010 17:48:34 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:12:"Andrew Nacin";}s:8:"category";s:20:"CommunityDevelopment";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1429";s:11:"description";s:364:"WordPress 3.0 Thelonious passed 3 million downloads yesterday, and today the plugin directory followed suit with a milestone of its own: 100 million downloads. The WordPress community’s growth over the years has been tremendous, and we want to reinvest in it. So we’re taking the next two months to concentrate on improving WordPress.org. A major [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:2319:"

WordPress 3.0 Thelonious passed 3 million downloads yesterday, and today the plugin directory followed suit with a milestone of its own: 100 million downloads.


The WordPress community’s growth over the years has been tremendous, and we want to reinvest in it. So we’re taking the next two months to concentrate on improving WordPress.org. A major part of that will be improving the infrastructure of the plugins directory. More than 10,000 plugins are in the directory, every one of them GPL compatible and free as in both beer and speech. Here’s what we have in mind:


We want to provide developers the tools they need to build the best possible plugins. We’re going to provide better integration with the forums so you can support your users. We’ll make more statistics available to you so you can analyze your user base, and over time we hope to make it easier for you to manage, build, and release localized plugins.


We want to improve how the core software works with your plugin and the plugin directory. We’re going to focus on ensuring seamless upgrades by making the best possible determinations about compatibility, and offer continual improvements to the plugin installer. And we also want to give you a better developer tool set like SVN notifications and improvements to the bug tracker.


We’re also going to experiment with other great ideas to help the community help plugin authors. We want it to be easy for you to offer comments to plugin authors and the community, including user reviews and better feedback. We may experiment with an adoption process for abandoned plugins as a way to revitalize hidden gems in the directory. I’m not sure there is a better way to show how extendable WordPress is and how awesome this community is at the same time.


As Matt said in the 3.0 release announcement, our goal isn’t to make everything perfect all at once. But we think incremental improvements can provide us with a great base for 3.1 and beyond, and for the tens of millions of users, and hundreds of millions of plugin downloads to come.

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:51:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/100-million/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:364:"WordPress 3.0 Thelonious passed 3 million downloads yesterday, and today the plugin directory followed suit with a milestone of its own: 100 million downloads. The WordPress community’s growth over the years has been tremendous, and we want to reinvest in it. So we’re taking the next two months to concentrate on improving WordPress.org. A major [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:2319:"

WordPress 3.0 Thelonious passed 3 million downloads yesterday, and today the plugin directory followed suit with a milestone of its own: 100 million downloads.


The WordPress community’s growth over the years has been tremendous, and we want to reinvest in it. So we’re taking the next two months to concentrate on improving WordPress.org. A major part of that will be improving the infrastructure of the plugins directory. More than 10,000 plugins are in the directory, every one of them GPL compatible and free as in both beer and speech. Here’s what we have in mind:


We want to provide developers the tools they need to build the best possible plugins. We’re going to provide better integration with the forums so you can support your users. We’ll make more statistics available to you so you can analyze your user base, and over time we hope to make it easier for you to manage, build, and release localized plugins.


We want to improve how the core software works with your plugin and the plugin directory. We’re going to focus on ensuring seamless upgrades by making the best possible determinations about compatibility, and offer continual improvements to the plugin installer. And we also want to give you a better developer tool set like SVN notifications and improvements to the bug tracker.


We’re also going to experiment with other great ideas to help the community help plugin authors. We want it to be easy for you to offer comments to plugin authors and the community, including user reviews and better feedback. We may experiment with an adoption process for abandoned plugins as a way to revitalize hidden gems in the directory. I’m not sure there is a better way to show how extendable WordPress is and how awesome this community is at the same time.


As Matt said in the 3.0 release announcement, our goal isn’t to make everything perfect all at once. But we think incremental improvements can provide us with a great base for 3.1 and beyond, and for the tens of millions of users, and hundreds of millions of plugin downloads to come.

\n";}i:3;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:18:"Summer of WordCamp";s:4:"link";s:53:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/summer-of-wordcamp/";s:8:"comments";s:62:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/summer-of-wordcamp/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 29 Jun 2010 17:19:45 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"Jane Wells";}s:8:"category";s:17:"CommunityWordCamp";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1418";s:11:"description";s:355:"It’s been summer for about a week now. Whether you’re on vacation or burning the midnight oil, attending a local/nearby WordCamp is a great way to spend a weekend. Meet other WordPress users, developers, designers & consultants, learn a little something, maybe share a little of your own experience and knowledge, and break bread (or [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:5678:"

It’s been summer for about a week now. Whether you’re on vacation or burning the midnight oil, attending a local/nearby WordCamp is a great way to spend a weekend. Meet other WordPress users, developers, designers & consultants, learn a little something, maybe share a little of your own experience and knowledge, and break bread (or raise a toast) with new friends and collaborators. Here are the WordCamps scheduled for this summer, along with what I know about them.


July 3: WordCamp Germany – Berlin, Germany. I love it that they’re using BuddyPress for their event site. They have multiple tracks, and what looks to be a nice variety of sessions. It’s only a few days away, so if you’re thinking of going, get your tickets now!


July 10: WordCamp Boulder – Boulder, Colorado, USA. This was WordCamp Denver last year, but the organizers have decided to mix it up and go back and forth between Denver and Boulder, which also has a thriving tech community. This year the venue is the Boulder Theater (so pretty!), and there will sessions for bloggers and devs alike, plus a Genius Bar to help people get their WordPress sites all fixed up. The speaker lineup looks good, and I hear they’re pumping up the wifi this year. I’ll be there, likely hunched over a notebook with Lisa Sabin-Wilson (author of WordPress for Dummies and BuddyPress for Dummies) to talk about the WordPress User Handbook project, and/or hunched over a sketchbook with Kevin Conboy (designed the new lighter “on” state for admin menus in WordPress 3.0) to work out a new default WordCamp.org theme (using BuddyPress). You can still get tickets!


July 17–18: WordCamp UK- Manchester, England, UK. The roving WordCamp UK will be in Manchester this year, and is probably the closest to BarCamp style of all the WordCamps, using a wiki to plan some speakers/sessions and organizing the rest ad-hoc on the first day of the event. I’ll be attending this one as well, and am looking forward to seeing WordPress lead developer Peter Westwood again. I’m also looking forward to meeting some core contributors for the first time in person, like Simon Wheatley and John O’Nolan. Mike Little, co-founder of WordPress, is on the organizing team of WordCamp UK. Tickets on sale now!


July 24: WordCamp Nigeria – Lagos, Nigeria. Their site seems to have a virus, so no link from here, but if you’re in Nigeria and interested in attending/getting involved, a quick Google search will get you to the organizers.


August 7: WordCamp Houston – Houston, TX, USA. Houston, Texas, birthplace of WordPress! Fittingly, Matt Mullenweg will be there to give the keynote. WordCamp Houston is running three tracks — Business, Blogger and Developer — in recognition of the fact that people who are interested in using WordPress for their business may not actually be bloggers or developers themselves. This used to get labeled as a “CMS” track at previous WordCamps (including NYC 2009), but with WordPress 3.0 supporting CMS functionality out of the box, “Business” is a much more appropriate label. Who wants to bet on if there will be BBQ for lunch?


August 7 : WordCamp Iowa – Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Another placeholder page. Happening, not happening? I’ve emailed the organizer and will update this post once I know more.


August 7–8: WordCamp New Zealand – Auckland, New Zealand. They haven’t announced this year’s speakers or topics, but they’ve been running polls to get community input into the program. Of note: in 2011 WordCamp New Zealand will be shifting seasons and will be in February instead, when the weather is nicer.


August 20–22: WordCamp Savannah – Savannah, Georgia, USA. Disclaimer: I am completely biased about Savannah, since I’m one of the organizers. This will be the first WordCamp in Savannah, and it’s being held at the Savannah College of Art and Design River Club, an awesome venue that used to be a cotton warehouse or something like that. Since Savannah doesn’t really have a cohesive WordPress community yet (though a fair number of people from Savannah attended WordCamp Atlanta earlier this year), this WordCamp is aimed squarely at building a local community. We’ll have a local meet-and-greet, regular sessions with visiting speakers (lots of core contributors coming to this one, plus Matt), and on Sunday it will be combination unconference/genius bar/collaborative workspace. Oh, and a potluck! We’ll also be running a pre-WordCamp workshop for people who have never used WordPress but want to get started, so that they’ll be able to follow the presentations and conversations littered with WordPress-specific vocabulary over the weekend. Ticket sales just opened, so get your tickets now.


For a schedule of all upcoming WordCamps, visit wordcamp.org. The autumn schedule is already packed! If you don’t see WordCamp in your area and are interested in organizing one, get more information and let us know.

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:58:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/summer-of-wordcamp/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:355:"It’s been summer for about a week now. Whether you’re on vacation or burning the midnight oil, attending a local/nearby WordCamp is a great way to spend a weekend. Meet other WordPress users, developers, designers & consultants, learn a little something, maybe share a little of your own experience and knowledge, and break bread (or [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:5678:"

It’s been summer for about a week now. Whether you’re on vacation or burning the midnight oil, attending a local/nearby WordCamp is a great way to spend a weekend. Meet other WordPress users, developers, designers & consultants, learn a little something, maybe share a little of your own experience and knowledge, and break bread (or raise a toast) with new friends and collaborators. Here are the WordCamps scheduled for this summer, along with what I know about them.


July 3: WordCamp Germany – Berlin, Germany. I love it that they’re using BuddyPress for their event site. They have multiple tracks, and what looks to be a nice variety of sessions. It’s only a few days away, so if you’re thinking of going, get your tickets now!


July 10: WordCamp Boulder – Boulder, Colorado, USA. This was WordCamp Denver last year, but the organizers have decided to mix it up and go back and forth between Denver and Boulder, which also has a thriving tech community. This year the venue is the Boulder Theater (so pretty!), and there will sessions for bloggers and devs alike, plus a Genius Bar to help people get their WordPress sites all fixed up. The speaker lineup looks good, and I hear they’re pumping up the wifi this year. I’ll be there, likely hunched over a notebook with Lisa Sabin-Wilson (author of WordPress for Dummies and BuddyPress for Dummies) to talk about the WordPress User Handbook project, and/or hunched over a sketchbook with Kevin Conboy (designed the new lighter “on” state for admin menus in WordPress 3.0) to work out a new default WordCamp.org theme (using BuddyPress). You can still get tickets!


July 17–18: WordCamp UK- Manchester, England, UK. The roving WordCamp UK will be in Manchester this year, and is probably the closest to BarCamp style of all the WordCamps, using a wiki to plan some speakers/sessions and organizing the rest ad-hoc on the first day of the event. I’ll be attending this one as well, and am looking forward to seeing WordPress lead developer Peter Westwood again. I’m also looking forward to meeting some core contributors for the first time in person, like Simon Wheatley and John O’Nolan. Mike Little, co-founder of WordPress, is on the organizing team of WordCamp UK. Tickets on sale now!


July 24: WordCamp Nigeria – Lagos, Nigeria. Their site seems to have a virus, so no link from here, but if you’re in Nigeria and interested in attending/getting involved, a quick Google search will get you to the organizers.


August 7: WordCamp Houston – Houston, TX, USA. Houston, Texas, birthplace of WordPress! Fittingly, Matt Mullenweg will be there to give the keynote. WordCamp Houston is running three tracks — Business, Blogger and Developer — in recognition of the fact that people who are interested in using WordPress for their business may not actually be bloggers or developers themselves. This used to get labeled as a “CMS” track at previous WordCamps (including NYC 2009), but with WordPress 3.0 supporting CMS functionality out of the box, “Business” is a much more appropriate label. Who wants to bet on if there will be BBQ for lunch?


August 7 : WordCamp Iowa – Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Another placeholder page. Happening, not happening? I’ve emailed the organizer and will update this post once I know more.


August 7–8: WordCamp New Zealand – Auckland, New Zealand. They haven’t announced this year’s speakers or topics, but they’ve been running polls to get community input into the program. Of note: in 2011 WordCamp New Zealand will be shifting seasons and will be in February instead, when the weather is nicer.


August 20–22: WordCamp Savannah – Savannah, Georgia, USA. Disclaimer: I am completely biased about Savannah, since I’m one of the organizers. This will be the first WordCamp in Savannah, and it’s being held at the Savannah College of Art and Design River Club, an awesome venue that used to be a cotton warehouse or something like that. Since Savannah doesn’t really have a cohesive WordPress community yet (though a fair number of people from Savannah attended WordCamp Atlanta earlier this year), this WordCamp is aimed squarely at building a local community. We’ll have a local meet-and-greet, regular sessions with visiting speakers (lots of core contributors coming to this one, plus Matt), and on Sunday it will be combination unconference/genius bar/collaborative workspace. Oh, and a potluck! We’ll also be running a pre-WordCamp workshop for people who have never used WordPress but want to get started, so that they’ll be able to follow the presentations and conversations littered with WordPress-specific vocabulary over the weekend. Ticket sales just opened, so get your tickets now.


For a schedule of all upcoming WordCamps, visit wordcamp.org. The autumn schedule is already packed! If you don’t see WordCamp in your area and are interested in organizing one, get more information and let us know.

\n";}i:4;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:26:"WordPress 3.0 "Thelonious"";s:4:"link";s:45:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/thelonious/";s:8:"comments";s:54:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/thelonious/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:26:36 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";}s:8:"category";s:8:"Releases";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1380";s:11:"description";s:341:"Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:38078:"

Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies. (Twenty Ten theme shows all of that off.) Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation. As a user, you will love the new lighter interface, the contextual help on every screen, the 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements, bulk updates so you can upgrade 15 plugins at once with a single click, and blah blah blah just watch the video. (In HD, if you can, so you can catch the Easter eggs.)



If you’d like to embed the WordPress 3.0 video tour in your blog, copy and paste this code for the high quality version:

<embed src="http://v.wordpress.com/wp-content/plugins/video/flvplayer.swf?ver=1.21" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="360" wmode="transparent" seamlesstabbing="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" overstretch="true" flashvars="guid=BQtfIEY1&amp;width=640&amp;height=360&amp;locksize=no&amp;dynamicseek=false&amp;qc_publisherId=p-18-mFEk4J448M" title="Introducing WordPress 3.0 &quot;Thelonious&quot;"></embed>

For a more comprehensive look at everything that has improved in 3.0 check out 3.0′s Codex page or the long list of issues in Trac. (We’re trying to keep these announcement posts shorter.) Whew! That’s a lot packed into one release. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the 3.X cycle we’ll be in for the next two and a half years.


The Future


Normally this is where I’d say we’re about to start work on 3.1, but we’re actually not. We’re going to take a release cycle off to focus on all of the things around WordPress. The growth of the community has been breathtaking, including over 10.3 million downloads of version 2.9, but so much of our effort has been focused on the core software it hasn’t left much time for anything else. Over the next three months we’re going to split into ninja/pirate teams focused on different areas of the around-WordPress experience, including the showcase, Codex, forums, profiles, update and compatibility APIs, theme directory, plugin directory, mailing lists, core plugins, wordcamp.org… the possibilities are endless. The goal of the teams isn’t going to be to make things perfect all at once, just better than they are today. We think this investment of time will give us a much stronger infrastructure to grow WordPress.org for the many tens of millions of users that will join us during the 3.X release cycle.


It Takes a Village


I’m proud to acknowledge the contributions of the following 218 people to the 3.0 release cycle. These are the folks that make WordPress what it is, whose collaboration and hard work enable us to build something greater than the sum of our parts. In alphabetical order, of course.


Committers: azaozz (Andrew Ozz) (prof), dd32 (Dion Hulse) (prof), donncha (Donncha O Caoimh) (prof), iammattthomas (Matt Thomas) (prof), josephscott (Joseph Scott) (prof), markjaquith (Mark Jaquith) (prof), matt (Matt Mullenweg) (prof), nacin (Andrew Nacin) (prof), nbachiyski (??????? ????????) (prof), ryan (Ryan Boren) (prof), westi (Peter Westwood) (prof), and wpmuguru (Ron Rennick) (prof). Contributors: aaroncampbell (Aaron Campbell) (prof), akerem (prof), alexkingorg (Alex King) (prof), amattie (prof), ampt (Luke Gallagher) (prof), andrea_r (prof), andreasnrb (Andreas Nurbo) (prof), anilo4ever (Angelo Verona) (prof), apeatling (Andy Peatling) (prof), apokalyptik (Demitrious Kelly) (prof), arena (André Renaut) (prof), barry (Barry Abrahamson) (prof), batmoo (Mohammad Jangda) (prof), beaulebens (Beau Lebens) (prof), belg4mit (prof), bigdawggi (Matthew G. Richmond) (prof), blepoxp (Glenn Ansley) (prof), brentes (Brent Shepherd) (prof), briancolinger (Brian Colinger) (prof), bumbu (prof), caesarsgrunt (Caesar Schinas) (prof), camiloclc (prof), CAMWebDesign (prof), carbolineum (prof), caspie (prof), catiakitahara (Cátia Kitahara) (prof), CharlesClarkson (Charles Clarkson) (prof), chdorner (Christof Dorner) (prof), chrisbliss18 (Chris Jean) (prof), chrisscott (Chris Scott) (prof), cnorris23 (Brandon Allen) (prof), coffee2code (Scott Reilly) (prof), computerwiz908 (prof), cyberhobo (Dylan Kuhn) (prof), dancole (Dan Cole) (prof), Daniel Koskinen , deepak.seth (Deepak Seth), demetris (???????? ???????) (prof), Denis-de-Bernardy (prof), dimadin (Milan Dini?) (prof), dndrnkrd (Dan Drinkard) (prof), docwhat (prof), dougwrites (\n href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/dougwrites">prof), dphiffer (Dan Phiffer) (prof), dragoonis (prof), dremeda (Dre Armeda) (prof), dtoj , dougal (Dougal Campbell) (prof), duck_ (Jon Cave) (prof), dxjones (David Jones) (prof), eddieringle (Eddie Ringle) (prof), edward mindreantre (Edward Hevlund), eoinomurchu (prof), empireoflight/Ben Dunkle (prof), ericmann (Eric Mann) (prof), etiger13 (Eddie Monge Jr.) (prof), filosofo (Austin Matzko) (prof), firebird75 (prof), frankieroberto (Frankie Roberto) (prof), Frumph (Philip M. Hofer) (prof), garyc40 (Gary Cao) (prof), gautam2011 (prof), Gary Ross (Gazzer) , GDragoN (Milan Petrovic) (prof), greenshady (Justin Tadlock) (prof), GIGALinux (Dennis Morhardt) (prof), hakre (prof), husky (prof), iandstewart (Ian Stewart) (prof), ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (prof), jacobsantos (Jacob Santos) (prof), jamescollins (James Collins) (prof), jane (Jane Wells) (prof), jbsil (Jesse Silverstein) (prof), jdub (Jeff Waugh) (prof), jeffikus (Jeffrey Pearce) (prof), jeffstieler (Jeff Stieler) (prof), jeremyclarke (Jeremy Clarke) (prof), jfarthing84 (Jeff Farthing) (prof), Jick (James Dimick) (prof), jmstacey (Jon Stacey) (prof), jobjorn (Jobjörn Folkesson) (prof), johanee (Johan Eenfeldt) (prof), johnbillion (John Blackbourn) (prof), johnjamesjacoby/jjj (John James Jacoby) (prof), johnjosephbachir (John Joseph Bachir) (prof), johnl1479 (John Luetke) (prof), johnonolan (John O’Nolan) (prof), JohnPBloch/wmrom (John Bloch) (prof), joostdevalk/yoast (Joost de Valk) (prof), jorbin (Aaron Jorbin) (prof), joshtime (prof), jshreve (prof), junsuijin (prof), kallewangstedt (Karl Wångstedt) (prof), keighl (Kyle Truscott) (prof), kevinB (Kevin Behrens) (prof), koopersmith (Daryl Koopersmith) (prof), kpdesign (Kim Parsell)
(prof), ktdreyer (Ken Dreyer) (prof), kurtmckee (Kurt McKee) (prof), laceous (prof), lancewillett (Lance Willett) (prof), lloydbudd (Lloyd Budd) (prof), lriggle (prof), markauk (prof), markmcwilliams (Mark McWilliams) (prof), markoheijnen (Marko Heijnen) (prof), markup (Sasha Mukhin) (prof), mattsains (prof), matveb (Matias Ventura) (prof), mdawaffe (Michael Adams) (prof) , mentel_br (prof), messenlehner (Brian Messenlehner) (prof), miau_jp (prof), Michael (Michael Heilemann) (prof), MichaelH (prof), mikeschinkel (Mike Schinkel) (prof), Miloslav Be?o , minusfive (prof), miqrogroove (Robert Chapin) (prof), misterbisson (Casey Bisson) (prof), mitchoyoshitaka (mitcho (Michael ?? Erlewine)) (prof), MMN-o (prof), momo360modena (Amaury Balmer) (prof), morganestes (Morgan Estes) (prof), mrmist (David McFarlane) (prof), mtdewvirus (Nick Momrik) (prof), nadavvin (prof), Nao (Naoko McCracken) (prof), nathanrice (Nathan Rice) (prof), neoxx (Bernhard Riedl) (prof), niallkennedy (Niall Kennedy) (prof), ninjaWR (Ryan Murphy) (prof), noel (Noël Jackson) (prof), nomulous (Fletcher Tomalty) (prof), ocean90 (Dominik Schilling) (prof), Otto42 (Samuel Wood) (prof), pedger (prof), PeteMall (prof), pampfelimetten (prof), pnettle (prof), PotterSys (Juan) (prof), prettyboymp (Michael Pretty) (prof), ptahdunbar (Ptah Dunbar) (prof), ramiy (prof), RanYanivHartstein (Ran Yaniv Hartstein) (prof), reaperhulk (Paul Kehrer) (prof), reko (prof), remi (Rémi Prévost) (prof), rlerdorf (Rasmus Lerdorf) (prof) , rmccue (Ryan McCue) (prof), rooodini (prof), rovo89 (prof), ruslany (\n"http://profiles.wordpress.org/ruslany">prof), sc0ttkclark (Scott Kingsley Clark) (prof), scottbasgaard (Scott Basgaard) (prof), ScottMac (prof), scribu (prof), SergeyBiryukov (?????? ???????) (prof), ShaneF (prof), sillybean (Stephanie Leary) (prof), Simek (Bartosz Kaszubowski) (prof), simonwheatley (Simon Wheatley) (prof), simosx (????? ??????????) (prof), sirzooro (Daniel Fru?y?ski) (prof), sivel (Matt Martz) (prof), skeltoac (Andy Skelton) (prof), snumb130 (Luke Howell) (prof), solarissmoke (Samir Shah) (prof), sorich87 (prof), ssandison (prof), stencil (prof), stephdau (Stephane Daury) (prof), tai (prof), TECannon (Tracy Cannon) (prof), technosailor (Aaron Brazell) (prof), tenpura (prof), thales.tede , TheDeadMedic (prof), thee17 (Charles E. Frees-Melvin) (prof), thetoine (Antoine Girard) (prof), tinkerpriest (c.bavota) (prof), TobiasBg (Tobias Bäthge) (prof), tomtomp (prof), tychay (Terry Chay) (prof), typeomedia (prof), uglyrobot (Aaron Edwards) (prof), UnderWordPressure (prof), usermrpapa (prof), Utkarsh (Utkarsh Kukreti) (prof), validben (Benoit Gilloz ) (prof), Viper007Bond (Alex Mills) (prof), vladimir_kolesnikov (Vladimir Kolesnikov) (prof), willmot (Tom Willmot) (prof), wahgnube (prof), waltervos (Walter Vos) (prof), wds-chris (Christopher Cochran) (prof), williamsba1 (Brad Williams) (prof), wnorris (Will Norris) (prof), xibe (Xavier Borderie) (prof), yoavf (Yoav Farhi) (prof), zeo (Safirul Alredha) (prof), znarfor (François Hodierne) (prof), and zoranzaric (Zoran Zaric) (prof).




If you’ve made it this far, check out my 2010 State of the Word speech at WordCamp San Francisco, it’s jam-packed with information on the growth of WordPress, 3.0, what we’re planning for the future, and the philosophy of WordPress.


\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:50:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/thelonious/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"5";}s:7:"summary";s:341:"Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:38078:"

Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies. (Twenty Ten theme shows all of that off.) Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation. As a user, you will love the new lighter interface, the contextual help on every screen, the 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements, bulk updates so you can upgrade 15 plugins at once with a single click, and blah blah blah just watch the video. (In HD, if you can, so you can catch the Easter eggs.)



If you’d like to embed the WordPress 3.0 video tour in your blog, copy and paste this code for the high quality version:

<embed src="http://v.wordpress.com/wp-content/plugins/video/flvplayer.swf?ver=1.21" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="360" wmode="transparent" seamlesstabbing="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" overstretch="true" flashvars="guid=BQtfIEY1&amp;width=640&amp;height=360&amp;locksize=no&amp;dynamicseek=false&amp;qc_publisherId=p-18-mFEk4J448M" title="Introducing WordPress 3.0 &quot;Thelonious&quot;"></embed>

For a more comprehensive look at everything that has improved in 3.0 check out 3.0′s Codex page or the long list of issues in Trac. (We’re trying to keep these announcement posts shorter.) Whew! That’s a lot packed into one release. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the 3.X cycle we’ll be in for the next two and a half years.


The Future


Normally this is where I’d say we’re about to start work on 3.1, but we’re actually not. We’re going to take a release cycle off to focus on all of the things around WordPress. The growth of the community has been breathtaking, including over 10.3 million downloads of version 2.9, but so much of our effort has been focused on the core software it hasn’t left much time for anything else. Over the next three months we’re going to split into ninja/pirate teams focused on different areas of the around-WordPress experience, including the showcase, Codex, forums, profiles, update and compatibility APIs, theme directory, plugin directory, mailing lists, core plugins, wordcamp.org… the possibilities are endless. The goal of the teams isn’t going to be to make things perfect all at once, just better than they are today. We think this investment of time will give us a much stronger infrastructure to grow WordPress.org for the many tens of millions of users that will join us during the 3.X release cycle.


It Takes a Village


I’m proud to acknowledge the contributions of the following 218 people to the 3.0 release cycle. These are the folks that make WordPress what it is, whose collaboration and hard work enable us to build something greater than the sum of our parts. In alphabetical order, of course.


Committers: azaozz (Andrew Ozz) (prof), dd32 (Dion Hulse) (prof), donncha (Donncha O Caoimh) (prof), iammattthomas (Matt Thomas) (prof), josephscott (Joseph Scott) (prof), markjaquith (Mark Jaquith) (prof), matt (Matt Mullenweg) (prof), nacin (Andrew Nacin) (prof), nbachiyski (??????? ????????) (prof), ryan (Ryan Boren) (prof), westi (Peter Westwood) (prof), and wpmuguru (Ron Rennick) (prof). Contributors: aaroncampbell (Aaron Campbell) (prof), akerem (prof), alexkingorg (Alex King) (prof), amattie (prof), ampt (Luke Gallagher) (prof), andrea_r (prof), andreasnrb (Andreas Nurbo) (prof), anilo4ever (Angelo Verona) (prof), apeatling (Andy Peatling) (prof), apokalyptik (Demitrious Kelly) (prof), arena (André Renaut) (prof), barry (Barry Abrahamson) (prof), batmoo (Mohammad Jangda) (prof), beaulebens (Beau Lebens) (prof), belg4mit (prof), bigdawggi (Matthew G. Richmond) (prof), blepoxp (Glenn Ansley) (prof), brentes (Brent Shepherd) (prof), briancolinger (Brian Colinger) (prof), bumbu (prof), caesarsgrunt (Caesar Schinas) (prof), camiloclc (prof), CAMWebDesign (prof), carbolineum (prof), caspie (prof), catiakitahara (Cátia Kitahara) (prof), CharlesClarkson (Charles Clarkson) (prof), chdorner (Christof Dorner) (prof), chrisbliss18 (Chris Jean) (prof), chrisscott (Chris Scott) (prof), cnorris23 (Brandon Allen) (prof), coffee2code (Scott Reilly) (prof), computerwiz908 (prof), cyberhobo (Dylan Kuhn) (prof), dancole (Dan Cole) (prof), Daniel Koskinen , deepak.seth (Deepak Seth), demetris (???????? ???????) (prof), Denis-de-Bernardy (prof), dimadin (Milan Dini?) (prof), dndrnkrd (Dan Drinkard) (prof), docwhat (prof), dougwrites (\n href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/dougwrites">prof), dphiffer (Dan Phiffer) (prof), dragoonis (prof), dremeda (Dre Armeda) (prof), dtoj , dougal (Dougal Campbell) (prof), duck_ (Jon Cave) (prof), dxjones (David Jones) (prof), eddieringle (Eddie Ringle) (prof), edward mindreantre (Edward Hevlund), eoinomurchu (prof), empireoflight/Ben Dunkle (prof), ericmann (Eric Mann) (prof), etiger13 (Eddie Monge Jr.) (prof), filosofo (Austin Matzko) (prof), firebird75 (prof), frankieroberto (Frankie Roberto) (prof), Frumph (Philip M. Hofer) (prof), garyc40 (Gary Cao) (prof), gautam2011 (prof), Gary Ross (Gazzer) , GDragoN (Milan Petrovic) (prof), greenshady (Justin Tadlock) (prof), GIGALinux (Dennis Morhardt) (prof), hakre (prof), husky (prof), iandstewart (Ian Stewart) (prof), ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (prof), jacobsantos (Jacob Santos) (prof), jamescollins (James Collins) (prof), jane (Jane Wells) (prof), jbsil (Jesse Silverstein) (prof), jdub (Jeff Waugh) (prof), jeffikus (Jeffrey Pearce) (prof), jeffstieler (Jeff Stieler) (prof), jeremyclarke (Jeremy Clarke) (prof), jfarthing84 (Jeff Farthing) (prof), Jick (James Dimick) (prof), jmstacey (Jon Stacey) (prof), jobjorn (Jobjörn Folkesson) (prof), johanee (Johan Eenfeldt) (prof), johnbillion (John Blackbourn) (prof), johnjamesjacoby/jjj (John James Jacoby) (prof), johnjosephbachir (John Joseph Bachir) (prof), johnl1479 (John Luetke) (prof), johnonolan (John O’Nolan) (prof), JohnPBloch/wmrom (John Bloch) (prof), joostdevalk/yoast (Joost de Valk) (prof), jorbin (Aaron Jorbin) (prof), joshtime (prof), jshreve (prof), junsuijin (prof), kallewangstedt (Karl Wångstedt) (prof), keighl (Kyle Truscott) (prof), kevinB (Kevin Behrens) (prof), koopersmith (Daryl Koopersmith) (prof), kpdesign (Kim Parsell)
(prof), ktdreyer (Ken Dreyer) (prof), kurtmckee (Kurt McKee) (prof), laceous (prof), lancewillett (Lance Willett) (prof), lloydbudd (Lloyd Budd) (prof), lriggle (prof), markauk (prof), markmcwilliams (Mark McWilliams) (prof), markoheijnen (Marko Heijnen) (prof), markup (Sasha Mukhin) (prof), mattsains (prof), matveb (Matias Ventura) (prof), mdawaffe (Michael Adams) (prof) , mentel_br (prof), messenlehner (Brian Messenlehner) (prof), miau_jp (prof), Michael (Michael Heilemann) (prof), MichaelH (prof), mikeschinkel (Mike Schinkel) (prof), Miloslav Be?o , minusfive (prof), miqrogroove (Robert Chapin) (prof), misterbisson (Casey Bisson) (prof), mitchoyoshitaka (mitcho (Michael ?? Erlewine)) (prof), MMN-o (prof), momo360modena (Amaury Balmer) (prof), morganestes (Morgan Estes) (prof), mrmist (David McFarlane) (prof), mtdewvirus (Nick Momrik) (prof), nadavvin (prof), Nao (Naoko McCracken) (prof), nathanrice (Nathan Rice) (prof), neoxx (Bernhard Riedl) (prof), niallkennedy (Niall Kennedy) (prof), ninjaWR (Ryan Murphy) (prof), noel (Noël Jackson) (prof), nomulous (Fletcher Tomalty) (prof), ocean90 (Dominik Schilling) (prof), Otto42 (Samuel Wood) (prof), pedger (prof), PeteMall (prof), pampfelimetten (prof), pnettle (prof), PotterSys (Juan) (prof), prettyboymp (Michael Pretty) (prof), ptahdunbar (Ptah Dunbar) (prof), ramiy (prof), RanYanivHartstein (Ran Yaniv Hartstein) (prof), reaperhulk (Paul Kehrer) (prof), reko (prof), remi (Rémi Prévost) (prof), rlerdorf (Rasmus Lerdorf) (prof) , rmccue (Ryan McCue) (prof), rooodini (prof), rovo89 (prof), ruslany (\n"http://profiles.wordpress.org/ruslany">prof), sc0ttkclark (Scott Kingsley Clark) (prof), scottbasgaard (Scott Basgaard) (prof), ScottMac (prof), scribu (prof), SergeyBiryukov (?????? ???????) (prof), ShaneF (prof), sillybean (Stephanie Leary) (prof), Simek (Bartosz Kaszubowski) (prof), simonwheatley (Simon Wheatley) (prof), simosx (????? ??????????) (prof), sirzooro (Daniel Fru?y?ski) (prof), sivel (Matt Martz) (prof), skeltoac (Andy Skelton) (prof), snumb130 (Luke Howell) (prof), solarissmoke (Samir Shah) (prof), sorich87 (prof), ssandison (prof), stencil (prof), stephdau (Stephane Daury) (prof), tai (prof), TECannon (Tracy Cannon) (prof), technosailor (Aaron Brazell) (prof), tenpura (prof), thales.tede , TheDeadMedic (prof), thee17 (Charles E. Frees-Melvin) (prof), thetoine (Antoine Girard) (prof), tinkerpriest (c.bavota) (prof), TobiasBg (Tobias Bäthge) (prof), tomtomp (prof), tychay (Terry Chay) (prof), typeomedia (prof), uglyrobot (Aaron Edwards) (prof), UnderWordPressure (prof), usermrpapa (prof), Utkarsh (Utkarsh Kukreti) (prof), validben (Benoit Gilloz ) (prof), Viper007Bond (Alex Mills) (prof), vladimir_kolesnikov (Vladimir Kolesnikov) (prof), willmot (Tom Willmot) (prof), wahgnube (prof), waltervos (Walter Vos) (prof), wds-chris (Christopher Cochran) (prof), williamsba1 (Brad Williams) (prof), wnorris (Will Norris) (prof), xibe (Xavier Borderie) (prof), yoavf (Yoav Farhi) (prof), zeo (Safirul Alredha) (prof), znarfor (François Hodierne) (prof), and zoranzaric (Zoran Zaric) (prof).




If you’ve made it this far, check out my 2010 State of the Word speech at WordCamp San Francisco, it’s jam-packed with information on the growth of WordPress, 3.0, what we’re planning for the future, and the philosophy of WordPress.


\n";}i:5;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:7:"3.0 RC3";s:4:"link";s:42:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/3-0-rc3/";s:8:"comments";s:51:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/3-0-rc3/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 11 Jun 2010 20:49:38 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"Jane Wells";}s:8:"category";s:11:"Development";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1376";s:11:"description";s:257:"A weekend present, in haiku: Last call; final bugs Itch, scratch, contort; calmly wait For now: RC3 That’s right. What will hopefully be the final release candidate, RC3, is now available for download and testing. Plugin developers: test your plugins!";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:438:"

A weekend present, in haiku:


Last call; final bugs
\nItch, scratch, contort; calmly wait
\nFor now: RC3


That’s right. What will hopefully be the final release candidate, RC3, is now available for download and testing.


Plugin developers: test your plugins!

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:47:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/3-0-rc3/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:257:"A weekend present, in haiku: Last call; final bugs Itch, scratch, contort; calmly wait For now: RC3 That’s right. What will hopefully be the final release candidate, RC3, is now available for download and testing. Plugin developers: test your plugins!";s:12:"atom_content";s:438:"

A weekend present, in haiku:


Last call; final bugs
\nItch, scratch, contort; calmly wait
\nFor now: RC3


That’s right. What will hopefully be the final release candidate, RC3, is now available for download and testing.


Plugin developers: test your plugins!

\n";}i:6;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:37:"Expanding the Theme Review Experiment";s:4:"link";s:72:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/expanding-the-theme-review-experiment/";s:8:"comments";s:81:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/expanding-the-theme-review-experiment/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 09 Jun 2010 16:06:11 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:12:"Joseph Scott";}s:8:"category";s:26:"CommunityDevelopmentThemes";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1347";s:11:"description";s:272:"When I was a kid my dad used to practice his typing skills (on a real typewriter no less) with the phrase: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. For some reason that has stuck with me all these years. Today I’m going to rephrase and [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:1962:"

When I was a kid my dad used to practice his typing skills (on a real typewriter no less) with the phrase:


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.


For some reason that has stuck with me all these years. Today I’m going to rephrase and re-purpose that line:


Now is the time for great theme developers to come to the aid of their community.


The theme directory has been chugging along for more than a year now. During that time we’ve tinkered with the review process and some of the management tools, but haven’t really opened it up as much as we’d like. It’s time to rip off the band-aid and take some action; to that end, we’re looking for community members to help with the process of reviewing themes for the directory.


Right now this is a bit like a New Year’s resolution to exercise every day: it’s what we need to do, but we’re still figuring out exactly how it will all work. That’s part of the community involvement as well — we expect that those who pitch in will also help shape the process.


What’s involved in reviewing themes for the directory? There are some obvious things, such as being familiar with PHP and WordPress theme code (and the theme development checklist), with an eye for security issues. You would also need to have the ability to set up a separate install of the latest version of WordPress for testing theme submissions.


Hopefully a few talented theme developers are reading this right now and saying to themselves, “I’d love to help! How do I get started?” Just join the new theme reviewers mailing list and we’ll get you up to speed on this new opportunity to come to the aid of your community.

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:77:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/06/expanding-the-theme-review-experiment/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:272:"When I was a kid my dad used to practice his typing skills (on a real typewriter no less) with the phrase: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. For some reason that has stuck with me all these years. Today I’m going to rephrase and [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:1962:"

When I was a kid my dad used to practice his typing skills (on a real typewriter no less) with the phrase:


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.


For some reason that has stuck with me all these years. Today I’m going to rephrase and re-purpose that line:


Now is the time for great theme developers to come to the aid of their community.


The theme directory has been chugging along for more than a year now. During that time we’ve tinkered with the review process and some of the management tools, but haven’t really opened it up as much as we’d like. It’s time to rip off the band-aid and take some action; to that end, we’re looking for community members to help with the process of reviewing themes for the directory.


Right now this is a bit like a New Year’s resolution to exercise every day: it’s what we need to do, but we’re still figuring out exactly how it will all work. That’s part of the community involvement as well — we expect that those who pitch in will also help shape the process.


What’s involved in reviewing themes for the directory? There are some obvious things, such as being familiar with PHP and WordPress theme code (and the theme development checklist), with an eye for security issues. You would also need to have the ability to set up a separate install of the latest version of WordPress for testing theme submissions.


Hopefully a few talented theme developers are reading this right now and saying to themselves, “I’d love to help! How do I get started?” Just join the new theme reviewers mailing list and we’ll get you up to speed on this new opportunity to come to the aid of your community.

\n";}i:7;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:31:"WordPress 3.0 Release Candidate";s:4:"link";s:66:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/wordpress-3-0-release-candidate/";s:8:"comments";s:75:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/wordpress-3-0-release-candidate/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 28 May 2010 02:35:04 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"Jane Wells";}s:8:"category";s:11:"Development";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1358";s:11:"description";s:345:"As Matt teased earlier, the first release candidate (RC1) for WordPress 3.0 is now available. What’s an RC? An RC comes after beta and before the final launch. It means we think we’ve got everything done: all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed. But, then, with over 20 million people using [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:1993:"

As Matt teased earlier, the first release candidate (RC1) for WordPress 3.0 is now available. What’s an RC? An RC comes after beta and before the final launch. It means we think we’ve got everything done: all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed. But, then, with over 20 million people using WordPress with a wide variety of configurations and hosting setups, it’s entirely possible that we’ve missed something. So! For the brave of heart, please download the RC and test it out (but not on your live site unless you’re extra adventurous). Some things to know:


If you are testing the RC and come across a bug, you can:


We hope you enjoy playing with the 3.0 RC as much as we’ve enjoyed making it for you. Enjoy!


Download WordPress 3.0 RC1

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:71:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/wordpress-3-0-release-candidate/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:345:"As Matt teased earlier, the first release candidate (RC1) for WordPress 3.0 is now available. What’s an RC? An RC comes after beta and before the final launch. It means we think we’ve got everything done: all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed. But, then, with over 20 million people using [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:1993:"

As Matt teased earlier, the first release candidate (RC1) for WordPress 3.0 is now available. What’s an RC? An RC comes after beta and before the final launch. It means we think we’ve got everything done: all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed. But, then, with over 20 million people using WordPress with a wide variety of configurations and hosting setups, it’s entirely possible that we’ve missed something. So! For the brave of heart, please download the RC and test it out (but not on your live site unless you’re extra adventurous). Some things to know:


If you are testing the RC and come across a bug, you can:


We hope you enjoy playing with the 3.0 RC as much as we’ve enjoyed making it for you. Enjoy!


Download WordPress 3.0 RC1

\n";}i:8;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:11:"Lucky Seven";s:4:"link";s:46:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/lucky-seven/";s:8:"comments";s:55:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/lucky-seven/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 27 May 2010 23:04:04 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";}s:8:"category";s:11:"Development";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1354";s:11:"description";s:311:"Has it really been seven years since the first release of WordPress? It seems like just yesterday we were fresh to the world, a new entrant to a market everyone said was already saturated. (As a side note, if the common perception is that a market is finished and that everything interesting has been done [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:1896:"

Has it really been seven years since the first release of WordPress? It seems like just yesterday we were fresh to the world, a new entrant to a market everyone said was already saturated. (As a side note, if the common perception is that a market is finished and that everything interesting has been done already, it’s probably a really good time to enter it.)


The growth over the past year has blown me away. Since our last birthday we’ve doubled theme downloads to over 10 million, and doubled plugin downloads to 60 million. Most importantly, we continued to grow the development community to 1,528 people active on Trac and 13 committers, both numbers the highest in the history of WordPress.


That’s 1,528 people pouring their hearts and souls into GPL software we all own, we all build on, we can use as we please, we can all make better. We’ve evolved from a simple script to a web platform.


We’re on the cusp of version 3.0, with a release candidate coming out any minute now.


If you’d like to celebrate WordPress’s birthday with us — tell a friend! Help them upgrade their blog or find the perfect theme. Talk about how WordPress is built by and for a community. Drop in to help test 3.0, including all the plugins you use. Write something to take advantage of the new 3.0 features, or teach your friends how to. If you buy any themes or plugins, make sure they’re GPL or compatible just like WordPress. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, it’s important that we not forget that Open Source got us this far, and is the only way we’re going to get to the next level. The whole of what we can build together is far greater than the sum of our parts. Spread the good word.

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:51:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/lucky-seven/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:311:"Has it really been seven years since the first release of WordPress? It seems like just yesterday we were fresh to the world, a new entrant to a market everyone said was already saturated. (As a side note, if the common perception is that a market is finished and that everything interesting has been done [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:1896:"

Has it really been seven years since the first release of WordPress? It seems like just yesterday we were fresh to the world, a new entrant to a market everyone said was already saturated. (As a side note, if the common perception is that a market is finished and that everything interesting has been done already, it’s probably a really good time to enter it.)


The growth over the past year has blown me away. Since our last birthday we’ve doubled theme downloads to over 10 million, and doubled plugin downloads to 60 million. Most importantly, we continued to grow the development community to 1,528 people active on Trac and 13 committers, both numbers the highest in the history of WordPress.


That’s 1,528 people pouring their hearts and souls into GPL software we all own, we all build on, we can use as we please, we can all make better. We’ve evolved from a simple script to a web platform.


We’re on the cusp of version 3.0, with a release candidate coming out any minute now.


If you’d like to celebrate WordPress’s birthday with us — tell a friend! Help them upgrade their blog or find the perfect theme. Talk about how WordPress is built by and for a community. Drop in to help test 3.0, including all the plugins you use. Write something to take advantage of the new 3.0 features, or teach your friends how to. If you buy any themes or plugins, make sure they’re GPL or compatible just like WordPress. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, it’s important that we not forget that Open Source got us this far, and is the only way we’re going to get to the next level. The whole of what we can build together is far greater than the sum of our parts. Spread the good word.

\n";}i:9;a:13:{s:5:"title";s:21:"WordPress 3.0, Beta 2";s:4:"link";s:55:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/wordpress-3-0-beta-2/";s:8:"comments";s:64:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/wordpress-3-0-beta-2/#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 06 May 2010 21:05:35 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:14:"Peter Westwood";}s:8:"category";s:18:"DevelopmentTesting";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://wordpress.org/development/?p=1340";s:11:"description";s:327:"Following the successful post-WordCamp San Francisco code sprint, we are now ready to release the second beta of WordPress 3.0. Things to test: Revised menu user interface Changes to the WordPress exporter and importer to make it more flexible Already have a test install that you want to switch over to the beta? Try the [...]";s:7:"content";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";s:976:"

Following the successful post-WordCamp San Francisco code sprint, we are now ready to release the second beta of WordPress 3.0.
\nThings to test:


Already have a test install that you want to switch over to the beta? Try the beta tester plugin.


Testers, don’t forget to use the wp-testers mailing list to discuss bugs you encounter.


We hope you like it! And if you don’t, well, check back when the release candidate is ready.


Download the WordPress 3.0 Beta 2 now!

\n";}s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:60:"http://wordpress.org/news/2010/05/wordpress-3-0-beta-2/feed/";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"1";}s:7:"summary";s:327:"Following the successful post-WordCamp San Francisco code sprint, we are now ready to release the second beta of WordPress 3.0. Things to test: Revised menu user interface Changes to the WordPress exporter and importer to make it more flexible Already have a test install that you want to switch over to the beta? Try the [...]";s:12:"atom_content";s:976:"

Following the successful post-WordCamp San Francisco code sprint, we are now ready to release the second beta of WordPress 3.0.
\nThings to test:


Already have a test install that you want to switch over to the beta? Try the beta tester plugin.


Testers, don’t forget to use the wp-testers mailing list to discuss bugs you encounter.


We hope you like it! And if you don’t, well, check back when the release candidate is ready.


Download the WordPress 3.0 Beta 2 now!

\n";}}s:7:"channel";a:8:{s:5:"title";s:14:"WordPress News";s:4:"link";s:25:"http://wordpress.org/news";s:11:"description";s:14:"WordPress News";s:13:"lastbuilddate";s:31:"Thu, 29 Jul 2010 22:33:47 +0000";s:8:"language";s:2:"en";s:2:"sy";a:2:{s:12:"updateperiod";s:6:"hourly";s:15:"updatefrequency";s:1:"1";}s:9:"generator";s:33:"http://wordpress.org/?v=3.1-alpha";s:7:"tagline";s:14:"WordPress News";}s:9:"textinput";a:0:{}s:5:"image";a:0:{}s:9:"feed_type";s:3:"RSS";s:12:"feed_version";s:3:"2.0";s:5:"stack";a:0:{}s:9:"inchannel";b:0;s:6:"initem";b:0;s:9:"incontent";b:0;s:11:"intextinput";b:0;s:7:"inimage";b:0;s:13:"current_field";s:0:"";s:17:"current_namespace";b:0;s:19:"_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS";a:6:{i:0;s:7:"content";i:1;s:7:"summary";i:2;s:4:"info";i:3;s:5:"title";i:4;s:7:"tagline";i:5;s:9:"copyright";}}', 'no'); INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_id`, `blog_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES (71, 0, 'rss_0ff4b43bd116a9d8720d689c80e7dfd4_ts', '1283197555', 'no'); INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_id`, `blog_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES (72, 0, 'rss_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c', 'O:9:"MagpieRSS":17:{s:6:"parser";i:0;s:12:"current_item";a:0:{}s:5:"items";a:50:{i:0;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Theme Releases for 08/30";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8517";s:4:"link";s:89:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/30/wordpress-theme-releases-for-0830-2/";s:11:"description";s:2181:"



Bombax is a nicely crafted theme with 5 different color schemes and configurable options such as right or left or holy grail or no sidebar, magazine style or traditional style, custom header, and custom background.




Lukoo is a simple and stylish theme based around the color green.




Modernist is a beautifully built yet transparent theme. It was designed with a focus on optimal typography in order to better showcase your content.


twist of ten


Twist of Ten is a simple clean CMS style theme.


us and them


Us and Them is a modern, clean, blog-style, 960 – 1200 px grid-based, smooth WordPress theme and features some cool jQuery plugins just out of the box as some neat tool-tips and accordions.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 30 Aug 2010 13:00:39 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2181:"



Bombax is a nicely crafted theme with 5 different color schemes and configurable options such as right or left or holy grail or no sidebar, magazine style or traditional style, custom header, and custom background.




Lukoo is a simple and stylish theme based around the color green.




Modernist is a beautifully built yet transparent theme. It was designed with a focus on optimal typography in order to better showcase your content.


twist of ten


Twist of Ten is a simple clean CMS style theme.


us and them


Us and Them is a modern, clean, blog-style, 960 – 1200 px grid-based, smooth WordPress theme and features some cool jQuery plugins just out of the box as some neat tool-tips and accordions.

\nTweet";}i:1;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:61:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress and the Fatal Memory Error";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8508";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/29/wordpress-and-the-fatal-memory-error/";s:11:"description";s:3108:"

Remember the old days when your computer would crash because you were running too many applications simultaneously? Well, you might be surprised to know that WordPress can fall victim to the very same thing.


You see, your server may be packed with 4 GB of RAM, but that doesn’t mean that all 4 GB have been allocated to PHP on your account. In fact, most decent hosting providers only allocate 32 MB to PHP under each account. Now, most WordPress installations with a good amount of plugins will run fine under 32 MB, but there’s always a chance that one more plugin or one seemingly innocent admin panel task (like exporting or importing posts) may put you over the edge, and you’ll see either a blank screen or the infamous error which starts off something like “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted.”


If you see a blank screen, refer to WordPress and the White Screen of Death before continuing.


Update: Thanks to Big Dave Zatz for reminding me that if you see this error either suddenly (no specific task was done to cause the error) or frequently, try deactivating all plugins to rule-out a plugin-specific issue and try switching themes to rule-out a theme-specific issue.


If you see the infamous fatal memory error, there are three things that you can do before asking your hosting provider for assistance. Which method you use depends entirely on your server configuration. If one method doesn’t work, try the next. Keep in mind that most hosting providers closely monitor memory overrides and don’t take too kindly to frequent use.


1. If you’re using WordPress 2.9.2 or lower, try adding define(''WP_MEMORY_LIMIT'', ''256M''); to your wp-config.php file. If you’re using WordPress 3.0 or higher, WordPress automatically does this for a variety of tasks, so there’s really no reason to try it in this case.


2. If you can edit or override the system php.ini file, increase the memory limit. For example, memory_limit = 256M


3. If you cannot edit or override the system php.ini file, add php_value memory_limit 256M to your .htaccess file.


If neither of these work, it’s time to ask your hosting provider to temporarily increase PHP’s memory allocation on your account. Keep in mind that most decent hosting providers allocate 32 MB to PHP under each account, and most decent hosting providers allow users to temporarily increase the memory allocation. If your hosting provider won’t accommodate you, perhaps it’s time to find a new hosting provider.


As always, if you need further assistance, the volunteers in the WordPress Support Forums will be more than happy to help you.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 29 Aug 2010 13:00:06 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:3108:"

Remember the old days when your computer would crash because you were running too many applications simultaneously? Well, you might be surprised to know that WordPress can fall victim to the very same thing.


You see, your server may be packed with 4 GB of RAM, but that doesn’t mean that all 4 GB have been allocated to PHP on your account. In fact, most decent hosting providers only allocate 32 MB to PHP under each account. Now, most WordPress installations with a good amount of plugins will run fine under 32 MB, but there’s always a chance that one more plugin or one seemingly innocent admin panel task (like exporting or importing posts) may put you over the edge, and you’ll see either a blank screen or the infamous error which starts off something like “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted.”


If you see a blank screen, refer to WordPress and the White Screen of Death before continuing.


Update: Thanks to Big Dave Zatz for reminding me that if you see this error either suddenly (no specific task was done to cause the error) or frequently, try deactivating all plugins to rule-out a plugin-specific issue and try switching themes to rule-out a theme-specific issue.


If you see the infamous fatal memory error, there are three things that you can do before asking your hosting provider for assistance. Which method you use depends entirely on your server configuration. If one method doesn’t work, try the next. Keep in mind that most hosting providers closely monitor memory overrides and don’t take too kindly to frequent use.


1. If you’re using WordPress 2.9.2 or lower, try adding define(''WP_MEMORY_LIMIT'', ''256M''); to your wp-config.php file. If you’re using WordPress 3.0 or higher, WordPress automatically does this for a variety of tasks, so there’s really no reason to try it in this case.


2. If you can edit or override the system php.ini file, increase the memory limit. For example, memory_limit = 256M


3. If you cannot edit or override the system php.ini file, add php_value memory_limit 256M to your .htaccess file.


If neither of these work, it’s time to ask your hosting provider to temporarily increase PHP’s memory allocation on your account. Keep in mind that most decent hosting providers allocate 32 MB to PHP under each account, and most decent hosting providers allow users to temporarily increase the memory allocation. If your hosting provider won’t accommodate you, perhaps it’s time to find a new hosting provider.


As always, if you need further assistance, the volunteers in the WordPress Support Forums will be more than happy to help you.

\nTweet";}i:2;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:60:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 08/28";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8505";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/28/wordpress-plugin-releases-for-0828-2/";s:11:"description";s:2350:"

New plugins


Custom sidebars allows you to create your own widgetized areas and custom sidebars, and select what sidebars to use for each post or page.


LBAK User Tracking is a fully featured, page by page tracking plugin for your blog.


Simple SEO lets you optimize your web site or blog by changing the title and menu output for any page or post.


Term Management Tools allows you to merge terms and change the category hierarchy more easily.


UserAgent Theme Switcher lets you change the theme to be displayed according to the detected browser.


Updated plugins


The AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button helps people share, bookmark, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Delicious, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites.


BackWPup allows you to backup your WordPress blog database and files.


eShop is an accessible shopping cart plugin for WordPress, packed with various features.


User Avatar provides a thumbnail area in Your Profile, for users to upload and crop new images in an overlay to be saved and stored to their profile.


WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects, when viewed from an iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Opera Mini, Palm Pre and BlackBerry Storm mobile devices.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 28 Aug 2010 13:00:48 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2350:"

New plugins


Custom sidebars allows you to create your own widgetized areas and custom sidebars, and select what sidebars to use for each post or page.


LBAK User Tracking is a fully featured, page by page tracking plugin for your blog.


Simple SEO lets you optimize your web site or blog by changing the title and menu output for any page or post.


Term Management Tools allows you to merge terms and change the category hierarchy more easily.


UserAgent Theme Switcher lets you change the theme to be displayed according to the detected browser.


Updated plugins


The AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button helps people share, bookmark, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Delicious, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites.


BackWPup allows you to backup your WordPress blog database and files.


eShop is an accessible shopping cart plugin for WordPress, packed with various features.


User Avatar provides a thumbnail area in Your Profile, for users to upload and crop new images in an overlay to be saved and stored to their profile.


WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects, when viewed from an iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Opera Mini, Palm Pre and BlackBerry Storm mobile devices.

\nTweet";}i:3;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:79:"Weblog Tools Collection: Should You Remove Post Dates from Your WordPress Blog?";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8477";s:4:"link";s:107:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/27/should-you-remove-post-dates-from-your-wordpress-blog/";s:11:"description";s:7610:"

You may be wondering why anyone would want to do this. Think about it, you probably have hundreds of articles that you wrote years ago and when those same articles appear on Google search engine results, the dates appear next to the description. You might think that this is great, users searching the web should be able to see when an article originally published, but research shows that users discriminate against older content just because it is old. An article that may be valuable despite its age would be subject to a user completely ignoring it and would click on the newer article, just because it was newer.



As you can see in the image above, the search results page lists the post date for the article followed by the description.


Do not confuse the intent here, if you are running a news site or writing about topics whose value is short lived then the adequate thing to do is to continue using dates. However if your traffic from search engines is suffering from users who refuse to visit an old article (and your topics are timeless) then you might want to consider removing the post date from your articles.


So how would you go about removing dates in WordPress?


Google is smart about locating dates on posts so you have to be aware of all the dates present on your WordPress site. Based on discussions on the web it appears that Google uses the post date when listed on a page and when the post date is missing, Google uses dates in comments and even within the post itself. So removing dates will take some cunning.


In order to remove the post date from the posts on your WordPress site you will have to remove the post date from your theme’s template file. In terms of indexing the post date, it appears that Google uses the post date from the single post and not the archive, so for the sake of users and simplicity we are only going to remove the post date from the “single.php” template file.


WARNING! Before proceeding with the modification of any template files, please make sure that you back up your files.


Remove date from single posts


1. Open the single.php file located in the theme directory in WordPress (usually server//wordpress/wp-content/themes/your theme name).


2. Locate the following line of code and remove it (or comment it out) from the template;


<?php the_time(); ?>



Note: The code used by the theme developer may vary from theme to theme and location so make sure you look for the <?php the_time within the single.php template to be sure.


3. Save the changes and refresh your website to see the modification. If the changes don’t appear right away make sure to clear the cache if you are using a plugin like WP-Supercache.


Remove date from comments


In order to make sure that Google cannot find a date on your blog post we will also need to remove the dates associated with comments. This can be a bit frustrating for users who want to follow a comment thread so it is entirely up to you.


1. Open the comments.php file located in the theme directory in WordPress (usually server//wordpress/wp-content/themes/your theme name).


2. Locate the following line of code and remove it (or comment it out) from the template;


<?php comment_date() ?>


Note: The code used by the theme developer may vary from theme to theme and location so make sure you look for the <?php the_time within the comments.php template to be sure.


3. Save the changes and refresh your website to see the modification. If the changes don’t appear right away make sure to clear the cache if you are using a plugin like WP-Supercache.


When removing these PHP functions make sure that you take into account the formatting of your posts and comments to ensure that the removal of this element doesn’t interfere with your theme’s design or break the code.


After these changes are made you will need to wait a couple of hours or days in order for Google’s index to reflect those changes. The variance in time is due to your site’s crawl rate so if your site is very popular and is crawled frequently you may see the update in hours. If your site still appears in the search results with the date, make sure you visit the page and search for the date, remember even dates within the content (originally published on [date]) will be used by Google to stamp a date on the site.


Other solutions for the removal of comments and post dates


If you use a commenting system like Disqus or IntenseDebate that is based on JavaScript then there is no concern for the removal of the date from the comments template. If you are using an older version of WordPress or you feel a bit adventurous you could download the Date Exclusion SEO Plugin from the WordPress plugin directory, just keep in mind that the plugin hasn’t been updated in over 500 days and it’s officially compatible up to 2.71.


Will You Remove Dates from Your Posts?


I’ve mentioned some of the Pro’s related to removal of post and comment dates on your blog:


Of course, as with anything as radical as this there can be some repercussions:


If the content on your blog is timeless and you could increase the amount of traffic coming to your blog from search engines, would you remove the post and comment dates?

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 27 Aug 2010 23:24:12 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:7:"gperera";}s:7:"summary";s:7610:"

You may be wondering why anyone would want to do this. Think about it, you probably have hundreds of articles that you wrote years ago and when those same articles appear on Google search engine results, the dates appear next to the description. You might think that this is great, users searching the web should be able to see when an article originally published, but research shows that users discriminate against older content just because it is old. An article that may be valuable despite its age would be subject to a user completely ignoring it and would click on the newer article, just because it was newer.



As you can see in the image above, the search results page lists the post date for the article followed by the description.


Do not confuse the intent here, if you are running a news site or writing about topics whose value is short lived then the adequate thing to do is to continue using dates. However if your traffic from search engines is suffering from users who refuse to visit an old article (and your topics are timeless) then you might want to consider removing the post date from your articles.


So how would you go about removing dates in WordPress?


Google is smart about locating dates on posts so you have to be aware of all the dates present on your WordPress site. Based on discussions on the web it appears that Google uses the post date when listed on a page and when the post date is missing, Google uses dates in comments and even within the post itself. So removing dates will take some cunning.


In order to remove the post date from the posts on your WordPress site you will have to remove the post date from your theme’s template file. In terms of indexing the post date, it appears that Google uses the post date from the single post and not the archive, so for the sake of users and simplicity we are only going to remove the post date from the “single.php” template file.


WARNING! Before proceeding with the modification of any template files, please make sure that you back up your files.


Remove date from single posts


1. Open the single.php file located in the theme directory in WordPress (usually server//wordpress/wp-content/themes/your theme name).


2. Locate the following line of code and remove it (or comment it out) from the template;


<?php the_time(); ?>



Note: The code used by the theme developer may vary from theme to theme and location so make sure you look for the <?php the_time within the single.php template to be sure.


3. Save the changes and refresh your website to see the modification. If the changes don’t appear right away make sure to clear the cache if you are using a plugin like WP-Supercache.


Remove date from comments


In order to make sure that Google cannot find a date on your blog post we will also need to remove the dates associated with comments. This can be a bit frustrating for users who want to follow a comment thread so it is entirely up to you.


1. Open the comments.php file located in the theme directory in WordPress (usually server//wordpress/wp-content/themes/your theme name).


2. Locate the following line of code and remove it (or comment it out) from the template;


<?php comment_date() ?>


Note: The code used by the theme developer may vary from theme to theme and location so make sure you look for the <?php the_time within the comments.php template to be sure.


3. Save the changes and refresh your website to see the modification. If the changes don’t appear right away make sure to clear the cache if you are using a plugin like WP-Supercache.


When removing these PHP functions make sure that you take into account the formatting of your posts and comments to ensure that the removal of this element doesn’t interfere with your theme’s design or break the code.


After these changes are made you will need to wait a couple of hours or days in order for Google’s index to reflect those changes. The variance in time is due to your site’s crawl rate so if your site is very popular and is crawled frequently you may see the update in hours. If your site still appears in the search results with the date, make sure you visit the page and search for the date, remember even dates within the content (originally published on [date]) will be used by Google to stamp a date on the site.


Other solutions for the removal of comments and post dates


If you use a commenting system like Disqus or IntenseDebate that is based on JavaScript then there is no concern for the removal of the date from the comments template. If you are using an older version of WordPress or you feel a bit adventurous you could download the Date Exclusion SEO Plugin from the WordPress plugin directory, just keep in mind that the plugin hasn’t been updated in over 500 days and it’s officially compatible up to 2.71.


Will You Remove Dates from Your Posts?


I’ve mentioned some of the Pro’s related to removal of post and comment dates on your blog:


Of course, as with anything as radical as this there can be some repercussions:


If the content on your blog is timeless and you could increase the amount of traffic coming to your blog from search engines, would you remove the post and comment dates?

\nTweet";}i:4;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:57:"Weblog Tools Collection: Choose Your Panels for SXSW 2011";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8498";s:4:"link";s:86:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/27/choose-your-panels-for-sxsw-2011/";s:11:"description";s:1710:"

The SXSW staff wants to hear your feedback on the proposed panels for SXSW 2011. Your votes on the proposed panels will account for 30% of the final vote, so start voting today!


Currently, there are ten WordPress-related panel proposals awaiting your feedback:


Are you planning to attend SXSW 2011? Which panel proposals captured your interest?

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 27 Aug 2010 13:00:09 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:1710:"

The SXSW staff wants to hear your feedback on the proposed panels for SXSW 2011. Your votes on the proposed panels will account for 30% of the final vote, so start voting today!


Currently, there are ten WordPress-related panel proposals awaiting your feedback:


Are you planning to attend SXSW 2011? Which panel proposals captured your interest?

\nTweet";}i:5;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:48:"Alex King: Vote for these SxSWi WordPress Panels";s:4:"guid";s:27:"http://alexking.org/?p=4626";s:4:"link";s:58:"http://alexking.org/blog/2010/08/26/sxswi-wordpress-panels";s:11:"description";s:1394:"

It’s that time of year to promote your SxSW panels. I’m slated for two WordPress panels I’d like you to consider voting for.

  1. Beyond Blogging: WordPress is a CMS – much of the work that we do at Crowd Favorite is creating advanced CMS websites with WordPress. It’s what’s driven us to create the Carrington theme platform and Carrington Build.
  2. \n
  3. Making Money with WordPress (Without Working at Automattic) – I’ve really enjoyed talking shop with Shane and Peter as we’ve gotten to know each other over the last few years. Though our shops are very different we have similar experiences and challenges. We’re all trying to create great things, support the community and support ourselves and our teams at the same time.
  4. \n

Both of these have great groups of panelists/moderators and I think they’d be great events at SxSWi for WordPress developers, consultants and users.


Thanks for your consideration.

\n";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 26 Aug 2010 19:30:28 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Alex";}s:7:"summary";s:1394:"

It’s that time of year to promote your SxSW panels. I’m slated for two WordPress panels I’d like you to consider voting for.

  1. Beyond Blogging: WordPress is a CMS – much of the work that we do at Crowd Favorite is creating advanced CMS websites with WordPress. It’s what’s driven us to create the Carrington theme platform and Carrington Build.
  2. \n
  3. Making Money with WordPress (Without Working at Automattic) – I’ve really enjoyed talking shop with Shane and Peter as we’ve gotten to know each other over the last few years. Though our shops are very different we have similar experiences and challenges. We’re all trying to create great things, support the community and support ourselves and our teams at the same time.
  4. \n

Both of these have great groups of panelists/moderators and I think they’d be great events at SxSWi for WordPress developers, consultants and users.


Thanks for your consideration.

\n";}i:6;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Theme Releases for 08/26";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8490";s:4:"link";s:89:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/26/wordpress-theme-releases-for-0826-2/";s:11:"description";s:2616:"



Albizia is a dark theme with 5 different color schemes and configurable options such as right or left or holy grail or no sidebar, magazine style or traditional style, custom header, and custom background.




Columbus comes with a very clean and elegant design and some really great premium-like features.


modern wood


Modern Wood features a beautiful dark layout with a wooden background and some amazing CSS3 features.


third style


Third Style is based on the theme Twenty Ten, comes with 11 new header backgrounds, and supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer).


tl tweets


TL Tweets is a free WordPress theme, designed to be used as an archive for your tweets, while automatically creating new posts from your Twitter feed.




Webmagazine is a WordPress magazine theme built on the Twenty Ten default WordPress theme.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 26 Aug 2010 13:00:02 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2616:"



Albizia is a dark theme with 5 different color schemes and configurable options such as right or left or holy grail or no sidebar, magazine style or traditional style, custom header, and custom background.




Columbus comes with a very clean and elegant design and some really great premium-like features.


modern wood


Modern Wood features a beautiful dark layout with a wooden background and some amazing CSS3 features.


third style


Third Style is based on the theme Twenty Ten, comes with 11 new header backgrounds, and supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer).


tl tweets


TL Tweets is a free WordPress theme, designed to be used as an archive for your tweets, while automatically creating new posts from your Twitter feed.




Webmagazine is a WordPress magazine theme built on the Twenty Ten default WordPress theme.

\nTweet";}i:7;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:54:"WP Blackberry: WordPress for BlackBerry 1.4.1 Released";s:4:"guid";s:38:"http://blackberry.wordpress.org/?p=360";s:4:"link";s:57:"http://blackberry.wordpress.org/2010/08/25/release-1-4-1/";s:11:"description";s:3297:"

WordPress for BlackBerry version 1.4.1 has been released to BlackBerry App World.


Depending on your region or country, you might not see the latest version in the BlackBerry App World, but on your device you should now already see the latest version 1.4.1.


It was a bug squashing release, including:

\n\nClick to view slideshow.\n

The app now supports the following languages:
\nFinnish [Thanks Apuasi]
\nFrench [Thanks Yann Nave]
\nIndonesian [Thanks Kate of Pixel Insert]
\nGerman [Thanks Frank Wessel]
\nPortuguese (Portugal) [Thanks José Fontainhas]
\nJapanese [Thanks Nao]
\nSpanish [Thanks danivloven]
\nColombian Spanish [Thanks Blanca Mancilla]
\nPolish [Thanks waclawjacek]


Interested in translating the app ? Visit translate.wordpress.org/projects.


Have questions or feedback that would enhance the app ? Please visit the WordPress for BlackBerry forums.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 25 Aug 2010 13:55:11 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"Danilo";}s:7:"summary";s:3297:"

WordPress for BlackBerry version 1.4.1 has been released to BlackBerry App World.


Depending on your region or country, you might not see the latest version in the BlackBerry App World, but on your device you should now already see the latest version 1.4.1.


It was a bug squashing release, including:

\n\nClick to view slideshow.\n

The app now supports the following languages:
\nFinnish [Thanks Apuasi]
\nFrench [Thanks Yann Nave]
\nIndonesian [Thanks Kate of Pixel Insert]
\nGerman [Thanks Frank Wessel]
\nPortuguese (Portugal) [Thanks José Fontainhas]
\nJapanese [Thanks Nao]
\nSpanish [Thanks danivloven]
\nColombian Spanish [Thanks Blanca Mancilla]
\nPolish [Thanks waclawjacek]


Interested in translating the app ? Visit translate.wordpress.org/projects.


Have questions or feedback that would enhance the app ? Please visit the WordPress for BlackBerry forums.

";}i:8;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:58:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Support Forum All-stars";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8465";s:4:"link";s:87:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/25/wordpress-support-forum-all-stars/";s:11:"description";s:11720:"

WordPress is a powerful blogging platform with a large community volunteering its time to provide support to users in the WordPress Support Forums.


Last week, the WordPress Support Forums mailing list presented nominations for the top active support forum volunteers. These volunteers were nominated for being active on the support forums within the last month and for helping multiple users almost every day on their own free time. The nominees were then organized by the number of topics they have been involved in since joining the forums to find this year’s top fifteen.


If you stopped by the WordPress Support Forums this year, you were probably helped by one of these fifteen volunteers, or you at least got the chance to see them in action.


Without further delay, here are the top fifteen active WordPress Support Forum volunteers:


Mel “esmi” Pedley: Professional web developer since 2001 with a special interest in CSS, web accessibility and, more recently, all things WordPress. Spent a number of years in a previous life running IT support in the public sector. Old habits die hard. [forum profile]


Samuel “samboll” Bollinger: I am a landscape architect by trade and am an avid golfer and camper. I originally started using WordPress back in the 1.5.x series for a business site. I became active in the forums when version 2.0 came out. Can’t remember exactly when I became a mod, but just came to forums one day and saw I was…thought that was a weird way to do it at the time, but years later and I’m still here. I use and support WordPress because of the community and transparency of all levels of the WordPress hierarchy. [forum profile]


Chris “Chris_K” Kasten (fka HandySolo): I’m Director of Technical Operations by day, an independent consultant by night and experienced in a wide range of technologies. I got involved with WordPress support back in 2005 when I had some questions, found the forum and realized I could answer others’ questions while waiting on my own answers. Volunteered to help clean up mangled forum posts shortly afterward and have been a mod ever since. [forum profile]


James “MacManX” Huff: When I started using WordPress six years ago, I had no clue what a “server” was, I though PHP was pronounced ffp, and I think I killed my blog eight times during the first hour. I would never have made it as far as I did without the WordPress Support Forums. Now, I’m happy to donate my time to help others, just like the forum volunteers from years ago helped me. [forum profile]


Otto: I live in Memphis, TN, and make beer in my spare time. I’ve been doing this sort of thing for about 5 years, and recently got hired by Matt as his “Tech Ninja”. So I’m actually paid to help people out now. [forum profile]


Michael “alchymyth” Stolze: I am a senior scientist, with interests in logic and computing since the early days of “fortran” and “assembler”. I began using WordPress and visiting the support forum while I was remodeling a website for a friend; and now I am part-time building web sites and WordPress themes. My life’s motto: “I am here to help.” [forum profile]


James “Rev. Voodoo” Yeo: I’ve tried to make my own website since 1993 when I got my first email account in university. I’ve hand coded, and I’ve tried just about every package out there. WordPress finally made it fun! [forum profile]


mercime: My first WP site was a WPMU 1.2.1 install in 2007 to consolidate all blogs I set up with Greymatter (CGI) in 2002 and self-hosted Blogger sites set up in 2003 under one admin for a church. I believe in the power of giving and giving back. Even though I am neither a coder or programmer, I go to the WP/BP forums and try to help others out where I can. For it is in giving that we receive … more than we even hope for. [forum profile]


Clayton “ClaytonJames” James: My involvement with WordPress started after a year-long trial of installing, evaluating and then discarding more than a dozen other blogging and content management systems that just didn’t live up to my expectations. After only a month with WordPress I knew I had found the right solution. Being involved with support in the forums has taught me almost as much about myself as it has about WordPress. It’s a pleasure belonging to a support community that’s always so willing to share its collective patience and knowledge with others. [forum profile]


Mark “t31os” Duncan: In my spare time I write hacks, plugins or provide support in the forums for WordPress (it’s great fun – generally) and it’s also nice sharing back what I know about code with the community, there’s also the satisfying feeling you get when you’ve helped someone troubleshoot a problem, create a custom hack or add some special functionality to their site (I think we all know that feeling). [forum profile]


Roy: I used to have an html website, but in April/May 2007 I switched to WordPress. Being unfamiliar with CSS, PHP, XHTML, etc. (and still!) I frequently used the forums to clear things up. After a while I could answer other user’s more basic questions myself and this is still the case. I just check every once in a while if there are questions that I can answer, because I think it would be a shame if a new user with a simple question would get stuck early in his/her WordPress experience on something (relatively) simple. Also I check the forums frequently because it is usually the first place to learn about large or small hacks, hiccups in the software, etc. [forum profile]


Mika A. Epstein: I work for “the man” at a large, multi-national bank, but I help with WordPress because the Communist/Socialist in me thinks that if we make the code better, we help make the world better. WordPress has caused me to master all sorts of bizarre talents I never would have thought possible. It’s even helped me to be better at my “real job” because of the coding ideas I’ve come across in the WP community. No one thinks better sideways than the WordPress Devs! [forum profile]


Mark “songdogtech” Ratledge: I got involved helping out in the WordPress.org forums after I found lots of help there myself. I’ve been developing WordPress sites for individuals and non-profits for a few years now. As well as working in IT and being a technology journalist, I’ve been a carpenter, mechanic and have taught university-level English and literature. [forum profile]


mrmist: I got into WordPress a few years ago after switching when MoveableType were having something of an identity crisis. Since then I have been getting more involved with the community, picking up bits of knowledge here and there. These days I am mostly active around the forums and Codex, and I try my best to submit simple patches to the code base. [forum profile]


Andrea “andrea_r” Rennick: I became a user of WordPress MU a good three years ago – when it was in pre-beta stage. I was just your typical mom at home, teaching my kids, and I wanted to create a community for other homeschoolers to have blogs all in one location, so we could find & support each other. It took me a month just to get everything running. I was spending so much time in the MU support forum finding answers, eventually I was helping others. [forum profile] (Note: Andrea was highly active in the WordPress MU Support Forums before they were closed a month ago.)


No support forum would be complete without moderators. The following moderators are currently active in the forums and deserve an extra round of applause. Not only are they tasked with keeping the forums organized and free of spam, but most of them are volunteers as well.


Michael “mdawaffe” Adams, Les “LesBessant” Bessant, Sheri “designsimply” Bigelow, Michael “miklb” Bishop, Samuel “samboll” Bollinger, Brian “briancolinger” Colinger, Mark “t31os” Duncan, James “MacManX” Huff, Chris “Chris_K” Kasten, mrmist, Andrew “nacin” Nacin, Otto, Mel “esmi” Pedley, Andrea “andrea_r” Rennick, and Peter “westi” Westwood.


Obviously, this is just a small sampling of the volunteers providing help on the support forums. If you ever helped someone on the WordPress Support Forums, give yourself a pat on the back, and keep up the amazing work. You’re a part of something that makes WordPress one of the greatest open source blogging platforms.


If you have ever been helped by one of the volunteers on the WordPress Support Forums, let them know how much you appreciated their help.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 25 Aug 2010 13:00:31 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:11720:"

WordPress is a powerful blogging platform with a large community volunteering its time to provide support to users in the WordPress Support Forums.


Last week, the WordPress Support Forums mailing list presented nominations for the top active support forum volunteers. These volunteers were nominated for being active on the support forums within the last month and for helping multiple users almost every day on their own free time. The nominees were then organized by the number of topics they have been involved in since joining the forums to find this year’s top fifteen.


If you stopped by the WordPress Support Forums this year, you were probably helped by one of these fifteen volunteers, or you at least got the chance to see them in action.


Without further delay, here are the top fifteen active WordPress Support Forum volunteers:


Mel “esmi” Pedley: Professional web developer since 2001 with a special interest in CSS, web accessibility and, more recently, all things WordPress. Spent a number of years in a previous life running IT support in the public sector. Old habits die hard. [forum profile]


Samuel “samboll” Bollinger: I am a landscape architect by trade and am an avid golfer and camper. I originally started using WordPress back in the 1.5.x series for a business site. I became active in the forums when version 2.0 came out. Can’t remember exactly when I became a mod, but just came to forums one day and saw I was…thought that was a weird way to do it at the time, but years later and I’m still here. I use and support WordPress because of the community and transparency of all levels of the WordPress hierarchy. [forum profile]


Chris “Chris_K” Kasten (fka HandySolo): I’m Director of Technical Operations by day, an independent consultant by night and experienced in a wide range of technologies. I got involved with WordPress support back in 2005 when I had some questions, found the forum and realized I could answer others’ questions while waiting on my own answers. Volunteered to help clean up mangled forum posts shortly afterward and have been a mod ever since. [forum profile]


James “MacManX” Huff: When I started using WordPress six years ago, I had no clue what a “server” was, I though PHP was pronounced ffp, and I think I killed my blog eight times during the first hour. I would never have made it as far as I did without the WordPress Support Forums. Now, I’m happy to donate my time to help others, just like the forum volunteers from years ago helped me. [forum profile]


Otto: I live in Memphis, TN, and make beer in my spare time. I’ve been doing this sort of thing for about 5 years, and recently got hired by Matt as his “Tech Ninja”. So I’m actually paid to help people out now. [forum profile]


Michael “alchymyth” Stolze: I am a senior scientist, with interests in logic and computing since the early days of “fortran” and “assembler”. I began using WordPress and visiting the support forum while I was remodeling a website for a friend; and now I am part-time building web sites and WordPress themes. My life’s motto: “I am here to help.” [forum profile]


James “Rev. Voodoo” Yeo: I’ve tried to make my own website since 1993 when I got my first email account in university. I’ve hand coded, and I’ve tried just about every package out there. WordPress finally made it fun! [forum profile]


mercime: My first WP site was a WPMU 1.2.1 install in 2007 to consolidate all blogs I set up with Greymatter (CGI) in 2002 and self-hosted Blogger sites set up in 2003 under one admin for a church. I believe in the power of giving and giving back. Even though I am neither a coder or programmer, I go to the WP/BP forums and try to help others out where I can. For it is in giving that we receive … more than we even hope for. [forum profile]


Clayton “ClaytonJames” James: My involvement with WordPress started after a year-long trial of installing, evaluating and then discarding more than a dozen other blogging and content management systems that just didn’t live up to my expectations. After only a month with WordPress I knew I had found the right solution. Being involved with support in the forums has taught me almost as much about myself as it has about WordPress. It’s a pleasure belonging to a support community that’s always so willing to share its collective patience and knowledge with others. [forum profile]


Mark “t31os” Duncan: In my spare time I write hacks, plugins or provide support in the forums for WordPress (it’s great fun – generally) and it’s also nice sharing back what I know about code with the community, there’s also the satisfying feeling you get when you’ve helped someone troubleshoot a problem, create a custom hack or add some special functionality to their site (I think we all know that feeling). [forum profile]


Roy: I used to have an html website, but in April/May 2007 I switched to WordPress. Being unfamiliar with CSS, PHP, XHTML, etc. (and still!) I frequently used the forums to clear things up. After a while I could answer other user’s more basic questions myself and this is still the case. I just check every once in a while if there are questions that I can answer, because I think it would be a shame if a new user with a simple question would get stuck early in his/her WordPress experience on something (relatively) simple. Also I check the forums frequently because it is usually the first place to learn about large or small hacks, hiccups in the software, etc. [forum profile]


Mika A. Epstein: I work for “the man” at a large, multi-national bank, but I help with WordPress because the Communist/Socialist in me thinks that if we make the code better, we help make the world better. WordPress has caused me to master all sorts of bizarre talents I never would have thought possible. It’s even helped me to be better at my “real job” because of the coding ideas I’ve come across in the WP community. No one thinks better sideways than the WordPress Devs! [forum profile]


Mark “songdogtech” Ratledge: I got involved helping out in the WordPress.org forums after I found lots of help there myself. I’ve been developing WordPress sites for individuals and non-profits for a few years now. As well as working in IT and being a technology journalist, I’ve been a carpenter, mechanic and have taught university-level English and literature. [forum profile]


mrmist: I got into WordPress a few years ago after switching when MoveableType were having something of an identity crisis. Since then I have been getting more involved with the community, picking up bits of knowledge here and there. These days I am mostly active around the forums and Codex, and I try my best to submit simple patches to the code base. [forum profile]


Andrea “andrea_r” Rennick: I became a user of WordPress MU a good three years ago – when it was in pre-beta stage. I was just your typical mom at home, teaching my kids, and I wanted to create a community for other homeschoolers to have blogs all in one location, so we could find & support each other. It took me a month just to get everything running. I was spending so much time in the MU support forum finding answers, eventually I was helping others. [forum profile] (Note: Andrea was highly active in the WordPress MU Support Forums before they were closed a month ago.)


No support forum would be complete without moderators. The following moderators are currently active in the forums and deserve an extra round of applause. Not only are they tasked with keeping the forums organized and free of spam, but most of them are volunteers as well.


Michael “mdawaffe” Adams, Les “LesBessant” Bessant, Sheri “designsimply” Bigelow, Michael “miklb” Bishop, Samuel “samboll” Bollinger, Brian “briancolinger” Colinger, Mark “t31os” Duncan, James “MacManX” Huff, Chris “Chris_K” Kasten, mrmist, Andrew “nacin” Nacin, Otto, Mel “esmi” Pedley, Andrea “andrea_r” Rennick, and Peter “westi” Westwood.


Obviously, this is just a small sampling of the volunteers providing help on the support forums. If you ever helped someone on the WordPress Support Forums, give yourself a pat on the back, and keep up the amazing work. You’re a part of something that makes WordPress one of the greatest open source blogging platforms.


If you have ever been helped by one of the volunteers on the WordPress Support Forums, let them know how much you appreciated their help.

\nTweet";}i:9;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:49:"WordPress Podcast: First One Blog, Next an Empire";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://wp-community.org/?p=701";s:4:"link";s:63:"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/wordpresspodcast/~3/rM6M3RFYYKc/";s:11:"description";s:1974:"

Collis Ta’eed is a veteran blogger and co-founded the Envato network of educational sites and marketplaces covering niches like freelancing and web app’s and much much more. Collis’ network of sites reaches hundreds of thousands of readers monthly, his marketplaces are responsible for enormous amounts of income for developers the world over and his tutorial sites are the hallmark how-to repository for much of the web community.

Collis joined us today to share with us the mechanics of growing initial traffic to your blog, differentiating yourself in the market and monetizing your blog. Listen in to learn more about how to go from freelancer to business owner.

In the news:

Plugin picks of the week:

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 25 Aug 2010 06:22:26 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:54:"joost@pressthis.com (Joost de Valk & Frederick Townes)";}s:7:"summary";s:1974:"

Collis Ta’eed is a veteran blogger and co-founded the Envato network of educational sites and marketplaces covering niches like freelancing and web app’s and much much more. Collis’ network of sites reaches hundreds of thousands of readers monthly, his marketplaces are responsible for enormous amounts of income for developers the world over and his tutorial sites are the hallmark how-to repository for much of the web community.

Collis joined us today to share with us the mechanics of growing initial traffic to your blog, differentiating yourself in the market and monetizing your blog. Listen in to learn more about how to go from freelancer to business owner.

In the news:

Plugin picks of the week:

";}i:10;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:78:"Weblog Tools Collection: 300,000 Biggest Websites, Visualized With Their Icons";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8475";s:4:"link";s:105:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/24/300000-biggest-websites-visualized-with-their-icons/";s:11:"description";s:639:"

The 300,000 Biggest Websites, Visualized With Their Icons: Gizmodo had an interesting post today about a chart/image that contains the favicons of the 300,000 most trafficked websites on the Interwebs. I thought the interactive version was interesting and found Weblog Tools Collection completely hidden right under the lower left corner of the Blogger icon. The traffic data came from Alexa and it was put together by Nmap.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 23:41:55 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"Mark Ghosh";}s:7:"summary";s:639:"

The 300,000 Biggest Websites, Visualized With Their Icons: Gizmodo had an interesting post today about a chart/image that contains the favicons of the 300,000 most trafficked websites on the Interwebs. I thought the interactive version was interesting and found Weblog Tools Collection completely hidden right under the lower left corner of the Blogger icon. The traffic data came from Alexa and it was put together by Nmap.

\nTweet";}i:11;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:18:"Matt: Sync Privacy";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35509";s:4:"link";s:34:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/sync-privacy/";s:11:"description";s:664:"

Sync took a different tack, and started off with “what if we didn’t want the data? What if even having that data was a failure state?” That led us to cryptography. Sync uses strong crypto to encode your data before it is uploaded. The secret phrase is the key to this encryption, and we never send that anywhere to keep your data secure. This really means that Mozilla can’t see your data, giving you full control. (Which is great, because we really don’t want it!)


via Mike Connor » Sync in Firefox 4 Beta.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:58:51 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:664:"

Sync took a different tack, and started off with “what if we didn’t want the data? What if even having that data was a failure state?” That led us to cryptography. Sync uses strong crypto to encode your data before it is uploaded. The secret phrase is the key to this encryption, and we never send that anywhere to keep your data secure. This really means that Mozilla can’t see your data, giving you full control. (Which is great, because we really don’t want it!)


via Mike Connor » Sync in Firefox 4 Beta.

";}i:12;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:30:"Matt: Happiness Team in Lisbon";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35346";s:4:"link";s:46:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/happiness-team-in-lisbon/";s:11:"description";s:38058:"

Exploring Lisbon and Estoril with Automattic’s Happiness team, who had been having a meetup there.


\n\nMCM_0711\nMCM_0712\nMCM_0715\nMCM_0716\nMCM_0718\nMCM_0720\nMCM_0721\nMCM_0724\nMCM_0726\nMCM_0729\nMCM_0730\nMCM_0731\nMCM_0732\nMCM_0734\nMCM_0735\nMCM_0739\nMCM_0742\nMCM_0744\nMCM_0747\nMCM_0749\nMCM_0750\nMCM_0751\nMCM_0752\nMCM_0754\nMCM_0756\nMCM_0760\nMCM_0762\nMCM_0767\nMCM_0768\nMCM_0770\nMCM_0771\nMCM_0776\nMCM_0779\nMCM_0783\nMCM_0784\nMCM_0786\nMCM_0788\nMCM_0789\nMCM_0790\nMCM_0792\nMCM_0794\nMCM_0799\nMCM_0800\nMCM_0804\nMCM_0807\nMCM_0810\nMCM_0816\nMCM_0818\nMCM_0821\nMCM_0822\nMCM_0826\nMCM_0827\nMCM_0829\nMCM_0831\nMCM_0832\nMCM_0833\nMCM_0834\nMCM_0835\nMCM_0836\nMCM_0837\nMCM_0840\nMCM_0842\nMCM_0843\nMCM_0844\nMCM_0851\nMCM_0855\nMCM_0856\nMCM_0859\nMCM_0860\nMCM_0861\nMCM_0862\nMCM_0863\nMCM_0864\nMCM_0865\nMCM_0866\nMCM_0867\nMCM_0869\nMCM_0871\nMCM_0873\nMCM_0879\nMCM_0882\nMCM_0884\nMCM_0886\nMCM_0888\nMCM_0889\nMCM_0890\nMCM_0892\nMCM_0894\nMCM_0895\nMCM_0899\nMCM_0902\nMCM_0912\nMCM_0913\nMCM_0915\nMCM_0916\nMCM_0917\nMCM_0918\nMCM_0919\nMCM_0920\nMCM_0922\nMCM_0924\nMCM_0926\nMCM_0927\nMCM_0928\nMCM_0931\nMCM_0934\nMCM_0938\nMCM_0941\nMCM_0943\nMCM_0944\nMCM_0947\nMCM_0954\nMCM_0955\nMCM_0957\nMCM_0958\nMCM_0960\nMCM_0964\nMCM_0969\nMCM_0970\nMCM_0972\nMCM_0973\nMCM_0974\nMCM_0975\nMCM_0976\nMCM_0978\nMCM_0981\nMCM_0984\nMCM_0990\nMCM_0991\nMCM_0992\nMCM_0995\nMCM_1001\nMCM_1014\nMCM_1024\nMCM_1034\nMCM_1057\nMCM_1063\nMCM_1068\nMCM_1070\nMCM_1074\nMCM_1078\nMCM_1088\nMCM_1099\nMCM_1102\nMCM_1106\nMCM_1111\nMCM_1118\nMCM_1121\nMCM_1123\nMCM_1196\nMCM_1197\nMCM_1238\nMCM_1242\nMCM_1245\nMCM_1253";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 19:45:11 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:38058:"

Exploring Lisbon and Estoril with Automattic’s Happiness team, who had been having a meetup there.


\n\nMCM_0711\nMCM_0712\nMCM_0715\nMCM_0716\nMCM_0718\nMCM_0720\nMCM_0721\nMCM_0724\nMCM_0726\nMCM_0729\nMCM_0730\nMCM_0731\nMCM_0732\nMCM_0734\nMCM_0735\nMCM_0739\nMCM_0742\nMCM_0744\nMCM_0747\nMCM_0749\nMCM_0750\nMCM_0751\nMCM_0752\nMCM_0754\nMCM_0756\nMCM_0760\nMCM_0762\nMCM_0767\nMCM_0768\nMCM_0770\nMCM_0771\nMCM_0776\nMCM_0779\nMCM_0783\nMCM_0784\nMCM_0786\nMCM_0788\nMCM_0789\nMCM_0790\nMCM_0792\nMCM_0794\nMCM_0799\nMCM_0800\nMCM_0804\nMCM_0807\nMCM_0810\nMCM_0816\nMCM_0818\nMCM_0821\nMCM_0822\nMCM_0826\nMCM_0827\nMCM_0829\nMCM_0831\nMCM_0832\nMCM_0833\nMCM_0834\nMCM_0835\nMCM_0836\nMCM_0837\nMCM_0840\nMCM_0842\nMCM_0843\nMCM_0844\nMCM_0851\nMCM_0855\nMCM_0856\nMCM_0859\nMCM_0860\nMCM_0861\nMCM_0862\nMCM_0863\nMCM_0864\nMCM_0865\nMCM_0866\nMCM_0867\nMCM_0869\nMCM_0871\nMCM_0873\nMCM_0879\nMCM_0882\nMCM_0884\nMCM_0886\nMCM_0888\nMCM_0889\nMCM_0890\nMCM_0892\nMCM_0894\nMCM_0895\nMCM_0899\nMCM_0902\nMCM_0912\nMCM_0913\nMCM_0915\nMCM_0916\nMCM_0917\nMCM_0918\nMCM_0919\nMCM_0920\nMCM_0922\nMCM_0924\nMCM_0926\nMCM_0927\nMCM_0928\nMCM_0931\nMCM_0934\nMCM_0938\nMCM_0941\nMCM_0943\nMCM_0944\nMCM_0947\nMCM_0954\nMCM_0955\nMCM_0957\nMCM_0958\nMCM_0960\nMCM_0964\nMCM_0969\nMCM_0970\nMCM_0972\nMCM_0973\nMCM_0974\nMCM_0975\nMCM_0976\nMCM_0978\nMCM_0981\nMCM_0984\nMCM_0990\nMCM_0991\nMCM_0992\nMCM_0995\nMCM_1001\nMCM_1014\nMCM_1024\nMCM_1034\nMCM_1057\nMCM_1063\nMCM_1068\nMCM_1070\nMCM_1074\nMCM_1078\nMCM_1088\nMCM_1099\nMCM_1102\nMCM_1106\nMCM_1111\nMCM_1118\nMCM_1121\nMCM_1123\nMCM_1196\nMCM_1197\nMCM_1238\nMCM_1242\nMCM_1245\nMCM_1253";}i:13;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:40:"Donncha: WIP: the Super Cache admin page";s:4:"guid";s:29:"http://ocaoimh.ie/?p=89495961";s:4:"link";s:45:"http://ocaoimh.ie/wip-super-cache-admin-page/";s:11:"description";s:1334:"


A small update, I’m slowly working through the WP Super Cache admin page in an effort to make it better. You can in fact download the development version if you want to follow along.


What you see above is my first pass. An effort to make the first options section match the look and feel of the standard Settings pages in WordPress. It’s all likely to be mixed around and moved about before the next release, so please, dig in and lend a hand!


Related Posts

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 17:20:33 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:7:"Donncha";}s:7:"summary";s:1334:"


A small update, I’m slowly working through the WP Super Cache admin page in an effort to make it better. You can in fact download the development version if you want to follow along.


What you see above is my first pass. An effort to make the first options section match the look and feel of the standard Settings pages in WordPress. It’s all likely to be mixed around and moved about before the next release, so please, dig in and lend a hand!


Related Posts

";}i:14;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:85:"WP Android: WordPress for Android 1.3.4: Wonky Bugs Fixed & New Comment Feature Added";s:4:"guid";s:35:"http://android.wordpress.org/?p=295";s:4:"link";s:111:"http://android.wordpress.org/2010/08/24/wordpress-for-android-1-3-4-wonky-bugs-fixed-new-comment-feature-added/";s:11:"description";s:3838:"

Huzzah! Today we’ve released a new spiffed-up WordPress for Android app, which not only runs better but also has a cool new comment notification feature. And as we toast our latest work, we must also give all of you a huge thanks — your feedback has been critical to helping us improve the app.


*update August 25th* – Turns out that the post view fix wasn’t working so well on non Froyo devices. We found the fix for that and released version 1.3.5 this morning.


First, let’s look at the handy new comment changes:


Now, when you get a new comment, you’ll see the actual text of the comment in the Android notification bar. Also, when you select the comment notification to moderate the comment, it will now be there instantly in the Comments view instead of requiring you to refresh.


And here are the bugs fixed in WordPress for Android 1.3.4:


So that’s about it. If you ever notice anything wonky in the app, feel free to submit a bug report to the WordPress for Android Trac, available here: android.trac.wordpress.org. Thank you and enjoy!

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:46:24 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:5:"Isaac";}s:7:"summary";s:3838:"

Huzzah! Today we’ve released a new spiffed-up WordPress for Android app, which not only runs better but also has a cool new comment notification feature. And as we toast our latest work, we must also give all of you a huge thanks — your feedback has been critical to helping us improve the app.


*update August 25th* – Turns out that the post view fix wasn’t working so well on non Froyo devices. We found the fix for that and released version 1.3.5 this morning.


First, let’s look at the handy new comment changes:


Now, when you get a new comment, you’ll see the actual text of the comment in the Android notification bar. Also, when you select the comment notification to moderate the comment, it will now be there instantly in the Comments view instead of requiring you to refresh.


And here are the bugs fixed in WordPress for Android 1.3.4:


So that’s about it. If you ever notice anything wonky in the app, feel free to submit a bug report to the WordPress for Android Trac, available here: android.trac.wordpress.org. Thank you and enjoy!

";}i:15;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:60:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 08/24";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8462";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/24/wordpress-plugin-releases-for-0824-2/";s:11:"description";s:1665:"

New plugins


Back List adds Whitelist and Blacklist options for Trackbacks and Pingbacks as well as the option to auto-accept Trackbacks from your own blog.


IP Ban returns ‘Page Not Found’ 404 error message for IP’s visiting your blog specified in the IP Ban option on the Discussion Options page.


Press This Reloaded provides the Press This bookmarklet with all the functionality of the regular Add New Post screen.


WP SimpleWeather allows you to quickly and easily display the current weather at any location you enter using the Yahoo! Weather API.


Updated plugins


Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” admin screen.


DukaPress can be used to build online shops quickly and easily. It is built to be both simple and elegant yet powerful and scalable.


Job Manager allows you to manage job lists and job applications on your WordPress site.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 13:00:24 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:1665:"

New plugins


Back List adds Whitelist and Blacklist options for Trackbacks and Pingbacks as well as the option to auto-accept Trackbacks from your own blog.


IP Ban returns ‘Page Not Found’ 404 error message for IP’s visiting your blog specified in the IP Ban option on the Discussion Options page.


Press This Reloaded provides the Press This bookmarklet with all the functionality of the regular Add New Post screen.


WP SimpleWeather allows you to quickly and easily display the current weather at any location you enter using the Yahoo! Weather API.


Updated plugins


Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” admin screen.


DukaPress can be used to build online shops quickly and easily. It is built to be both simple and elegant yet powerful and scalable.


Job Manager allows you to manage job lists and job applications on your WordPress site.

\nTweet";}i:16;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:54:"Gravatar: Thunderbird Extension Lets You Add Gravatars";s:4:"guid";s:31:"http://blog.gravatar.com/?p=247";s:4:"link";s:58:"http://blog.gravatar.com/2010/08/24/thunderbird-extension/";s:11:"description";s:2618:"

By downloading the “Display Contact Photo” extension from Thunderbird, you can now view Gravatars, creating a personalized touch to all your email messages:



How to Install


To set this up, first follow the download and installation directions found on the extension page above.


Then, to specifically enable Gravatars, follow these steps:


1. Go to Tools > Add-ons > Extensions. Click “Options.”


2. Open the “Remote photos” tab and click “enable Gravatars.”


3. Go to the “General Settings” tab and in the “Choose a default photo” drop-down menu, select “Gravatar.” Click “OK.”


4. You’re all set. Enjoy!

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 24 Aug 2010 12:41:42 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:11:"Joy Victory";}s:7:"summary";s:2618:"

By downloading the “Display Contact Photo” extension from Thunderbird, you can now view Gravatars, creating a personalized touch to all your email messages:



How to Install


To set this up, first follow the download and installation directions found on the extension page above.


Then, to specifically enable Gravatars, follow these steps:


1. Go to Tools > Add-ons > Extensions. Click “Options.”


2. Open the “Remote photos” tab and click “enable Gravatars.”


3. Go to the “General Settings” tab and in the “Choose a default photo” drop-down menu, select “Gravatar.” Click “OK.”


4. You’re all set. Enjoy!

";}i:17;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"Weblog Tools Collection: Regarding Plugin and Theme Digests";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8457";s:4:"link";s:88:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/23/regarding-plugin-and-theme-digests/";s:11:"description";s:2464:"

You’ve just spent countless hours on your latest and greatest WordPress plugin and theme, and you want the world to know about it. Well, we want to help! I’m sure that you’ve all noticed the plugin and theme digests published here every other day, and it’s not too difficult to be a part of them. Sure, we all recommend that you submit your work of art to the official plugin and theme directories, but it normally takes a few days for these directories to be updated. Why not announce it here as soon as you’re done? We’ve made it easy to do just that.


If you want to share your latest and greatest WordPress plugin and theme with us, stop by the New WordPress Plugins and New WordPress Themes forums and simply post a new topic via the form at the bottom of the page, or email submissions (at) wltc (dot) net with either “[New/Updated Plugin Submission] plugin name” or “[New/Updated Theme Submission] theme name” in the subject.


Before submitting, your plugin or theme must be available for free, licensed under the GPL, and free of sponsored links and advertisements. With all submissions, please include the name of the plugin or theme, the license, a link to a product info page (this could be a blog post, page, WordPress plugin/theme directory listing, etc), and a screenshot (if available). We hate having to turn down plugins and themes simply because they provide nothing more than a direct download link to a third-party file sharing/storage service, but we feel that our readers deserve a bit more than that.


For the benefit of our readers, all plugins and themes are confirmed to work with the latest version of WordPress and certified to be free of sponsored links and advertisements, viruses, and other common exploits before being accepted as part of the next digest.


We encourage you to share your latest and greatest plugins and themes with us, and we appreciate your cooperation!

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:00:38 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2464:"

You’ve just spent countless hours on your latest and greatest WordPress plugin and theme, and you want the world to know about it. Well, we want to help! I’m sure that you’ve all noticed the plugin and theme digests published here every other day, and it’s not too difficult to be a part of them. Sure, we all recommend that you submit your work of art to the official plugin and theme directories, but it normally takes a few days for these directories to be updated. Why not announce it here as soon as you’re done? We’ve made it easy to do just that.


If you want to share your latest and greatest WordPress plugin and theme with us, stop by the New WordPress Plugins and New WordPress Themes forums and simply post a new topic via the form at the bottom of the page, or email submissions (at) wltc (dot) net with either “[New/Updated Plugin Submission] plugin name” or “[New/Updated Theme Submission] theme name” in the subject.


Before submitting, your plugin or theme must be available for free, licensed under the GPL, and free of sponsored links and advertisements. With all submissions, please include the name of the plugin or theme, the license, a link to a product info page (this could be a blog post, page, WordPress plugin/theme directory listing, etc), and a screenshot (if available). We hate having to turn down plugins and themes simply because they provide nothing more than a direct download link to a third-party file sharing/storage service, but we feel that our readers deserve a bit more than that.


For the benefit of our readers, all plugins and themes are confirmed to work with the latest version of WordPress and certified to be free of sponsored links and advertisements, viruses, and other common exploits before being accepted as part of the next digest.


We encourage you to share your latest and greatest plugins and themes with us, and we appreciate your cooperation!

\nTweet";}i:18;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:24:"Matt: Leo Loves Blogging";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35344";s:4:"link";s:40:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/leo-loves-blogging/";s:11:"description";s:159:"

Buzz Kill, where Leo Laporte describes the re-ignition of his love affair with blogging over micro-blogging.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 22 Aug 2010 20:02:28 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:159:"

Buzz Kill, where Leo Laporte describes the re-ignition of his love affair with blogging over micro-blogging.

";}i:19;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Theme Releases for 08/22";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8446";s:4:"link";s:89:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/22/wordpress-theme-releases-for-0822-3/";s:11:"description";s:2664:"

bt extended


BT Extended is a spruced newspaper style theme, with a clean sleek white look built on Thematic framework & grid system.


docout black


DocOut Black will improve your search engine results by giving your web pages a search engine friendly document outline.




Leather is a unique and texture rich design with featured images and a simple options page.




Matala is the theme from ma.tt circa 2008.




Mazeld is the theme from photomatt.net circa 2005.




StoneHenge is a beautifully crafted two column WordPress 3 ready theme.


the twin


The Twin is a free WordPress theme with a tattoo style illustration and customizable background.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 22 Aug 2010 13:00:20 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2664:"

bt extended


BT Extended is a spruced newspaper style theme, with a clean sleek white look built on Thematic framework & grid system.


docout black


DocOut Black will improve your search engine results by giving your web pages a search engine friendly document outline.




Leather is a unique and texture rich design with featured images and a simple options page.




Matala is the theme from ma.tt circa 2008.




Mazeld is the theme from photomatt.net circa 2005.




StoneHenge is a beautifully crafted two column WordPress 3 ready theme.


the twin


The Twin is a free WordPress theme with a tattoo style illustration and customizable background.

\nTweet";}i:20;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:27:"Matt: Ma.tt Themes Released";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35329";s:4:"link";s:32:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/new-themes/";s:11:"description";s:983:"

As I announced today at WordCamp Savannah, I’m releasing two of my old designs as themes for any WordPress blog. (See slides here.) If you’re one of the thousands of people who’ve asked me how I do my galleries here on this site, now you can look at the actual code in the Matala theme. (The talavera-looking design by Nicolò Volpato.) The second theme, Mazeld, is actually the last from-scratch original design I did here on Ma.tt (then photomatt.net) and is built as a 2010 child theme. Both themes are listed in the WordPress.org theme directory and available for download. This is just the first iteration, so expect some updates within the next few months as we iterate on the code and functionality.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 21 Aug 2010 18:52:49 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:983:"

As I announced today at WordCamp Savannah, I’m releasing two of my old designs as themes for any WordPress blog. (See slides here.) If you’re one of the thousands of people who’ve asked me how I do my galleries here on this site, now you can look at the actual code in the Matala theme. (The talavera-looking design by Nicolò Volpato.) The second theme, Mazeld, is actually the last from-scratch original design I did here on Ma.tt (then photomatt.net) and is built as a 2010 child theme. Both themes are listed in the WordPress.org theme directory and available for download. This is just the first iteration, so expect some updates within the next few months as we iterate on the code and functionality.

";}i:21;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:64:"Weblog Tools Collection: Vote for Blog Action Day 2010?s Topic";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8439";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/21/vote-for-blog-action-day-2010s-topic/";s:11:"description";s:2809:"

October 15th is less than two months away and Change.org wants you to vote on this year’s Blog Action Day topic. Currently, the selection includes the following topics, but they will continue to take suggestions until the poll closes.


Water: The UN recently declared water to be a human right, but millions around the world still lack even the most basic access, causing widespread disease and the possibility of military conflict over access to clean water.


Human Trafficking: From prostitution to forced labor, more than 27 million people are modern-day slaves, making human trafficking one of the most overlooked man-made tragedies in the world.


Women: The most discriminated against group in the world isn’t a minority: it’s women. From inequality in schooling to reduced economic opportunities, women face a disproportionate degree of adversity all over the world.


Sustainable Food: Industrial agriculture has overtaken the world’s food supply – creating obesity in the developed world and spreading genetically modified crops and oftentimes undercutting local farmers in the developing world.


Hunger: While many of us may take healthy, nutritious food for granted, more than 1 billion people around the world see it as an unattainable luxury.


Oceans: Overfishing and pollution have decimated untold species of fish and other ocean life over the past few decades, and recent oil spills have shown how vulnerable aquatic life is to man-made disasters.


Last year, over 31,000 posts were made from across the globe on the topic of climate change, so vote for your favorite topic and plan to make yourself a part of this monumental event.


I was thrilled by the concept of a day for worldwide blog-powered reflection when the first Blog Action Day was announced in 2007, and I participated with Save the Environment for Free. Unfortunately, I missed the last two, but I’m already thinking of some great posts for all of the potential topics. Have you participated in any past Blog Action Days, and are you planning to participate in this year’s Blog Action Day?

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 21 Aug 2010 13:00:08 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2809:"

October 15th is less than two months away and Change.org wants you to vote on this year’s Blog Action Day topic. Currently, the selection includes the following topics, but they will continue to take suggestions until the poll closes.


Water: The UN recently declared water to be a human right, but millions around the world still lack even the most basic access, causing widespread disease and the possibility of military conflict over access to clean water.


Human Trafficking: From prostitution to forced labor, more than 27 million people are modern-day slaves, making human trafficking one of the most overlooked man-made tragedies in the world.


Women: The most discriminated against group in the world isn’t a minority: it’s women. From inequality in schooling to reduced economic opportunities, women face a disproportionate degree of adversity all over the world.


Sustainable Food: Industrial agriculture has overtaken the world’s food supply – creating obesity in the developed world and spreading genetically modified crops and oftentimes undercutting local farmers in the developing world.


Hunger: While many of us may take healthy, nutritious food for granted, more than 1 billion people around the world see it as an unattainable luxury.


Oceans: Overfishing and pollution have decimated untold species of fish and other ocean life over the past few decades, and recent oil spills have shown how vulnerable aquatic life is to man-made disasters.


Last year, over 31,000 posts were made from across the globe on the topic of climate change, so vote for your favorite topic and plan to make yourself a part of this monumental event.


I was thrilled by the concept of a day for worldwide blog-powered reflection when the first Blog Action Day was announced in 2007, and I participated with Save the Environment for Free. Unfortunately, I missed the last two, but I’m already thinking of some great posts for all of the potential topics. Have you participated in any past Blog Action Days, and are you planning to participate in this year’s Blog Action Day?

\nTweet";}i:22;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:60:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 08/20";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8436";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/20/wordpress-plugin-releases-for-0820-2/";s:11:"description";s:3083:"

New plugins


Active Extra Fields allows you to validate custom fields and post taxonomies.


WordPress Post Tabs is a plugin for WordPress that will help you add as many tabs to your WordPress post or Page. So, say if you want to write some review, you can create various sections of the review post and display them in a tab view, i.e. separate tab for each section.


World Flags allows you to add country flags anywhere in your WordPress blog using simple shortcodes and/or widgets, or show visitor country flag and info based on their IP address.


WP Word Count is a plugin for WordPress that gives you word count statistics for your blog’s posts and pages. In addition to overall stats, WP Word Count also gives figures and details for the largest posts and pages of your blog as well as breakdowns for each of your blog’s authors.


yPHPlista integrates PHPlist, the famous open-source, free and powerful mailing list software, with WordPress smoothly.


Updated plugins


Google Analytics for WordPress is the most complete Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. Of course, you could just copy the tracking code into your theme and be done with it, but then you’d miss a whole lot of features that this plugin has to offer you.


SEO Ultimate gives you control over title tags, noindex/nofollow, meta tags, rich snippets, slugs, canonical tags, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets, and much more.


SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress on the comment form, registration form, login, or all.


WP SlimStat is a simple but powerful real-time web analytics plugin for WordPress. It doesn’t require any subscription to external statistic services: all metrics are kept on your local server, private and accessible to your eyes only.


WP-Stats-Dashboard displays your blog’s stats graph plus your blog traffic, social engagement and social influence directly in your dashboard. See how you’re ranking on Alexa, check out your Technorati authority, monitor your ranking across multiple sites and much more.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 20 Aug 2010 15:05:43 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:3083:"

New plugins


Active Extra Fields allows you to validate custom fields and post taxonomies.


WordPress Post Tabs is a plugin for WordPress that will help you add as many tabs to your WordPress post or Page. So, say if you want to write some review, you can create various sections of the review post and display them in a tab view, i.e. separate tab for each section.


World Flags allows you to add country flags anywhere in your WordPress blog using simple shortcodes and/or widgets, or show visitor country flag and info based on their IP address.


WP Word Count is a plugin for WordPress that gives you word count statistics for your blog’s posts and pages. In addition to overall stats, WP Word Count also gives figures and details for the largest posts and pages of your blog as well as breakdowns for each of your blog’s authors.


yPHPlista integrates PHPlist, the famous open-source, free and powerful mailing list software, with WordPress smoothly.


Updated plugins


Google Analytics for WordPress is the most complete Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. Of course, you could just copy the tracking code into your theme and be done with it, but then you’d miss a whole lot of features that this plugin has to offer you.


SEO Ultimate gives you control over title tags, noindex/nofollow, meta tags, rich snippets, slugs, canonical tags, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets, and much more.


SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress on the comment form, registration form, login, or all.


WP SlimStat is a simple but powerful real-time web analytics plugin for WordPress. It doesn’t require any subscription to external statistic services: all metrics are kept on your local server, private and accessible to your eyes only.


WP-Stats-Dashboard displays your blog’s stats graph plus your blog traffic, social engagement and social influence directly in your dashboard. See how you’re ranking on Alexa, check out your Technorati authority, monitor your ranking across multiple sites and much more.

\nTweet";}i:23;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:74:"Weblog Tools Collection: Common WordPress Multisite Problems and Solutions";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8430";s:4:"link";s:103:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/19/common-wordpress-multisite-problems-and-solutions/";s:11:"description";s:7034:"

When WordPress 3 launched on June 17th of 2010, the ability to run a multisite network from a single installation quickly became one of the most talked about features. Formerly known as WordPress MU, this entirely separate WordPress project was simultaneously upgraded and merged with the main WordPress branch. Many were expecting WordPress Multisite to carry with it the usual WordPress simplicity, but there’s quite a bit more to do after WordPress’ famous 5-minute installation when creating a multisite network, and the complexities of the network system have led to some confusion and questions along the way.


Andrea Rennick became a user of WordPress MU about three years ago, when it was still in a pre-beta stage. She was just your typical stay at home mom and teacher, and she wanted to create a community where other homeschoolers could have their own blogs all in one location, so they could find and support one another. It took her about a month just to get everything running, and she was spending so much time on the WordPress MU Support Forum finding answers, that she eventually began helping others. Soon after, she launched WPMU Tutorials as a resource for anyone to learn about WordPress MU and now WordPress Multisite.


Now, Andrea is a prominent volunteer moderator on the WordPress Support Forums and is co-authoring the WordPress All-in-One Desk Reference.


We are very fortunate that Andrea has agreed to share with us her solutions to some of the most common WordPress Multisite problems. To avoid any interpretation issues, the rest is entirely in her own words.


“My subdomain sites don’t work, what did I do wrong?”


Subdomain sites are managed on the server through the use of wildcards. This means that the server itself needs to have them set up in Apache, and will send any request for any subdomain, straight through to the WordPress network. Then WordPress will look it up on the database and serve the right content. You also need to have a wildcard subdomain record in your DNS records. It looks like this:
\nin A * yourdomain.com.


“My subfolder sites don’t work / have no styles / are not in folders on the server. What’s going on?”


Subfolder sites work on the same principle as pretty permalinks do. The URL is rewritten to give the appearance that it is in a folder on the server. So, mod_rewrite has to be working on the server, and actually reading the .htaccess file. It’s the .htaccess file that does the heavy lifting of “making” the subfolder site in this case.


For either kind:
\nThe blogs themselves are virtual. They do not exist on the server. I’ve answered a few threads about the blogs.dir folder that needs to be made on the server when you enable multisite. This folder does not hold the actual blogs. The only use it has is for media uploads from each site. If there is nothing in the folders under the blogs.dir directory, that has no relation to if the site itself shows up or not.


For more information, please see this article.


“There’s a /blog/ in my main blog. Why is it there and how do I remove it?”


Yes, this is done intentionally so any permalink off the main site does not interfere with any site name in a subfolder setup. You will not see this in a subdomain install.


You can remove it by editing the main site details under Super Admin -> Sites and editing the main site.


I actually like to use this to my advantage, and set up a home page for the whole network on the main site, and then use the /blog/ to be the “main” blog on the network.


“Help! my uploaded images don’t work! Also, they are going in one location but my blogs says they are somewhere else, why?”


This is how it is supposed to work. Images are physically located under the blogs.dir folder, in numbered folders from that correlating to each site’s blog-id#. these locations are then rewritten via the .htaccess file and served up to the “new” location. If it’s not working, then either something is missing from the .htaccess file, or the file just isn’t being read by mod_rewrite.


“Do I need a special theme? Why can’t I edit themes? How can I make changes?”


Most any theme for WordPress will work just fine when you are running a network. Super Admins are the only ones who can edit themes, and this is for security reasons. Also, themes are shared. If you set up a network with 10 sites and they all use TwentyTen, only one copy of TwentyTen is in use. This is why each site has its own admin area with their own widgets to manage.


You can give your users an option similar to wordpress.com’s css upgrade through any of these plugins.


As I touched on in the previous question, the main site’s theme is what controls the main page on the network. Getting familiar with the template hierarchy and using a static home page or the home.php template with various plugins to pull network-wide content will give many Super Admins exactly what they are looking for.


“How do I aggregate or gather all the posts from across all the sites onto the main page of my domain?”


You use the best plugin for this, of course. Sitewide Tags.


This needs to go in the mu-plugins folder, and will run all the time. It puts new options on the Super Admin -> Options page, and you can set it to send all new posts to the main site in the network. When new posts are made, they will be copied over to the main blog, and will retain the originating site’s permalink, so there will be no duplicate content. The only thing it will not pull is comments and post thumbnails.


I’d like to thank Andrea Rennick for generously providing her solutions to these common problems both here and on the WordPress Support Forums. If you need any help beyond what was mentioned above, please feel free to ask in the Multisite section of the WordPress Support Forums where Andrea and the rest of the talented support forum volunteers are on-hand to help you at most hours of the day.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:00:19 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:7034:"

When WordPress 3 launched on June 17th of 2010, the ability to run a multisite network from a single installation quickly became one of the most talked about features. Formerly known as WordPress MU, this entirely separate WordPress project was simultaneously upgraded and merged with the main WordPress branch. Many were expecting WordPress Multisite to carry with it the usual WordPress simplicity, but there’s quite a bit more to do after WordPress’ famous 5-minute installation when creating a multisite network, and the complexities of the network system have led to some confusion and questions along the way.


Andrea Rennick became a user of WordPress MU about three years ago, when it was still in a pre-beta stage. She was just your typical stay at home mom and teacher, and she wanted to create a community where other homeschoolers could have their own blogs all in one location, so they could find and support one another. It took her about a month just to get everything running, and she was spending so much time on the WordPress MU Support Forum finding answers, that she eventually began helping others. Soon after, she launched WPMU Tutorials as a resource for anyone to learn about WordPress MU and now WordPress Multisite.


Now, Andrea is a prominent volunteer moderator on the WordPress Support Forums and is co-authoring the WordPress All-in-One Desk Reference.


We are very fortunate that Andrea has agreed to share with us her solutions to some of the most common WordPress Multisite problems. To avoid any interpretation issues, the rest is entirely in her own words.


“My subdomain sites don’t work, what did I do wrong?”


Subdomain sites are managed on the server through the use of wildcards. This means that the server itself needs to have them set up in Apache, and will send any request for any subdomain, straight through to the WordPress network. Then WordPress will look it up on the database and serve the right content. You also need to have a wildcard subdomain record in your DNS records. It looks like this:
\nin A * yourdomain.com.


“My subfolder sites don’t work / have no styles / are not in folders on the server. What’s going on?”


Subfolder sites work on the same principle as pretty permalinks do. The URL is rewritten to give the appearance that it is in a folder on the server. So, mod_rewrite has to be working on the server, and actually reading the .htaccess file. It’s the .htaccess file that does the heavy lifting of “making” the subfolder site in this case.


For either kind:
\nThe blogs themselves are virtual. They do not exist on the server. I’ve answered a few threads about the blogs.dir folder that needs to be made on the server when you enable multisite. This folder does not hold the actual blogs. The only use it has is for media uploads from each site. If there is nothing in the folders under the blogs.dir directory, that has no relation to if the site itself shows up or not.


For more information, please see this article.


“There’s a /blog/ in my main blog. Why is it there and how do I remove it?”


Yes, this is done intentionally so any permalink off the main site does not interfere with any site name in a subfolder setup. You will not see this in a subdomain install.


You can remove it by editing the main site details under Super Admin -> Sites and editing the main site.


I actually like to use this to my advantage, and set up a home page for the whole network on the main site, and then use the /blog/ to be the “main” blog on the network.


“Help! my uploaded images don’t work! Also, they are going in one location but my blogs says they are somewhere else, why?”


This is how it is supposed to work. Images are physically located under the blogs.dir folder, in numbered folders from that correlating to each site’s blog-id#. these locations are then rewritten via the .htaccess file and served up to the “new” location. If it’s not working, then either something is missing from the .htaccess file, or the file just isn’t being read by mod_rewrite.


“Do I need a special theme? Why can’t I edit themes? How can I make changes?”


Most any theme for WordPress will work just fine when you are running a network. Super Admins are the only ones who can edit themes, and this is for security reasons. Also, themes are shared. If you set up a network with 10 sites and they all use TwentyTen, only one copy of TwentyTen is in use. This is why each site has its own admin area with their own widgets to manage.


You can give your users an option similar to wordpress.com’s css upgrade through any of these plugins.


As I touched on in the previous question, the main site’s theme is what controls the main page on the network. Getting familiar with the template hierarchy and using a static home page or the home.php template with various plugins to pull network-wide content will give many Super Admins exactly what they are looking for.


“How do I aggregate or gather all the posts from across all the sites onto the main page of my domain?”


You use the best plugin for this, of course. Sitewide Tags.


This needs to go in the mu-plugins folder, and will run all the time. It puts new options on the Super Admin -> Options page, and you can set it to send all new posts to the main site in the network. When new posts are made, they will be copied over to the main blog, and will retain the originating site’s permalink, so there will be no duplicate content. The only thing it will not pull is comments and post thumbnails.


I’d like to thank Andrea Rennick for generously providing her solutions to these common problems both here and on the WordPress Support Forums. If you need any help beyond what was mentioned above, please feel free to ask in the Multisite section of the WordPress Support Forums where Andrea and the rest of the talented support forum volunteers are on-hand to help you at most hours of the day.

\nTweet";}i:24;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:86:"Weblog Tools Collection: Drive Traffic to Old Content with “Tweet Old Post” Plugin";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8411";s:4:"link";s:109:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/18/drive-traffic-to-old-content-with-tweet-old-post-plugin/";s:11:"description";s:8246:"

How long ago did you create your Twitter account? Hold on to that number…how long ago did you launch your blog? Something tells me that you’ve probably been running your blog much longer than you’ve had a Twitter account…am I right? If so this can only mean one thing, unless you’ve been actively tweeting older posts from your blog, your Twitter followers have no idea about the treasure trove of (older) content that is sitting on your site. Sure you are getting a ton of search engine traffic, but hasn’t traffic from social media also proven to be extremely lucrative as well? Why let that potential traffic go to waste?


This is where the Tweet Old Post plugin comes in. The Tweet Old Post plugin does one thing and it does it well, it allows you to automatically tweet about old posts using a specified Twitter account and it provides you with a set of options to make sure that tweet is right.


Before you go and install this free plugin make sure you read this in depth review to help you decide whether this plugin is the right tool for you.




You can download and install the Tweet Old Post plugin from the Plugins directory in WordPress within your WordPress installation or you can download the plugin directly from the WordPress by following this link.


To install from your WordPress installation simply click on Plugins in the Admin menu, Add New, and search for Tweet Old Post. When the plugin appears in the search results list, click on the Install button to download and install the plugin.


Once you’ve successfully installed and activated the plugin, follow the instructions below.



1. Go to Settings in the Admin page and click on Tweet Old Posts.


The plugin is fairly easy to configure all you need to do is enter the Twitter user name and password you wish to automatically tweet to. However if you wish to harness the power of this plugin you will need to delve in the additional options that are available.



2. Set the following options.


As you can see from the screenshot above there are quite a bit of options that are available which allow you to customize how the tweets are delivered and when. We will go over each of these options in detail so that you understand each of the settings.


a. Twitter User Name and Twitter Password - As I mentioned before, you can simply enter your Twitter user name and password and start tweeting automatically right away. If you run into any issues with this plugin, most of them can be resolved by double checking that you entered the correct user name and password.


b. Tweet Prefix – If set, each tweet that is automatically generated will be prefixed with the information you enter in this box. Keep in mind the character limits and the fact that it will be used for every single tweet that is automatically generated.


c. Add post data to tweet – If set to Yes, the tweet will include additional information from the post, i.e. content. I would probably leave this set to No.


d. Fetch URL from Custom field – If checked the URL that will be used when tweeting will be from the custom field otherwise the plugin will use the shortened URL.


e. Use URL shortener and URL Shortener Service – If you decide to use a URL shortener service you can specify which one to use from the list of available services.


f. Default #hash tags for your tweets – Using this option you can specify a set of hash tags to be used with your tweets. Again, keep in mind that these tweets will be automated and the content tweeted will be random so make sure you use a hash tag that will apply to all of the content.


g. Time intervals & Eligible Post Age


h. Categories to Omit from Tweets – If you’ve done a really good job of categorizing your posts you will find this option a lifesaver, specifically if you use specific hash tags for certain categories.


3. Once you are satisfied with the settings you will have two options; you can update the plugin settings or you can Tweet Now to make sure everything is working correctly.



The screenshot above is an example of a Tweet from an old post appearing on Twitter when the Tweet Now button was used.


As you can see by now, this plugin has a lot of options to offer and a lot of potential to drive traffic to all of those old posts on your blog. However there are some shortcomings that may make you reconsider.


Despite these shortcomings, this plugin makes should be on the top of everyone’s essential WordPress plugins list. It will help you promote older content and recycle more current content to new Twitter followers. I hope the developer is listening…If the features discussed above are added, I think that this would be a killer plugin, something I’d be willing to pay for.


What do you think? Are there other plugins with similar functions already out there? Please use the comments form below.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 18 Aug 2010 22:23:39 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:7:"gperera";}s:7:"summary";s:8246:"

How long ago did you create your Twitter account? Hold on to that number…how long ago did you launch your blog? Something tells me that you’ve probably been running your blog much longer than you’ve had a Twitter account…am I right? If so this can only mean one thing, unless you’ve been actively tweeting older posts from your blog, your Twitter followers have no idea about the treasure trove of (older) content that is sitting on your site. Sure you are getting a ton of search engine traffic, but hasn’t traffic from social media also proven to be extremely lucrative as well? Why let that potential traffic go to waste?


This is where the Tweet Old Post plugin comes in. The Tweet Old Post plugin does one thing and it does it well, it allows you to automatically tweet about old posts using a specified Twitter account and it provides you with a set of options to make sure that tweet is right.


Before you go and install this free plugin make sure you read this in depth review to help you decide whether this plugin is the right tool for you.




You can download and install the Tweet Old Post plugin from the Plugins directory in WordPress within your WordPress installation or you can download the plugin directly from the WordPress by following this link.


To install from your WordPress installation simply click on Plugins in the Admin menu, Add New, and search for Tweet Old Post. When the plugin appears in the search results list, click on the Install button to download and install the plugin.


Once you’ve successfully installed and activated the plugin, follow the instructions below.



1. Go to Settings in the Admin page and click on Tweet Old Posts.


The plugin is fairly easy to configure all you need to do is enter the Twitter user name and password you wish to automatically tweet to. However if you wish to harness the power of this plugin you will need to delve in the additional options that are available.



2. Set the following options.


As you can see from the screenshot above there are quite a bit of options that are available which allow you to customize how the tweets are delivered and when. We will go over each of these options in detail so that you understand each of the settings.


a. Twitter User Name and Twitter Password - As I mentioned before, you can simply enter your Twitter user name and password and start tweeting automatically right away. If you run into any issues with this plugin, most of them can be resolved by double checking that you entered the correct user name and password.


b. Tweet Prefix – If set, each tweet that is automatically generated will be prefixed with the information you enter in this box. Keep in mind the character limits and the fact that it will be used for every single tweet that is automatically generated.


c. Add post data to tweet – If set to Yes, the tweet will include additional information from the post, i.e. content. I would probably leave this set to No.


d. Fetch URL from Custom field – If checked the URL that will be used when tweeting will be from the custom field otherwise the plugin will use the shortened URL.


e. Use URL shortener and URL Shortener Service – If you decide to use a URL shortener service you can specify which one to use from the list of available services.


f. Default #hash tags for your tweets – Using this option you can specify a set of hash tags to be used with your tweets. Again, keep in mind that these tweets will be automated and the content tweeted will be random so make sure you use a hash tag that will apply to all of the content.


g. Time intervals & Eligible Post Age


h. Categories to Omit from Tweets – If you’ve done a really good job of categorizing your posts you will find this option a lifesaver, specifically if you use specific hash tags for certain categories.


3. Once you are satisfied with the settings you will have two options; you can update the plugin settings or you can Tweet Now to make sure everything is working correctly.



The screenshot above is an example of a Tweet from an old post appearing on Twitter when the Tweet Now button was used.


As you can see by now, this plugin has a lot of options to offer and a lot of potential to drive traffic to all of those old posts on your blog. However there are some shortcomings that may make you reconsider.


Despite these shortcomings, this plugin makes should be on the top of everyone’s essential WordPress plugins list. It will help you promote older content and recycle more current content to new Twitter followers. I hope the developer is listening…If the features discussed above are added, I think that this would be a killer plugin, something I’d be willing to pay for.


What do you think? Are there other plugins with similar functions already out there? Please use the comments form below.

\nTweet";}i:25;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:45:"Dougal Campbell: My Portfolio Site: dougal.us";s:4:"guid";s:34:"http://dougal.gunters.org/?p=20134";s:4:"link";s:124:"http://dougal.gunters.org/blog/2010/08/18/my-portfolio-site-dougal-us?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss";s:11:"description";s:2541:"
dougal.us maximus

If you looked closely at the business card image in my previous post, you might have noticed that the URL on the card isn’t for this blog. I set up a separate portfolio site using the dougal.us domain that I’ve been sitting on for quite some time. I am currently using the SimpleFolio theme, found from Smashing Magazine, and created portfolio highlight posts for several projects I’ve been involved in. I’m still not sure if I’m going to stay with that theme, but it’s likely to stick around for at least a little while, until I have time to decide what I might want to do differently. The “logo” is temporary — I haven’t settled on an identity, yet — so that’s likely to change, as well.


This site will continue to host most of my WordPress-related posts, plugin information, and occasional personal posts, while the other site will cover other web site projects that I work on, speaking gigs, general web development topics, and tech news. There will be some overlap from time-to-time (in particular with information about WordPress projects, conferences, and presentations), but I’ll try to keep it minimal, mainly pointing from one site to the other, as appropriate.


Related posts:

  1. jQuery API site using WordPress as CMS
  2. \n
  3. Socializing a WordPress site
  4. \n
  5. Dougal on WordPress Community Podcast
  6. \n

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:32:50 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"Dougal";}s:7:"summary";s:2541:"
dougal.us maximus

If you looked closely at the business card image in my previous post, you might have noticed that the URL on the card isn’t for this blog. I set up a separate portfolio site using the dougal.us domain that I’ve been sitting on for quite some time. I am currently using the SimpleFolio theme, found from Smashing Magazine, and created portfolio highlight posts for several projects I’ve been involved in. I’m still not sure if I’m going to stay with that theme, but it’s likely to stick around for at least a little while, until I have time to decide what I might want to do differently. The “logo” is temporary — I haven’t settled on an identity, yet — so that’s likely to change, as well.


This site will continue to host most of my WordPress-related posts, plugin information, and occasional personal posts, while the other site will cover other web site projects that I work on, speaking gigs, general web development topics, and tech news. There will be some overlap from time-to-time (in particular with information about WordPress projects, conferences, and presentations), but I’ll try to keep it minimal, mainly pointing from one site to the other, as appropriate.


Related posts:

  1. jQuery API site using WordPress as CMS
  2. \n
  3. Socializing a WordPress site
  4. \n
  5. Dougal on WordPress Community Podcast
  6. \n

";}i:26;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Theme Releases for 08/18";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8423";s:4:"link";s:87:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/18/wordpress-theme-releases-for-0818/";s:11:"description";s:1623:"

glossy stylo


Glossy Stylo is a colorful theme with nice transparency effects, 2-column layout, and a widget-ready sidebar.




JustCSS is an HTML5 theme with custom colours using CSS3, based on Toolbox.


portfolio theme


Portfolio Theme uses custom post types for portfolio pages, takes advantage of the new menu navigation, and includes a ton of neat features.




Summ is a theme in blue and white, with widgets supported, and no plugins required.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 18 Aug 2010 13:00:10 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:1623:"

glossy stylo


Glossy Stylo is a colorful theme with nice transparency effects, 2-column layout, and a widget-ready sidebar.




JustCSS is an HTML5 theme with custom colours using CSS3, based on Toolbox.


portfolio theme


Portfolio Theme uses custom post types for portfolio pages, takes advantage of the new menu navigation, and includes a ton of neat features.




Summ is a theme in blue and white, with widgets supported, and no plugins required.

\nTweet";}i:27;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:55:"WordPress Podcast: Matt Mullenweg interview – Part II";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://wp-community.org/?p=694";s:4:"link";s:63:"http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/wordpresspodcast/~3/M3SYu7yF-Gk/";s:11:"description";s:1091:"

In this second part of our interview with Matt (you have listened to the first part, right?), we discuss VaultPress; Automattic’s new backup system. Matt explains the features, pricing. Going from that we discussed hosting and their uptimes.

Then the discussion shifted to the community, and how that’s built. We discussed how to get core commit access, and how Matt’s multiple roles within the community could collide. We got talking about how WordPress got where it came, how good product development is also good marketing, WordCamps around the world, how giving support helps you make better products etc. etc. etc. Best quote: Matt & Automattic are happy plumbers of the web :)

If you’re into WordPress, just listen to it live here, or download it to your iPod.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:39:02 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:54:"joost@pressthis.com (Joost de Valk & Frederick Townes)";}s:7:"summary";s:1091:"

In this second part of our interview with Matt (you have listened to the first part, right?), we discuss VaultPress; Automattic’s new backup system. Matt explains the features, pricing. Going from that we discussed hosting and their uptimes.

Then the discussion shifted to the community, and how that’s built. We discussed how to get core commit access, and how Matt’s multiple roles within the community could collide. We got talking about how WordPress got where it came, how good product development is also good marketing, WordCamps around the world, how giving support helps you make better products etc. etc. etc. Best quote: Matt & Automattic are happy plumbers of the web :)

If you’re into WordPress, just listen to it live here, or download it to your iPod.

";}i:28;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:64:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress and the White Screen of Death";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8402";s:4:"link";s:93:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/17/wordpress-and-the-white-screen-of-death/";s:11:"description";s:2569:"

Nothing can be more unsettling than an obvious problem with absolutely no error or diagnostic message, and that’s exactly what the infamous white screen of death is. Imagine that you were changing a setting on your blog, installing or upgrading a plugin, upgrading to the latest version of WordPress, or simply returning to your blog at the start of a new day, and you see nothing but white.


Unfortunately, the white screen of death became all too well-known in the WordPress community when a few incompatible plugins began to cause the issue after users upgraded to WordPress 3. Today, most white screens of death are either caused by plugins or themes (theme functions can sometimes interfere with core WordPress functions). If you want to immediately attempt to find the culprit, you can enable debug mode, but even that can produce nothing more than a blank screen, so why not attack the problem head on?


We’ll start with your plugins. If you have access to your admin panel, try deactivating all plugins. If you don’t have access to your admin panel, try manually resetting your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.


If your blog showed no signs of improvement after deactivating your plugins, then it’s time to move on to your currently active theme. If you have access to your admin panel, try switching to the Default theme (WordPress 1.5 – 2.9.2) or the Twenty Ten theme (WordPress 3.0 and higher). If you don’t have access to your admin panel, access your server via FTP or SFTP, navigate to /wp-content/themes/ and rename the directory of your currently active theme, which will force the Default theme (WordPress 1.5 – 2.9.2) or the Twenty Ten theme (WordPress 3.0 and higher) to activate. This will hopefully rule-out a theme-specific issue.


Though plugins and themes are the most common cause of the white screen of death, there are a few rare causes as well. If the above troubleshooting steps failed to resolve the issue, please contact the WordPress Support Forums.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:00:11 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2569:"

Nothing can be more unsettling than an obvious problem with absolutely no error or diagnostic message, and that’s exactly what the infamous white screen of death is. Imagine that you were changing a setting on your blog, installing or upgrading a plugin, upgrading to the latest version of WordPress, or simply returning to your blog at the start of a new day, and you see nothing but white.


Unfortunately, the white screen of death became all too well-known in the WordPress community when a few incompatible plugins began to cause the issue after users upgraded to WordPress 3. Today, most white screens of death are either caused by plugins or themes (theme functions can sometimes interfere with core WordPress functions). If you want to immediately attempt to find the culprit, you can enable debug mode, but even that can produce nothing more than a blank screen, so why not attack the problem head on?


We’ll start with your plugins. If you have access to your admin panel, try deactivating all plugins. If you don’t have access to your admin panel, try manually resetting your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.


If your blog showed no signs of improvement after deactivating your plugins, then it’s time to move on to your currently active theme. If you have access to your admin panel, try switching to the Default theme (WordPress 1.5 – 2.9.2) or the Twenty Ten theme (WordPress 3.0 and higher). If you don’t have access to your admin panel, access your server via FTP or SFTP, navigate to /wp-content/themes/ and rename the directory of your currently active theme, which will force the Default theme (WordPress 1.5 – 2.9.2) or the Twenty Ten theme (WordPress 3.0 and higher) to activate. This will hopefully rule-out a theme-specific issue.


Though plugins and themes are the most common cause of the white screen of death, there are a few rare causes as well. If the above troubleshooting steps failed to resolve the issue, please contact the WordPress Support Forums.

\nTweet";}i:29;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:52:"Joseph: Bluehost Sponsoring WordCamp Utah 2010 Lunch";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://josephscott.org/?p=2753";s:4:"link";s:85:"http://josephscott.org/archives/2010/08/bluehost-sponsoring-wordcamp-utah-2010-lunch/";s:11:"description";s:1864:"

As noted on the WCUT blog, Bluehost is sponsoring the lunch for WordCamp Utah 2010. James over at Bluehost was great, he wanted to make sure they played a big role in making this a successful event, and covering lunch definitely counts. Having great sponsors (check out the folks in the sidebar at http://2010.utah.wordcamp.org/) make this process so much easier.


Catering for lunch is from The SugarHouse BBQ Company, which makes me hungry just thinking about it. The lunch plans are based on the current estimates for the number of people attending, but we can adjust that if we need to, I’d be happy to order more food :-) .


If you are still on the fence on attending check out the schedule for the day, along with brief bio’s for each speaker. The cost for the whole day is only $20, which includes lunch and t-shirt. You can register here.


I’m looking forward to seeing you there.


Related posts:

  1. WordCamp Utah 2010
  2. \n
  3. WordCamp Utah 2010 Update – Genius Bar
  4. \n
  5. WordCamp Utah Keynote: Matt Mullenweg
  6. \n

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:11:48 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:12:"Joseph Scott";}s:7:"summary";s:1864:"

As noted on the WCUT blog, Bluehost is sponsoring the lunch for WordCamp Utah 2010. James over at Bluehost was great, he wanted to make sure they played a big role in making this a successful event, and covering lunch definitely counts. Having great sponsors (check out the folks in the sidebar at http://2010.utah.wordcamp.org/) make this process so much easier.


Catering for lunch is from The SugarHouse BBQ Company, which makes me hungry just thinking about it. The lunch plans are based on the current estimates for the number of people attending, but we can adjust that if we need to, I’d be happy to order more food :-) .


If you are still on the fence on attending check out the schedule for the day, along with brief bio’s for each speaker. The cost for the whole day is only $20, which includes lunch and t-shirt. You can register here.


I’m looking forward to seeing you there.


Related posts:

  1. WordCamp Utah 2010
  2. \n
  3. WordCamp Utah 2010 Update – Genius Bar
  4. \n
  5. WordCamp Utah Keynote: Matt Mullenweg
  6. \n

";}i:30;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:21:"Matt: Adobe & Typekit";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35327";s:4:"link";s:35:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/adobe-typekit/";s:11:"description";s:165:"

Adobe partners with Typekit to bring legendary typefaces to the web — pretty killer.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 16 Aug 2010 16:04:55 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:165:"

Adobe partners with Typekit to bring legendary typefaces to the web — pretty killer.

";}i:31;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:60:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 08/16";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8397";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/16/wordpress-plugin-releases-for-0816-3/";s:11:"description";s:2653:"

New plugins


Custom Post Permalinks will set up custom post type permalinks for non-hierarchical permalinks which have the flexibility of blog post permalinks.


Dev Corner Badge places a highly visible marker in the upper corner of every post/page to denote a development site.


Favicon Rotator is a free plugin for WordPress that makes it incredibly simple to add a favicon to your site. Favicon Rotator uses WordPress’ own media management features to upload and add a favicon to your site so there is nothing new to learn.


Trigger Warning allows you to wrap content in quicktags to hide it. Readers can choose to read the trigger content by clicking on the “Show” button.


WP Tweet Button implements Twitter’s own Tweet Button on your blog or site. The tweet button can be positioned as you please and can be styled to your delight in the settings page.


Updated plugins


Fast Secure Contact Form lets your visitors send you a quick E-mail message and blocks all common spammer tactics.


Simple Twitter Connect is a series of plugins that lets you add any sort of Twitter functionality you like to a WordPress blog.


Twitter Goodies will show your twitter tweets under Sidebar Area (Widget) and Post and/or Pages.


Twitter Tools integrates your WordPress blog with your Twitter account allowing you to send new blog posts to Twitter as a tweet and vice versa.


WPBook enables you to pull recent blog posts from your blog in to Facebook, and allow Facebook users to enter comments. Their comments show up on your blog whether accessed directly or through Facebook, and regular blog comments will show up in Facebook as well.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 16 Aug 2010 13:00:59 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2653:"

New plugins


Custom Post Permalinks will set up custom post type permalinks for non-hierarchical permalinks which have the flexibility of blog post permalinks.


Dev Corner Badge places a highly visible marker in the upper corner of every post/page to denote a development site.


Favicon Rotator is a free plugin for WordPress that makes it incredibly simple to add a favicon to your site. Favicon Rotator uses WordPress’ own media management features to upload and add a favicon to your site so there is nothing new to learn.


Trigger Warning allows you to wrap content in quicktags to hide it. Readers can choose to read the trigger content by clicking on the “Show” button.


WP Tweet Button implements Twitter’s own Tweet Button on your blog or site. The tweet button can be positioned as you please and can be styled to your delight in the settings page.


Updated plugins


Fast Secure Contact Form lets your visitors send you a quick E-mail message and blocks all common spammer tactics.


Simple Twitter Connect is a series of plugins that lets you add any sort of Twitter functionality you like to a WordPress blog.


Twitter Goodies will show your twitter tweets under Sidebar Area (Widget) and Post and/or Pages.


Twitter Tools integrates your WordPress blog with your Twitter account allowing you to send new blog posts to Twitter as a tweet and vice versa.


WPBook enables you to pull recent blog posts from your blog in to Facebook, and allow Facebook users to enter comments. Their comments show up on your blog whether accessed directly or through Facebook, and regular blog comments will show up in Facebook as well.

\nTweet";}i:32;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:44:"Alex King: Twitter Tools 2.4 (OAuth Support)";s:4:"guid";s:27:"http://alexking.org/?p=4611";s:4:"link";s:53:"http://alexking.org/blog/2010/08/15/twitter-tools-2-4";s:11:"description";s:1735:"

Version 2.4 of my Twitter Tools plugin for WordPress is now available. Twitter Tools creates a full two-way integration between your WordPress site and Twitter. You can send your posts to Twitter, archive your tweets and create posts from them, and more.


This version has the following changes and is a must upgrade due to Twitter’s authentication changes:


The download and links to other resources are now available on the Crowd Favorite website.


If you have any trouble with this, please contact the WordPress HelpCenter (303-395-1346) or you can try the WP Support Forums.



\n";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 16 Aug 2010 05:37:05 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Alex";}s:7:"summary";s:1735:"

Version 2.4 of my Twitter Tools plugin for WordPress is now available. Twitter Tools creates a full two-way integration between your WordPress site and Twitter. You can send your posts to Twitter, archive your tweets and create posts from them, and more.


This version has the following changes and is a must upgrade due to Twitter’s authentication changes:


The download and links to other resources are now available on the Crowd Favorite website.


If you have any trouble with this, please contact the WordPress HelpCenter (303-395-1346) or you can try the WP Support Forums.



\n";}i:33;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:29:"Matt: WordCamp Houston Photos";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35234";s:4:"link";s:38:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/wordcamp-houston/";s:11:"description";s:21295:"

WordCamp Houston at the Museum of Natural Science, after-party at Caroline Collective, after-after-party at Christine Tremoulet’s studio, after-after-after-party at Spanish Flowers.


\n\nMCM_0469\nMCM_0470\nMCM_0471\nMCM_0474\nMCM_0477\nMCM_0478\nMCM_0484\nMCM_0488\nMCM_0489\nMCM_0493\nMCM_0495\nMCM_0496\nMCM_0497\nMCM_0500\nMCM_0502\nMCM_0504\nMCM_0513\nMCM_0516\nMCM_0518\nMCM_0520\nMCM_0523\nMCM_0525\nMCM_0526\nMCM_0528\nMCM_0530\nMCM_0532\nMCM_0533\nMCM_0534\nMCM_0535\nMCM_0538\nMCM_0541\nMCM_0543\nMCM_0544\nMCM_0547\nMCM_0551\nMCM_0554\nMCM_0557\nMCM_0560\nMCM_0561\nMCM_0564\nMCM_0569\nMCM_0570\nMCM_0571\nMCM_0572\nMCM_0573\nMCM_0576\nMCM_0577\nMCM_0578\nMCM_0579\nMCM_0581\nMCM_0586\nMCM_0588\nMCM_0589\nMCM_0591\nMCM_0592\nMCM_0593\nMCM_0595\nMCM_0596\nMCM_0599\nMCM_0602\nMCM_0615\nMCM_0619\nMCM_0621\nMCM_0626\nMCM_0650\nMCM_0656\nMCM_0662\nMCM_0665\nMCM_0666\nMCM_0670\nMCM_0671\nMCM_0673\nMCM_0679\nMCM_0681\nMCM_0682\nMCM_0684\nMCM_0685\nMCM_0687\nMCM_0688\nMCM_0689\nMCM_0692\nMCM_0696\nMCM_0699\nMCM_0700\nMCM_0705\nMCM_0706\nMCM_0707\nMCM_0708\nMCM_0709";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:15:15 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:21295:"

WordCamp Houston at the Museum of Natural Science, after-party at Caroline Collective, after-after-party at Christine Tremoulet’s studio, after-after-after-party at Spanish Flowers.


\n\nMCM_0469\nMCM_0470\nMCM_0471\nMCM_0474\nMCM_0477\nMCM_0478\nMCM_0484\nMCM_0488\nMCM_0489\nMCM_0493\nMCM_0495\nMCM_0496\nMCM_0497\nMCM_0500\nMCM_0502\nMCM_0504\nMCM_0513\nMCM_0516\nMCM_0518\nMCM_0520\nMCM_0523\nMCM_0525\nMCM_0526\nMCM_0528\nMCM_0530\nMCM_0532\nMCM_0533\nMCM_0534\nMCM_0535\nMCM_0538\nMCM_0541\nMCM_0543\nMCM_0544\nMCM_0547\nMCM_0551\nMCM_0554\nMCM_0557\nMCM_0560\nMCM_0561\nMCM_0564\nMCM_0569\nMCM_0570\nMCM_0571\nMCM_0572\nMCM_0573\nMCM_0576\nMCM_0577\nMCM_0578\nMCM_0579\nMCM_0581\nMCM_0586\nMCM_0588\nMCM_0589\nMCM_0591\nMCM_0592\nMCM_0593\nMCM_0595\nMCM_0596\nMCM_0599\nMCM_0602\nMCM_0615\nMCM_0619\nMCM_0621\nMCM_0626\nMCM_0650\nMCM_0656\nMCM_0662\nMCM_0665\nMCM_0666\nMCM_0670\nMCM_0671\nMCM_0673\nMCM_0679\nMCM_0681\nMCM_0682\nMCM_0684\nMCM_0685\nMCM_0687\nMCM_0688\nMCM_0689\nMCM_0692\nMCM_0696\nMCM_0699\nMCM_0700\nMCM_0705\nMCM_0706\nMCM_0707\nMCM_0708\nMCM_0709";}i:34;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:27:"Matt: Clean Air with Plants";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35232";s:4:"link";s:43:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/clean-air-with-plants/";s:11:"description";s:175:"

Matt Thomas (Automattic’s creative director) talks about air filtration in his home with plants.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 15 Aug 2010 16:57:11 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:175:"

Matt Thomas (Automattic’s creative director) talks about air filtration in his home with plants.

";}i:35;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:61:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress and the new Twitter Button";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8393";s:4:"link";s:90:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/15/wordpress-and-the-new-twitter-button/";s:11:"description";s:1786:"

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the new Twitter button, which finally provides an official way to share links to Twitter and display the number times each link has been shared, but how do you go about adding it to WordPress?


If you love messing with your theme, you can use the official Twitter button generator to generate just a few lines of HTML code that can be inserted into your theme templates, but why not use a plugin to simplify the whole process? I highly recommend Simple Twitter Connect. This plugin, or rather series of plugins, will provide a simple yet customizable way to automatically add the new Twitter button to your posts and pages. You’ll also enjoy a wealth of additional features, including the ability to automatically tweet your posts while publishing, display a list of followers, use your Twitter credentials to login to the admin panel, and allow readers to post comments with their Twitter credentials.


Perhaps Simple Twitter Connect is a little bit more than what you need. In that case, try WP Tweet Button for a simple Twitter button only experience.


If you’re a WordPress.com user, simply visit the Appearance/Extras section of your admin panel and select “Show a Twitter ‘Tweet Button’ on my posts.”

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 15 Aug 2010 13:00:41 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:1786:"

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the new Twitter button, which finally provides an official way to share links to Twitter and display the number times each link has been shared, but how do you go about adding it to WordPress?


If you love messing with your theme, you can use the official Twitter button generator to generate just a few lines of HTML code that can be inserted into your theme templates, but why not use a plugin to simplify the whole process? I highly recommend Simple Twitter Connect. This plugin, or rather series of plugins, will provide a simple yet customizable way to automatically add the new Twitter button to your posts and pages. You’ll also enjoy a wealth of additional features, including the ability to automatically tweet your posts while publishing, display a list of followers, use your Twitter credentials to login to the admin panel, and allow readers to post comments with their Twitter credentials.


Perhaps Simple Twitter Connect is a little bit more than what you need. In that case, try WP Tweet Button for a simple Twitter button only experience.


If you’re a WordPress.com user, simply visit the Appearance/Extras section of your admin panel and select “Show a Twitter ‘Tweet Button’ on my posts.”

\nTweet";}i:36;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:45:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress and Forums";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8384";s:4:"link";s:74:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/14/wordpress-and-forums/";s:11:"description";s:3570:"



There are a myriad of reasons why people create websites and put them online.  Some do it for fame and profit; others do it for passion and service.


No matter the reason you put your work and effort into an online endeavor there can come a time in the life of some websites that the comment system becomes inconvenient for discussions.


Now WordPress has done a lot to make it easier to follow along with discussions on a site based on that system.  The threaded comments option allows replies to be underneath the original comment that prompted the reply.  Even before it became an option in WordPress plugin developers were making it happen.


So when you want to take those discussions to their own piece of your website and create a forum what should you do?


Well there are quite a few options out there for forums and discussion boards.  Some have been made to integrate directly with WordPress at all levels and some of the stand alone boards can be integrated into your site as well using other options.


One of the more popular pieces of forum software for WordPress users is bbPress – which comes from the creators of WordPress.  bbPress is made to integrate with your WordPress database, share the same cookies and registration process.  Makes sense that the developers of WordPress would give you these types of options for their own forum software.


What about other forum software like phpPBB, Invision Power Board, vBulletin, and others listed here at WikiPedia


How do you go about integrating those forums with WordPress when they are not necessarily made to do it.  Integration is important at some level because you want to get people from your website to your forums and vice versa.


I have just started using phpBB3 on my site and am using the RSS Feed widget on my sidebar to show the latest threads on the board.




How are you doing it?


I am looking forward to hearing what methods and plugins you use to make this happen.  Is there other forum software out there besides bbPress that has been built to integrate well with WordPress?  In your experience do some of the forum programs have special features to make integration with WordPress easier?  With the experience of this community I know there are many things I am not thinking of that you all know about. 


Let us know in the comments. 

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 14 Aug 2010 16:41:00 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:11:"Richard Hay";}s:7:"summary";s:3570:"



There are a myriad of reasons why people create websites and put them online.  Some do it for fame and profit; others do it for passion and service.


No matter the reason you put your work and effort into an online endeavor there can come a time in the life of some websites that the comment system becomes inconvenient for discussions.


Now WordPress has done a lot to make it easier to follow along with discussions on a site based on that system.  The threaded comments option allows replies to be underneath the original comment that prompted the reply.  Even before it became an option in WordPress plugin developers were making it happen.


So when you want to take those discussions to their own piece of your website and create a forum what should you do?


Well there are quite a few options out there for forums and discussion boards.  Some have been made to integrate directly with WordPress at all levels and some of the stand alone boards can be integrated into your site as well using other options.


One of the more popular pieces of forum software for WordPress users is bbPress – which comes from the creators of WordPress.  bbPress is made to integrate with your WordPress database, share the same cookies and registration process.  Makes sense that the developers of WordPress would give you these types of options for their own forum software.


What about other forum software like phpPBB, Invision Power Board, vBulletin, and others listed here at WikiPedia


How do you go about integrating those forums with WordPress when they are not necessarily made to do it.  Integration is important at some level because you want to get people from your website to your forums and vice versa.


I have just started using phpBB3 on my site and am using the RSS Feed widget on my sidebar to show the latest threads on the board.




How are you doing it?


I am looking forward to hearing what methods and plugins you use to make this happen.  Is there other forum software out there besides bbPress that has been built to integrate well with WordPress?  In your experience do some of the forum programs have special features to make integration with WordPress easier?  With the experience of this community I know there are many things I am not thinking of that you all know about. 


Let us know in the comments. 

\nTweet";}i:37;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Theme Releases for 08/14";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8372";s:4:"link";s:89:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/14/wordpress-theme-releases-for-0814-3/";s:11:"description";s:2343:"



DocOut will create a great search engine friendly document outline for the Twenty Ten WordPress Theme.




The Graphene theme is a stylish, neat, and tight WordPress theme built for WordPress 3.0. It supports many (if not all) of the new features introduced in WordPress 3.0 as well as a host of other features introduced in earlier versions of WordPress.




Imbalance is a very user-friendly, modern-minimalist, jQuery powered theme which looks really well under any browser and OS.




iPhonsta is an exclusive free premium WordPress theme made for iPhone but it also looks great under other mobile phones and gadgets.




Paragrams is free premium WordPress theme made using grid design techniques. It is very lightweight and almost no images are used.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 14 Aug 2010 13:00:26 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:2343:"



DocOut will create a great search engine friendly document outline for the Twenty Ten WordPress Theme.




The Graphene theme is a stylish, neat, and tight WordPress theme built for WordPress 3.0. It supports many (if not all) of the new features introduced in WordPress 3.0 as well as a host of other features introduced in earlier versions of WordPress.




Imbalance is a very user-friendly, modern-minimalist, jQuery powered theme which looks really well under any browser and OS.




iPhonsta is an exclusive free premium WordPress theme made for iPhone but it also looks great under other mobile phones and gadgets.




Paragrams is free premium WordPress theme made using grid design techniques. It is very lightweight and almost no images are used.

\nTweet";}i:38;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:37:"Alex King: Twitter Tools OAuth Update";s:4:"guid";s:27:"http://alexking.org/?p=4607";s:4:"link";s:62:"http://alexking.org/blog/2010/08/13/twitter-tools-oauth-update";s:11:"description";s:745:"

Quick update: I still hate the user experience I’m stuck with implementing, but we’ve got it working. I expect to push out an update to the plugin Sunday that will replace the current authentication with OAuth.


Assuming all goes well, this version will merely be a stopgap. I plan to replace it with a new version that has a much less convoluted user experience in the future – hopefully the near future. Until then, this will at least be functional for everyone.

\n";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 14 Aug 2010 05:00:21 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Alex";}s:7:"summary";s:745:"

Quick update: I still hate the user experience I’m stuck with implementing, but we’ve got it working. I expect to push out an update to the plugin Sunday that will replace the current authentication with OAuth.


Assuming all goes well, this version will merely be a stopgap. I plan to replace it with a new version that has a much less convoluted user experience in the future – hopefully the near future. Until then, this will at least be functional for everyone.

\n";}i:39;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:72:"WordPress.tv: Michael Kimb Jones: How WordPress Themes Changed the World";s:4:"guid";s:27:"http://wordpress.tv/?p=4231";s:4:"link";s:72:"http://wordpress.tv/2010/07/17/michael-kimb-jones-wordpress-themes-uk10/";s:11:"description";s:1772:"
How WordPress Themes Changed the World
";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 14 Aug 2010 00:45:07 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:11:"Ryan Markel";}s:7:"summary";s:1772:"
How WordPress Themes Changed the World
";}i:40;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:49:"WordPress.tv: Steve Martin: DIY Usability Testing";s:4:"guid";s:27:"http://wordpress.tv/?p=4226";s:4:"link";s:72:"http://wordpress.tv/2010/07/10/steve-martin-usability-testing-boulder10/";s:11:"description";s:1791:"
Steve Martin: DIY Usability Testing
";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 14 Aug 2010 00:45:07 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:11:"Ryan Markel";}s:7:"summary";s:1791:"
Steve Martin: DIY Usability Testing
";}i:41;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:69:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress.com Replaces Cutline with Coraline";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8364";s:4:"link";s:98:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/13/wordpress-com-replaces-cutline-with-coraline/";s:11:"description";s:3014:"

The WordPress.com theme team has quickly phased out Cutline across all blogs, replacing it with the visually similar Coraline. According to the theme team, Coraline is “an improved version of [Cutline]. It has a similar visual design, and adds many new features.”


The forced change has not been taken well by many WordPress.com users, particularly those who purchased the custom CSS upgrade specifically to modify Cutline. Numerous users have cited that although Coraline is functionally superior and visually similar to Cutline, it is simply not Cutline, a theme they deliberately chose for their blogs. Some have even referred to Coraline as visually inferior to Cutline.


So far, the change has been marred by three issues:


One thing is for sure, Cutline won’t be coming back. According to a recent post by Matt Mullenweg, PressRow will be the next theme on the chopping block. Mr. Mullenweg states that the widget loss bug has been corrected, and one can only hope that the notification will improve and that traditional support will be available this time around.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:00:12 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:3014:"

The WordPress.com theme team has quickly phased out Cutline across all blogs, replacing it with the visually similar Coraline. According to the theme team, Coraline is “an improved version of [Cutline]. It has a similar visual design, and adds many new features.”


The forced change has not been taken well by many WordPress.com users, particularly those who purchased the custom CSS upgrade specifically to modify Cutline. Numerous users have cited that although Coraline is functionally superior and visually similar to Cutline, it is simply not Cutline, a theme they deliberately chose for their blogs. Some have even referred to Coraline as visually inferior to Cutline.


So far, the change has been marred by three issues:


One thing is for sure, Cutline won’t be coming back. According to a recent post by Matt Mullenweg, PressRow will be the next theme on the chopping block. Mr. Mullenweg states that the widget loss bug has been corrected, and one can only hope that the notification will improve and that traditional support will be available this time around.

\nTweet";}i:42;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:60:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 08/12";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8360";s:4:"link";s:88:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/12/wordpress-plugin-releases-for-0812/";s:11:"description";s:3115:"

New plugins


Extended Text provides a text widget which can be hidden by adding page ids to the widget.


MyPress allows you to customize your WordPress admin area and login screen with your logos and your color scheme. MyPress also gives you the opportunity of making your own unique administration area without touching code and without having previous knowledge in CSS or HTML.


ShushThatNoise allows you to hide unwanted comments without deleting them. Edit the comment and wrap the offending text in [shush][/shush]. Readers can choose to read the hidden comment by clicking on the “Show” link.


Simple Music allows you to easily play any MP3 as a sidebar widget on your blog.


WP Socializer is an advanced and powerful plugin for adding social bookmarking links, retweet buttons, Google buzz buttons, Digg buttons, Addthis buttons, Facebook buttons with inbuilt setup.


Updated plugins


All in One Webmaster has options to add Google, Bing, Alexa, Blog Catalog, Yahoo’s Webmaster and Analytics code (meat tags).


FourSquare Integration for WordPress allows you to view your last checkins either as a list or on Google Maps on Pages and Posts.


Query Multiple Taxonomies allows you to filter posts through multiple custom taxonomies.


Twitter Goodies will show your twitter tweets under Sidebar Area (Widget), Post and/or Pages.


WP Archive-Sitemap Generator generates a simple `Archives/Sitemap` based on your blogs posts and pages.


WP Google-buzz automatically displays a Google Buzz button for every post.


YOURLS: WordPress to Twitter is the bridge between YOURLS, Twitter and your blog: when you publish a post or a page, it will use your own YOURLS install, either hosted on the same webserver, or another server, to create a short URL for your post and send it to your Twitter account. The plugin also works with public popular services such as TinyURL, tr.im, is.gd or bit.ly.

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 12 Aug 2010 13:00:12 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:3115:"

New plugins


Extended Text provides a text widget which can be hidden by adding page ids to the widget.


MyPress allows you to customize your WordPress admin area and login screen with your logos and your color scheme. MyPress also gives you the opportunity of making your own unique administration area without touching code and without having previous knowledge in CSS or HTML.


ShushThatNoise allows you to hide unwanted comments without deleting them. Edit the comment and wrap the offending text in [shush][/shush]. Readers can choose to read the hidden comment by clicking on the “Show” link.


Simple Music allows you to easily play any MP3 as a sidebar widget on your blog.


WP Socializer is an advanced and powerful plugin for adding social bookmarking links, retweet buttons, Google buzz buttons, Digg buttons, Addthis buttons, Facebook buttons with inbuilt setup.


Updated plugins


All in One Webmaster has options to add Google, Bing, Alexa, Blog Catalog, Yahoo’s Webmaster and Analytics code (meat tags).


FourSquare Integration for WordPress allows you to view your last checkins either as a list or on Google Maps on Pages and Posts.


Query Multiple Taxonomies allows you to filter posts through multiple custom taxonomies.


Twitter Goodies will show your twitter tweets under Sidebar Area (Widget), Post and/or Pages.


WP Archive-Sitemap Generator generates a simple `Archives/Sitemap` based on your blogs posts and pages.


WP Google-buzz automatically displays a Google Buzz button for every post.


YOURLS: WordPress to Twitter is the bridge between YOURLS, Twitter and your blog: when you publish a post or a page, it will use your own YOURLS install, either hosted on the same webserver, or another server, to create a short URL for your post and send it to your Twitter account. The plugin also works with public popular services such as TinyURL, tr.im, is.gd or bit.ly.

\nTweet";}i:43;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:33:"Matt: WordPress Podcast Interview";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35228";s:4:"link";s:49:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/wordpress-podcast-interview/";s:11:"description";s:208:"

I was on the WordPress Podcast a few weeks ago and they just posted the first segment. Always fun talking to Joost and Frederick!

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Thu, 12 Aug 2010 00:20:47 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:208:"

I was on the WordPress Podcast a few weeks ago and they just posted the first segment. Always fun talking to Joost and Frederick!

";}i:44;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:43:"Publisher Blog: TED Joins WordPress.com VIP";s:4:"guid";s:43:"http://publisherblog.automattic.com/?p=1003";s:4:"link";s:75:"http://publisherblog.automattic.com/2010/08/11/ted-joins-wordpress-com-vip/";s:11:"description";s:2532:"

Great to have the official TED blog now part of the WordPress.com VIP program:



The TED Blog was previously running on MovableType.


Content wise, the TEDTalks videos are fascinating and insightful, and they are very popular and easy to share with the over 12M bloggers on WordPress.com .


[ Visit TED Blog ]

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 11 Aug 2010 20:05:07 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:16:"Raanan Bar-Cohen";}s:7:"summary";s:2532:"

Great to have the official TED blog now part of the WordPress.com VIP program:



The TED Blog was previously running on MovableType.


Content wise, the TEDTalks videos are fascinating and insightful, and they are very popular and easy to share with the over 12M bloggers on WordPress.com .


[ Visit TED Blog ]

";}i:45;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:31:"Alex King: Carrington Build Q&A";s:4:"guid";s:27:"http://alexking.org/?p=4547";s:4:"link";s:55:"http://alexking.org/blog/2010/08/11/carrington-build-qa";s:11:"description";s:15425:"

I’ve been collecting questions for the last few days for an O’Grady-style Q&A on Carrington Build.

Is Carrington Build a plugin or a theme?
Carrington Build isn’t a traditional WordPress product (a single theme or plugin). It is probably best thought of as the foundation or feature of a theme (for example, a component of our Carrington Business theme) because the best results will be seen with tightly integrated CSS and theme styling.
How does pricing work/why is Build so expensive?
We’ve tried to set up the pricing structure to reflect the value it provides and do so in a way that is appropriate for each group of folks who will be using it (end-users, WordPress professionals, commercial product developers). I’ve written a more detailed post about the pricing structure here but it’s probably best to refer to the official FAQ (this one gets updated).
What about people who run a network of blogs (multiple sites) and want to integrate Build into all of the sites, perhaps in several different themes?
We don’t have a set pricing structure for this use case yet. We’ve discussed needs with several people who have this situation, but I don’t think that we have enough information to create a policy that will work well in a general case yet. If this sounds like something you need, get in touch and we’ll figure our something that makes sense.
What is the license for Carrington Build?
All of the products I’ve released for WordPress (personally, or through Crowd Favorite) are 100% GPL; some are also commercial (including Carrington Build and the Carrington Business theme).
What about the claims on Twitter that Build isn’t 100% GPL?
You can’t believe everything you read online.
Sure, but what about the license he linked to?
We strongly considered using a split license; even went to the effort and expense of having the C2GPL license created during those deliberations. The purpose of the C2GPL license is to create a commercially viable and defensible environment for a product while staying GPL compliant and providing many of the user freedoms that the GPL does.
Why did you consider using this license instead of 100% GPL?
There are a number of reasons. We have a huge financial investment in Carrington Build. You can measure an investment like this in hard costs, opportunity costs (revenue lost while creating it) or any other number of ways, but any way you slice it we’re 6 figures into it. It is important to me to make sure it is commercially viable, not just to recoup development costs and hopefully have the product be profitable, but more importantly so that we can easily fund future development. We have a long list of features we want to create for Build. The WordPress community isn’t the same as it was yesterday. Today’s WordPress community is well served by commercial products.
Can you expand on that last point?
Over the years WordPress has evolved from a DIY/hobbiest package to a polished CMS with very little barrier to entry. As a result, the profile of a WordPress user has changed, today’s typical WordPress user is not a developer who wants to tinker with the code. Today’s typical WordPress user is someone who just wants things to work, wants access to customer support when needed, and wants to see new features added over time. Commercial software models work well to achieve this.
Isn’t a split license bad?
I don’t think it’s inherently evil, though others will certainly disagree with me. I think it’s dangerous to argue about the spirit of something. There is a lot of room to for interpretation about the spirit of a license. Ultimately it’s a legal document and we are bound by the letter of it, not the spirit. Practically, using a split license would make some things more difficult. For example, if someone wants to create a commercial theme with Build and release it as 100% GPL, that wouldn’t be possible if we had released Build under a split license.
So why did you create a split license and decide not to use it?
The reason above was important, but really I wanted to go GPL the whole way. I also want to be able to ensure that the product is financially viable. I’m still not completely sure we can do that while being 100% GPL, but we received assurances that this wouldn’t be an issue and we’re giving it a chance. I’m cautiously optimistic – I know that the value proposition is very fair, and we’re working to provide great resources for our customers. Hopefully this proves to work nicely and becomes the first of many commercial GPL WordPress offerings we release. It will largely depend on how the community responds and embraces Carrington Build and Carrington Business as commercial GPL products.
Why not just sell support? Isn’t that the Open Source way?
We certainly are providing support, but the better your product/documentation/etc., the less support people need. The normal reward for creating a great product is lower support costs. It seems people want to suggest the opposite system here. We want to create a high quality product and charge a fair rate for it. If this works, we’ll invest more in this type of development around WordPress. If it doesn’t, we probably won’t (and I don’t think others will either). I think that would be a real shame.
People are referring to Build as “game changing” with potential to “revolutionize WordPress development“, do you agree?
We’ll have to wait and see on that. I hope so; I definitely believe it’s one of the biggest development efforts for WordPress to date.
Why do you think that is?
A couple of reasons I guess. Firstly, the group of developers that has the kind of experience with WordPress to identify this as a problem and conceive of this type of solution (integrated the way it is) is a fairly small group. Of those folks, only a handful have development shops big enough that they can absorb this type of speculative development investment in a product. I’ve spoken with other WordPress dev shops about creating products in the past and there are a few reasons they have given for not wanting to invest too heavily. One is the license concerns and commercial viability discussed previously. Some have also expressed concern that their work would simply get rolled into WordPress core and they’d never get a chance to make it a profitable product. If we can prove that the commercial GPL model works for large scale product offerings, I think it can really open up the door to what WordPress developers can offer the community.
Several people have already talked about having Build added to WordPress core, can we assume you are against that?
For now, I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. There are a number of reasons, here are a few. Build is very young compared to WordPress core, it needs to evolve on a different timeline than the WordPress core release schedule. By keeping it separate, we can roll out feature additions, bug fixes, etc. without worrying about the full WordPress release cycle. Another reason is that themes are already getting more sophisticated and adding more and more features. I’m not sure that tight Build integration is something that all themes should have to worry about – not every site needs it. Also, I want to see a return on what we’ve invested in it.
Wouldn’t it be best for the community to roll it into WordPress core so that everyone can use it for free?
I don’t think so. If developers see that it isn’t financially viable to create something like this, very few will be willing to undertake it. Look at the gold rush for the iOS app store. Developers aren’t flocking there to give things away, they are building for the platform because they think they can make money at it.
On your blog, Ed suggests that Automattic should buy this from you and roll it into core. Would you be open to that?
I’d certainly be open to discussing it, though haven’t had any indications it’s something they would be interested in. Don’t get me wrong, I want to get Build out to the community as widely as possible. I actually feel that this is what I’m ultimately giving it a chance to do by making it a commercial product.
You’ve talked about the cost of creating Build, why did it cost so much?
Releasing software properly is hard. I don’t know that you can really appreciate it if you haven’t done it before. Here’s a partial overview of what went into the creation of Carrington Build:


If you really care about what you’re putting out there, you’ll be making lots of revisions, tightening things up and adjusting things that were created before new features and additions influenced how other features work, etc. And if you do it all right, it looks effortless.

Can Build be integrated into an existing site/theme?
Definitely. We have done several reference implementations into existing themes so that our Developer and Royalty Edition customers have good roadmaps to use (besides our Carrington Business theme). Our WordPress HelpCenter team offers a Build integration service and Sprout Venture is offering these services as well.
Can I make my own modules?
Absolutely. We created Build to be extremely flexible for new modules and features, after all we are our own customer here.
Is it easy to create a module?
Yes, think widgets – with a little extra functionality.
Can I include Carrington Build in a commercial plugin/theme?
Certainly, that is exactly what our Royalty Edition is for. Contact us for details.
In Carrington Business, Build is restricted to pages, can it be used on posts and other custom post types?
Yes, the list of allowed post types is a simple array that is passed through a filter, so it can be customized on a per-site or per-theme basis.
You mention that the data is stored using WordPress data structures, how do you do that?
The data is stored efficiently in custom fields so that it “just works” and should be pretty future-proof.
If the data is stored in custom fields, does this break search?
No, each module implements a way to provide a “text value”. These are put together and stored in the normal post content so that things like search and excerpts work just as expected.
Does it upgrade well?
We have only tested from 2.8 to 2.9 to 3.0, but so far there had not been any issues. We can’t tell the future, but since it uses standard WP data structure and hooks it should be quite forward compatible.
Is Carrington Build internationalized?
Yes, as is Carrington Business.
Is it compatible with QTranslate?
Not out of the box, but I think we could get it there without many changes to how Build works. It would be fun to get that type of integration created.
I am a bit confused about Carrington Build and the Carrington Framework. What are these?
Yeah, it’s a a little confusing, especially since the term “framework” was co-opted to mean “parent theme” by folks who don’t really understand development frameworks. The Carrington Framework (released in 2008) is a template selection engine that allows you to replace conditional PHP coding with simple template naming conventions. Carrington Build is our advanced layout system. I think in the future you’ll see us refer to the Carrington Platform, which includes Carrington Build and Carrington Core (the template engine). Hopefully that will make it easier to understand going forward. We have a bit of clean-up to do in order to reinforce this naming change in a bunch of places.
How is Carrington Build different/better than Product X?
I’ve been really surprised at how many people have emailed and asked this, and then been upset when I don’t want to engage in this discussion. I have no desire to disparage other products and I know my product much better than others so I’m really too biased anyway. I’d rather let other folks make those types of comparisons.
Anything else?
Lots of stuff, but this post is already way too long – we’ll save the rest for later. Thanks for reading.
\n";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 11 Aug 2010 19:33:06 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Alex";}s:7:"summary";s:15425:"

I’ve been collecting questions for the last few days for an O’Grady-style Q&A on Carrington Build.

Is Carrington Build a plugin or a theme?
Carrington Build isn’t a traditional WordPress product (a single theme or plugin). It is probably best thought of as the foundation or feature of a theme (for example, a component of our Carrington Business theme) because the best results will be seen with tightly integrated CSS and theme styling.
How does pricing work/why is Build so expensive?
We’ve tried to set up the pricing structure to reflect the value it provides and do so in a way that is appropriate for each group of folks who will be using it (end-users, WordPress professionals, commercial product developers). I’ve written a more detailed post about the pricing structure here but it’s probably best to refer to the official FAQ (this one gets updated).
What about people who run a network of blogs (multiple sites) and want to integrate Build into all of the sites, perhaps in several different themes?
We don’t have a set pricing structure for this use case yet. We’ve discussed needs with several people who have this situation, but I don’t think that we have enough information to create a policy that will work well in a general case yet. If this sounds like something you need, get in touch and we’ll figure our something that makes sense.
What is the license for Carrington Build?
All of the products I’ve released for WordPress (personally, or through Crowd Favorite) are 100% GPL; some are also commercial (including Carrington Build and the Carrington Business theme).
What about the claims on Twitter that Build isn’t 100% GPL?
You can’t believe everything you read online.
Sure, but what about the license he linked to?
We strongly considered using a split license; even went to the effort and expense of having the C2GPL license created during those deliberations. The purpose of the C2GPL license is to create a commercially viable and defensible environment for a product while staying GPL compliant and providing many of the user freedoms that the GPL does.
Why did you consider using this license instead of 100% GPL?
There are a number of reasons. We have a huge financial investment in Carrington Build. You can measure an investment like this in hard costs, opportunity costs (revenue lost while creating it) or any other number of ways, but any way you slice it we’re 6 figures into it. It is important to me to make sure it is commercially viable, not just to recoup development costs and hopefully have the product be profitable, but more importantly so that we can easily fund future development. We have a long list of features we want to create for Build. The WordPress community isn’t the same as it was yesterday. Today’s WordPress community is well served by commercial products.
Can you expand on that last point?
Over the years WordPress has evolved from a DIY/hobbiest package to a polished CMS with very little barrier to entry. As a result, the profile of a WordPress user has changed, today’s typical WordPress user is not a developer who wants to tinker with the code. Today’s typical WordPress user is someone who just wants things to work, wants access to customer support when needed, and wants to see new features added over time. Commercial software models work well to achieve this.
Isn’t a split license bad?
I don’t think it’s inherently evil, though others will certainly disagree with me. I think it’s dangerous to argue about the spirit of something. There is a lot of room to for interpretation about the spirit of a license. Ultimately it’s a legal document and we are bound by the letter of it, not the spirit. Practically, using a split license would make some things more difficult. For example, if someone wants to create a commercial theme with Build and release it as 100% GPL, that wouldn’t be possible if we had released Build under a split license.
So why did you create a split license and decide not to use it?
The reason above was important, but really I wanted to go GPL the whole way. I also want to be able to ensure that the product is financially viable. I’m still not completely sure we can do that while being 100% GPL, but we received assurances that this wouldn’t be an issue and we’re giving it a chance. I’m cautiously optimistic – I know that the value proposition is very fair, and we’re working to provide great resources for our customers. Hopefully this proves to work nicely and becomes the first of many commercial GPL WordPress offerings we release. It will largely depend on how the community responds and embraces Carrington Build and Carrington Business as commercial GPL products.
Why not just sell support? Isn’t that the Open Source way?
We certainly are providing support, but the better your product/documentation/etc., the less support people need. The normal reward for creating a great product is lower support costs. It seems people want to suggest the opposite system here. We want to create a high quality product and charge a fair rate for it. If this works, we’ll invest more in this type of development around WordPress. If it doesn’t, we probably won’t (and I don’t think others will either). I think that would be a real shame.
People are referring to Build as “game changing” with potential to “revolutionize WordPress development“, do you agree?
We’ll have to wait and see on that. I hope so; I definitely believe it’s one of the biggest development efforts for WordPress to date.
Why do you think that is?
A couple of reasons I guess. Firstly, the group of developers that has the kind of experience with WordPress to identify this as a problem and conceive of this type of solution (integrated the way it is) is a fairly small group. Of those folks, only a handful have development shops big enough that they can absorb this type of speculative development investment in a product. I’ve spoken with other WordPress dev shops about creating products in the past and there are a few reasons they have given for not wanting to invest too heavily. One is the license concerns and commercial viability discussed previously. Some have also expressed concern that their work would simply get rolled into WordPress core and they’d never get a chance to make it a profitable product. If we can prove that the commercial GPL model works for large scale product offerings, I think it can really open up the door to what WordPress developers can offer the community.
Several people have already talked about having Build added to WordPress core, can we assume you are against that?
For now, I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. There are a number of reasons, here are a few. Build is very young compared to WordPress core, it needs to evolve on a different timeline than the WordPress core release schedule. By keeping it separate, we can roll out feature additions, bug fixes, etc. without worrying about the full WordPress release cycle. Another reason is that themes are already getting more sophisticated and adding more and more features. I’m not sure that tight Build integration is something that all themes should have to worry about – not every site needs it. Also, I want to see a return on what we’ve invested in it.
Wouldn’t it be best for the community to roll it into WordPress core so that everyone can use it for free?
I don’t think so. If developers see that it isn’t financially viable to create something like this, very few will be willing to undertake it. Look at the gold rush for the iOS app store. Developers aren’t flocking there to give things away, they are building for the platform because they think they can make money at it.
On your blog, Ed suggests that Automattic should buy this from you and roll it into core. Would you be open to that?
I’d certainly be open to discussing it, though haven’t had any indications it’s something they would be interested in. Don’t get me wrong, I want to get Build out to the community as widely as possible. I actually feel that this is what I’m ultimately giving it a chance to do by making it a commercial product.
You’ve talked about the cost of creating Build, why did it cost so much?
Releasing software properly is hard. I don’t know that you can really appreciate it if you haven’t done it before. Here’s a partial overview of what went into the creation of Carrington Build:


If you really care about what you’re putting out there, you’ll be making lots of revisions, tightening things up and adjusting things that were created before new features and additions influenced how other features work, etc. And if you do it all right, it looks effortless.

Can Build be integrated into an existing site/theme?
Definitely. We have done several reference implementations into existing themes so that our Developer and Royalty Edition customers have good roadmaps to use (besides our Carrington Business theme). Our WordPress HelpCenter team offers a Build integration service and Sprout Venture is offering these services as well.
Can I make my own modules?
Absolutely. We created Build to be extremely flexible for new modules and features, after all we are our own customer here.
Is it easy to create a module?
Yes, think widgets – with a little extra functionality.
Can I include Carrington Build in a commercial plugin/theme?
Certainly, that is exactly what our Royalty Edition is for. Contact us for details.
In Carrington Business, Build is restricted to pages, can it be used on posts and other custom post types?
Yes, the list of allowed post types is a simple array that is passed through a filter, so it can be customized on a per-site or per-theme basis.
You mention that the data is stored using WordPress data structures, how do you do that?
The data is stored efficiently in custom fields so that it “just works” and should be pretty future-proof.
If the data is stored in custom fields, does this break search?
No, each module implements a way to provide a “text value”. These are put together and stored in the normal post content so that things like search and excerpts work just as expected.
Does it upgrade well?
We have only tested from 2.8 to 2.9 to 3.0, but so far there had not been any issues. We can’t tell the future, but since it uses standard WP data structure and hooks it should be quite forward compatible.
Is Carrington Build internationalized?
Yes, as is Carrington Business.
Is it compatible with QTranslate?
Not out of the box, but I think we could get it there without many changes to how Build works. It would be fun to get that type of integration created.
I am a bit confused about Carrington Build and the Carrington Framework. What are these?
Yeah, it’s a a little confusing, especially since the term “framework” was co-opted to mean “parent theme” by folks who don’t really understand development frameworks. The Carrington Framework (released in 2008) is a template selection engine that allows you to replace conditional PHP coding with simple template naming conventions. Carrington Build is our advanced layout system. I think in the future you’ll see us refer to the Carrington Platform, which includes Carrington Build and Carrington Core (the template engine). Hopefully that will make it easier to understand going forward. We have a bit of clean-up to do in order to reinforce this naming change in a bunch of places.
How is Carrington Build different/better than Product X?
I’ve been really surprised at how many people have emailed and asked this, and then been upset when I don’t want to engage in this discussion. I have no desire to disparage other products and I know my product much better than others so I’m really too biased anyway. I’d rather let other folks make those types of comparisons.
Anything else?
Lots of stuff, but this post is already way too long – we’ll save the rest for later. Thanks for reading.
\n";}i:46;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:29:"Matt: Syn-thesis 3: Switchers";s:4:"guid";s:21:"http://ma.tt/?p=35223";s:4:"link";s:44:"http://ma.tt/2010/08/syn-thesis-3-switchers/";s:11:"description";s:3510:"

The biggest after-effect of the Thesis license violation episode seems to be raising people’s awareness of alternatives that are both fully GPL and have better functionally too. One theme that seems to be picking up a ton of new users is Genesis. We helped Laughing Squid and Paul Stamatiou make the switch, but Chris Brogan joined the party completely independently. (All formerly in the Thesis showcase. Scobleizer switched a while back.) I’m excited about this because I think Genesis is a better theme, particularly for its advanced support of WordPress functionality like child themes. (Child themes are the only way you should build your site on top of a framework.)


Even though Thesis has done the bare minimum not to be sued for its license violation and the code it copy/pasted from WordPress, lots of folks including myself still have a bad taste in their mouths from the episode, since there was no apology or contrition shown (like a donation to the WordPress Foundation, which would be a drop in the bucket compared to the millions Thesis made while breaking the GPL). But I think it’s best to focus on the positive.


There is a linkbait from a Thesis affiliate going around asking if I favor certain commercial themes — absolutely yes! Is that a controversial question? Themes WordPress lists on its commercial page go above and beyond bare compliance with the GPL and are full members of the community, sometimes even becoming active in core development like WooThemes has done. As a business, I would feel a lot more comfortable building my online presence on a real enterprise like Woo, StudioPress, iThemes, and many more rather than a one-man-against-the-world operation, regardless of how good its marketing is, or how many affiliates it has.


For Automattic’s part, our theme team has been taking the opportunity to update our blogs stuck on Cutline and Pressrow, which were abandoned by Chris years ago and don’t support any of WordPress’s new features. The first iteration of this is Coraline which is aesthetically is similar to Cutline but under the hood is way better, with multiple layout and sidebar options, color schemes, custom background, per-post custom headers, gallery and asides support, and a few other bonuses. (Unfortunately, the switch had a bug that broke widgets for some sites, but that’s being fixed. We’ll avoid that when switching Pressrow.) A lot of this was kicked off before DIYThemes dodged litigation, but it’s important to continue because we’re building better themes for users who honestly shouldn’t worry about this stuff, they should just have theme that’s current, flexible, functional, and beautiful.

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 11 Aug 2010 16:52:22 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:4:"Matt";}s:7:"summary";s:3510:"

The biggest after-effect of the Thesis license violation episode seems to be raising people’s awareness of alternatives that are both fully GPL and have better functionally too. One theme that seems to be picking up a ton of new users is Genesis. We helped Laughing Squid and Paul Stamatiou make the switch, but Chris Brogan joined the party completely independently. (All formerly in the Thesis showcase. Scobleizer switched a while back.) I’m excited about this because I think Genesis is a better theme, particularly for its advanced support of WordPress functionality like child themes. (Child themes are the only way you should build your site on top of a framework.)


Even though Thesis has done the bare minimum not to be sued for its license violation and the code it copy/pasted from WordPress, lots of folks including myself still have a bad taste in their mouths from the episode, since there was no apology or contrition shown (like a donation to the WordPress Foundation, which would be a drop in the bucket compared to the millions Thesis made while breaking the GPL). But I think it’s best to focus on the positive.


There is a linkbait from a Thesis affiliate going around asking if I favor certain commercial themes — absolutely yes! Is that a controversial question? Themes WordPress lists on its commercial page go above and beyond bare compliance with the GPL and are full members of the community, sometimes even becoming active in core development like WooThemes has done. As a business, I would feel a lot more comfortable building my online presence on a real enterprise like Woo, StudioPress, iThemes, and many more rather than a one-man-against-the-world operation, regardless of how good its marketing is, or how many affiliates it has.


For Automattic’s part, our theme team has been taking the opportunity to update our blogs stuck on Cutline and Pressrow, which were abandoned by Chris years ago and don’t support any of WordPress’s new features. The first iteration of this is Coraline which is aesthetically is similar to Cutline but under the hood is way better, with multiple layout and sidebar options, color schemes, custom background, per-post custom headers, gallery and asides support, and a few other bonuses. (Unfortunately, the switch had a bug that broke widgets for some sites, but that’s being fixed. We’ll avoid that when switching Pressrow.) A lot of this was kicked off before DIYThemes dodged litigation, but it’s important to continue because we’re building better themes for users who honestly shouldn’t worry about this stuff, they should just have theme that’s current, flexible, functional, and beautiful.

";}i:47;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:62:"Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Mobile App Teams on Twitter";s:4:"guid";s:40:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/?p=8358";s:4:"link";s:91:"http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/08/11/wordpress-mobile-app-teams-on-twitter/";s:11:"description";s:1161:"

Are you gripping the edge of your seat in anticipation of the upcoming WordPress mobile app releases? Do you have an insatiable desire to follow the development teams’ every move? Well, you’re in luck!


The WordPress mobile app teams will be sharing the latest news, status updates, beta team instructions, and random quips in 140 characters or less via Twitter. Follow the Android team, the BlackBerry team, the iOS team, all three, or maybe just two. Even if you don’t have a Twitter account, you can use Twitter’s new Fast Follow feature to have the latest news from the mobile app teams sent straight to your phone (standard text messaging rates apply).

\nTweet";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Wed, 11 Aug 2010 13:00:29 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:10:"James Huff";}s:7:"summary";s:1161:"

Are you gripping the edge of your seat in anticipation of the upcoming WordPress mobile app releases? Do you have an insatiable desire to follow the development teams’ every move? Well, you’re in luck!


The WordPress mobile app teams will be sharing the latest news, status updates, beta team instructions, and random quips in 140 characters or less via Twitter. Follow the Android team, the BlackBerry team, the iOS team, all three, or maybe just two. Even if you don’t have a Twitter account, you can use Twitter’s new Fast Follow feature to have the latest news from the mobile app teams sent straight to your phone (standard text messaging rates apply).

\nTweet";}i:48;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:57:"WP Blackberry: WordPress for BlackBerry starts Twittering";s:4:"guid";s:38:"http://blackberry.wordpress.org/?p=356";s:4:"link";s:86:"http://blackberry.wordpress.org/2010/08/10/wordpress-for-blackberry-starts-twittering/";s:11:"description";s:1963:"

You can now get the latest development news and status updates on WordPress for BlackBerry at twitter.com/WPBlackBerry. Follow us there!


Follow WPBlackBerry on Twitter

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 10 Aug 2010 21:33:40 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:5:"Isaac";}s:7:"summary";s:1963:"

You can now get the latest development news and status updates on WordPress for BlackBerry at twitter.com/WPBlackBerry. Follow us there!


Follow WPBlackBerry on Twitter

";}i:49;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:48:"WP Android: WordPress for Android now on Twitter";s:4:"guid";s:35:"http://android.wordpress.org/?p=292";s:4:"link";s:77:"http://android.wordpress.org/2010/08/10/wordpress-for-android-now-on-twitter/";s:11:"description";s:1948:"

A quick update to let everybody know that we’ll now be twittering at twitter.com/WPAndroid. Follow us for the latest updates regarding app development and other good stuff.


Follow WPAndroid on Twitter

";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 10 Aug 2010 21:08:04 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:5:"Isaac";}s:7:"summary";s:1948:"

A quick update to let everybody know that we’ll now be twittering at twitter.com/WPAndroid. Follow us for the latest updates regarding app development and other good stuff.


Follow WPAndroid on Twitter

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I have to admit that I have found the system cluttered and cumbersome to use and maintain.\nSo, Mantis is out and let me introduce you to my new friend: Lighthouse. This is an issue tracking web [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:69:"http://www.dountsis.com/general/new-issue-tracker-lighthouse.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:304:"I have been using Mantis bug tracking system for a number of years to log your problems and suggestions. I have to admit that I have found the system cluttered and cumbersome to use and maintain.\nSo, Mantis is out and let me introduce you to my new friend: Lighthouse. This is an issue tracking web [...]";}i:1;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:47:"WordPress 3.0, Social Bookmarks & Move Comments";s:4:"link";s:82:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-3-0-social-bookmarks-move-comments.php";s:8:"comments";s:91:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-3-0-social-bookmarks-move-comments.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 13 Apr 2010 22:45:19 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:45:"WordPressMove CommentspluginsSocial Bookmarks";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=301";s:11:"description";s:305:"The first public beta version of WordPress 3.0 (WP3) is available with the stable release currently scheduled for late May 2010. You can find out about the changes and new features on the Codex.\nI will try my at most to make the next revisions of my plugins compatible with the new WP3 and make them [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:87:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-3-0-social-bookmarks-move-comments.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:305:"The first public beta version of WordPress 3.0 (WP3) is available with the stable release currently scheduled for late May 2010. You can find out about the changes and new features on the Codex.\nI will try my at most to make the next revisions of my plugins compatible with the new WP3 and make them [...]";}i:2;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:47:"New Project: Google Shortcuts for Google Chrome";s:4:"link";s:81:"http://www.dountsis.com/chrome/new-project-google-shortcuts-for-google-chrome.php";s:8:"comments";s:90:"http://www.dountsis.com/chrome/new-project-google-shortcuts-for-google-chrome.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:21:59 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:21:"ChromeExtensiongoogle";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=288";s:11:"description";s:344:"I have created my first Google Chrome extension, Google Shortcuts. It is an extension that allows you to display your Google Services as drop-down list buttons just next to your addressbar.\nThere is also an options page available from where you can change which services should be available on the drop-down list.\nI will add more services [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:86:"http://www.dountsis.com/chrome/new-project-google-shortcuts-for-google-chrome.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:344:"I have created my first Google Chrome extension, Google Shortcuts. It is an extension that allows you to display your Google Services as drop-down list buttons just next to your addressbar.\nThere is also an options page available from where you can change which services should be available on the drop-down list.\nI will add more services [...]";}i:3;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:36:"Social Bookmarks 4.1.2 Point Release";s:4:"link";s:72:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-412-point-release.php";s:8:"comments";s:81:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-412-point-release.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 08 Jun 2009 12:45:08 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:25:"WordPressSocial Bookmarks";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=260";s:11:"description";s:450:"I have updated the Social Bookmarks plugin for WordPress. This point release concentrates on the supported sites.\n\nI have decided to drop the following sites from the Social Bookmarks:\n BlinkBits\nBlogmemes\nBUMPzee\nCo.mments\nDe.lirio.us\nFeed Me Links\nfurl (merged with diingo)\nLinkaGoGo\nMa.gnolia\nPopCurrent\nRawSugar\nrojo\nTaggly\nTailrank\nThe reason for the removal of the sites is that all of them have ceased working. If have made a mistake and [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:77:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-412-point-release.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:2:"13";}s:7:"summary";s:450:"I have updated the Social Bookmarks plugin for WordPress. This point release concentrates on the supported sites.\n\nI have decided to drop the following sites from the Social Bookmarks:\n BlinkBits\nBlogmemes\nBUMPzee\nCo.mments\nDe.lirio.us\nFeed Me Links\nfurl (merged with diingo)\nLinkaGoGo\nMa.gnolia\nPopCurrent\nRawSugar\nrojo\nTaggly\nTailrank\nThe reason for the removal of the sites is that all of them have ceased working. If have made a mistake and [...]";}i:4;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:59:"How to use User Controls to create MDI WinForm Applications";s:4:"link";s:104:"http://www.dountsis.com/tutorials/dotnet/how-to-use-user-controls-to-create-mdi-winform-applications.php";s:8:"comments";s:113:"http://www.dountsis.com/tutorials/dotnet/how-to-use-user-controls-to-create-mdi-winform-applications.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 20 Mar 2009 09:30:52 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:25:".NETC#User ControlWinForm";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=185";s:11:"description";s:301:"User Controls are commonly used in ASP.NET web sites. Their main idea is to bundle a set of controls (buttons, text fields, textareas, etc) and form a new and more complex control. That could be useful in the case that we want to use the same set of controls and functionality across a number of [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:109:"http://www.dountsis.com/tutorials/dotnet/how-to-use-user-controls-to-create-mdi-winform-applications.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"1";}s:7:"summary";s:301:"User Controls are commonly used in ASP.NET web sites. Their main idea is to bundle a set of controls (buttons, text fields, textareas, etc) and form a new and more complex control. That could be useful in the case that we want to use the same set of controls and functionality across a number of [...]";}i:5;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:30:"Social Bookmarks Sites Cleanup";s:4:"link";s:60:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-sites.php";s:8:"comments";s:69:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-sites.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 08 Feb 2009 15:41:26 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:25:"WordPressSocial Bookmarks";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=155";s:11:"description";s:328:"The plugin has exceeded the 8,000 downloads. Now that the code is stable enough, I will concentrate on the supported sites. Some of them do not exist anymore (BlinkBits, BUMPzee, De.lirio.us to list a few of them) and some others have changed their name and logo (like Netscape). I have compiled a list of the sites that [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:65:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-sites.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"2";}s:7:"summary";s:328:"The plugin has exceeded the 8,000 downloads. Now that the code is stable enough, I will concentrate on the supported sites. Some of them do not exist anymore (BlinkBits, BUMPzee, De.lirio.us to list a few of them) and some others have changed their name and logo (like Netscape). I have compiled a list of the sites that [...]";}i:6;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:22:"Social Bookmarks 4.1.1";s:4:"link";s:58:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-411.php";s:8:"comments";s:67:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-411.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sun, 08 Feb 2009 15:39:04 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:25:"WordPressSocial Bookmarks";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=151";s:11:"description";s:300:"A new version of the Social Bookmarks plugin is now available. This update includes a the site Tip’d and some minor code optimizations on the administration section of the plugin.\nYou can download the plugin from the WordPress repository or click the update button on your WordPress Dashboard.\n";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:63:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-411.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:300:"A new version of the Social Bookmarks plugin is now available. This update includes a the site Tip’d and some minor code optimizations on the administration section of the plugin.\nYou can download the plugin from the WordPress repository or click the update button on your WordPress Dashboard.\n";}i:7;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:34:"WordPress Plugins Activation Order";s:4:"link";s:72:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins-activation-order.php";s:8:"comments";s:81:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins-activation-order.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Tue, 03 Feb 2009 08:04:45 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:9:"WordPress";s:4:"guid";s:30:"http://www.dountsis.com/?p=127";s:11:"description";s:333:"I just noticed an issue with the way that WordPress handles the plugins activation. A couple of WordPress users have reported that when they activate Social Bookmarks, the plugin activates and operates as advertised but the AJAX features of the WordPress Dashboard break. I have tried for a while now to replicate the issue and [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:77:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins-activation-order.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"6";}s:7:"summary";s:333:"I just noticed an issue with the way that WordPress handles the plugins activation. A couple of WordPress users have reported that when they activate Social Bookmarks, the plugin activates and operates as advertised but the AJAX features of the WordPress Dashboard break. I have tried for a while now to replicate the issue and [...]";}i:8;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:28:"WordPress Plugin Development";s:4:"link";s:55:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins.php";s:8:"comments";s:64:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Sat, 03 Jan 2009 14:22:04 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:9:"WordPress";s:4:"guid";s:55:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins.php";s:11:"description";s:340:"It’s been quite a busy WordPress development week with the release of new versions for both Social Bookmarks and Move Comments. However, that is not all from me. I am putting the finishing touches to two more plugins (always for WordPress).\nI have fallen in love with the subversion repository over at the wordpress.org and with [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:60:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/wordpress-plugins.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"0";}s:7:"summary";s:340:"It’s been quite a busy WordPress development week with the release of new versions for both Social Bookmarks and Move Comments. However, that is not all from me. I am putting the finishing touches to two more plugins (always for WordPress).\nI have fallen in love with the subversion repository over at the wordpress.org and with [...]";}i:9;a:11:{s:5:"title";s:20:"Social Bookmarks 4.1";s:4:"link";s:57:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-41.php";s:8:"comments";s:66:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-41.php#comments";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Fri, 02 Jan 2009 14:31:10 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:6:"soumis";}s:8:"category";s:25:"WordPressSocial Bookmarks";s:4:"guid";s:57:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-41.php";s:11:"description";s:303:"A new year brings a new version of the Social Bookmarks plugin for WordPress. For a complete listing of the changes, visit the changelog page. A lot of your feedback has been taken into account in this version, with a number of issues addressed and with a WordPress 2.7 look and feel now in Social [...]";s:3:"wfw";a:1:{s:10:"commentrss";s:62:"http://www.dountsis.com/wordpress/social-bookmarks-41.php/feed";}s:5:"slash";a:1:{s:8:"comments";s:1:"2";}s:7:"summary";s:303:"A new year brings a new version of the Social Bookmarks plugin for WordPress. For a complete listing of the changes, visit the changelog page. A lot of your feedback has been taken into account in this version, with a number of issues addressed and with a WordPress 2.7 look and feel now in Social [...]";}}s:7:"channel";a:8:{s:5:"title";s:18:"Apostolos Dountsis";s:4:"link";s:23:"http://www.dountsis.com";s:11:"description";s:47:"Web Development & Desktop Application Solutions";s:13:"lastbuilddate";s:31:"Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:49:11 +0000";s:9:"generator";s:27:"http://wordpress.org/?v=abc";s:8:"language";s:2:"en";s:2:"sy";a:2:{s:12:"updateperiod";s:6:"hourly";s:15:"updatefrequency";s:1:"1";}s:7:"tagline";s:47:"Web Development & Desktop Application 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Skip the download/upload steps and the slow WordPress dialog box.";}i:9;a:7:{s:5:"title";s:59:"slincoln on "Missing Data Platinum SEO Pack Plugin, Add-on"";s:4:"link";s:78:"http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/missing-data-platinum-seo-pack/#post-20485";s:7:"pubdate";s:31:"Mon, 30 Aug 2010 10:36:31 +0000";s:2:"dc";a:1:{s:7:"creator";s:8:"slincoln";}s:4:"guid";s:42:"20485@http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/";s:11:"description";s:147:"A plugin which generates a list of all posts and pages where data pertaining to the PSP plugin is missing. Such as title, description and keywords.";s:7:"summary";s:147:"A plugin which generates a list of all posts and pages where data pertaining to the PSP plugin is missing. 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Such as, title, description and keywords.";s:7:"summary";s:145:"A plugin which generates a list of all posts and pages where data pertaining to the AIOSEOP is missing. 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The Shortcode inserts the code";s:7:"summary";s:150:"Adds a Facebook-Like-Button, Shortcode [like] for the Button and a Like-Button-Widget to your Blog for every post/page. 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'), (729, 233, '_aioseop_keywords', 'TOEFL courses, TOEFL Prep, TOEFL preparation, TOEFL classes, TOEFL in Miami, TOEFL in the USA'), (392, 239, '_edit_last', '1'), (391, 239, '_edit_lock', '1274297606'), (731, 233, '_aioseop_title', 'TOEFL Preparation Courses in Florida'), (570, 239, '_aioseop_keywords', 'English courses, english school in the usa, english classes, learn English, study English'), (571, 239, '_aioseop_description', 'Study English in TALK International school of languages in Boston, USA. Intensive English, TOEFL and IELTS Preparation Courses.'), (572, 239, '_aioseop_title', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston Massachusetts. United States'), (474, 249, '_wp_attached_file', '2010/05/blog.jpg'), (475, 249, '_wp_attachment_metadata', 'a:6:{s:5:"width";s:3:"300";s:6:"height";s:3:"188";s:14:"hwstring_small";s:23:"height=''80'' width=''128''";s:4:"file";s:16:"2010/05/blog.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:1:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:16:"blog-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";s:3:"150";s:6:"height";s:3:"150";}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";s:1:"0";s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";s:1:"0";s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";s:1:"0";s:3:"iso";s:1:"0";s:13:"shutter_speed";s:1:"0";s:5:"title";s:0:"";}}'), (576, 262, '_edit_last', '1'), (575, 262, '_edit_lock', '1282839631'), (740, 262, '_aioseop_title', 'Accent Reduction Courses | English Pronounciation'), (739, 262, '_aioseop_description', 'Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others. This program is for individuals who have learned English as a second language. '), (738, 262, '_aioseop_keywords', 'Advanced english, pronounciation, english pronounciation, accent reduccion, advanced english courses'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `wp_posts` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_posts` ( `ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `post_author` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', `post_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `post_date_gmt` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `post_content` longtext NOT NULL, `post_title` text NOT NULL, `post_category` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `post_excerpt` text NOT NULL, `post_status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'publish', `comment_status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'open', `ping_status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'open', `post_password` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', `post_name` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', `to_ping` text NOT NULL, `pinged` text NOT NULL, `post_modified` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `post_modified_gmt` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `post_content_filtered` text NOT NULL, `post_parent` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', `guid` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `menu_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `post_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'post', `post_mime_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `comment_count` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), KEY `post_name` (`post_name`), KEY `type_status_date` (`post_type`,`post_status`,`post_date`,`ID`), KEY `post_parent` (`post_parent`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=279 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `wp_posts` -- INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (10, 1, '2009-03-02 10:55:35', '2009-03-02 14:55:35', '[caption id="attachment_11" align="alignleft" width="245" caption="TALK International stuff in Regis College"]TALK International stuff in Regis College[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International has opened its NEW language school on the beautiful campus of prestigious Regis College in Boston, Massachusetts (www.regiscollege.edu). This is our 2nd campus program in the USA and represents the conclusion of almost 3 years of planning.\r\n\r\nTALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 29th and was pleased to see, meet & chat with all the wonderful Regis Staff Members.\r\n\r\nTALK International looks forward to a great future with Regis College.\r\n\r\nAbout Regis College\r\n
  • Is located on a beautiful 132 acre campus in the exclusive Boston suburb of Weston;
  • \r\n
  • Is just 15 kilometers from the cultural life of central Boston;
  • \r\n
  • Is a liberal arts and sciences university founded in 1927;
  • \r\n
  • It has over 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students attending classes on campus;
  • \r\n
  • Has more than 23 undergraduate majors and a teachers licensure program;
  • \r\n
  • Has 9 Masters programs, 4 post-masters nursing certificates, and a doctoral degree in nursing practice.
  • \r\n
\r\nTALK International at Regis College\r\n
  • Language school students will enjoy all the benefits of full-time Regis College students including use of library, computer labs, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, etc.
  • \r\n
  • Well priced courses and prices (will be the same as our Fort Lauderdale campus).
  • \r\n
  • On-campus residence at very attractive rates;
  • \r\n
  • Homestay program beginning April, 2009.
  • \r\n
', 'TALK International at Regis College, Boston MA', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'talk-international-at-regis-college-boston-ma', '', '', '2009-05-21 11:06:19', '2009-05-21 15:06:19', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=10', 0, 'post', '', 0), (11, 1, '2009-05-20 23:56:40', '2009-05-21 03:56:40', '', 'boston-talk-stuff', 0, 'TALK International stuff in Regis College', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'boston-talk-stuff', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:56:40', '2009-05-21 03:56:40', '', 10, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/boston-talk-stuff.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (30, 1, '2009-05-21 10:24:37', '2009-05-21 14:24:37', '', 'bogota1', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'bogota1', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:24:37', '2009-05-21 14:24:37', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/bogota1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (3, 1, '2009-03-23 23:46:26', '2009-03-24 03:46:26', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. See photos on Flickr', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick''s Day', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'celebrating-the-saint-patrick%e2%80%99s-day', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:13:49', '2009-07-06 20:13:49', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=3', 0, 'post', '', 0), (6, 1, '2009-05-20 23:44:23', '2009-05-21 03:44:23', '', 'st-patricks-day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'st-patricks-day', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:44:23', '2009-05-21 03:44:23', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/st-patricks-day.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (7, 1, '2009-05-20 23:46:15', '2009-05-21 03:46:15', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\n\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out.', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:46:15', '2009-05-21 03:46:15', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=7', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (8, 1, '2009-06-16 14:32:51', '2009-06-16 18:32:51', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\n\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out on Flickr', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-autosave', '', '', '2009-06-16 14:32:51', '2009-06-16 18:32:51', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=8', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (9, 1, '2009-05-20 23:46:26', '2009-05-21 03:46:26', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out.', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision-2', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:46:26', '2009-05-21 03:46:26', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=9', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (12, 1, '2009-05-20 23:55:50', '2009-05-21 03:55:50', '', 'TALK International at Regis College, Boston MA', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '10-revision', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:55:50', '2009-05-21 03:55:50', '', 10, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=12', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (13, 1, '2009-05-20 23:57:51', '2009-05-21 03:57:51', '[caption id="attachment_11" align="alignleft" width="245" caption="TALK International stuff in Regis College"]TALK International stuff in Regis College[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International has opened its NEW language school on the beautiful campus of prestigious Regis College in Boston, Massachusetts (www.regiscollege.edu). This is our 2nd campus program in the USA and represents the conclusion of almost 3 years of planning.\r\n\r\nTALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 29th and was pleased to see, meet & chat with all the wonderful Regis Staff Members.\r\n\r\nTALK International looks forward to a great future with Regis College.\r\n\r\nAbout Regis College\r\n
  • Is located on a beautiful 132 acre campus in the exclusive Boston suburb of Weston;
  • \r\n
  • Is just 15 kilometers from the cultural life of central Boston;
  • \r\n
  • Is a liberal arts and sciences university founded in 1927;
  • \r\n
  • It has over 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students attending classes on campus;
  • \r\n
  • Has more than 23 undergraduate majors and a teachers licensure program;
  • \r\n
  • Has 9 Masters programs, 4 post-masters nursing certificates, and a doctoral degree in nursing practice.
  • \r\n
\r\nTALK International at Regis College\r\n
  • Language school students will enjoy all the benefits of full-time Regis College students including use of library, computer labs, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, etc.
  • \r\n
  • Well priced courses and prices (will be the same as our Fort Lauderdale campus).
  • \r\n
  • On-campus residence at very attractive rates;
  • \r\n
  • Homestay program beginning April, 2009.
  • \r\n
', 'TALK International at Regis College, Boston MA', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '10-revision-2', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:57:51', '2009-05-21 03:57:51', '', 10, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=13', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (14, 1, '2009-02-18 12:58:53', '2009-02-18 16:58:53', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'nova-southeastern-communityfest', '', '', '2009-05-26 10:37:39', '2009-05-26 14:37:39', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=14', 0, 'post', '', 1), (15, 1, '2009-05-21 00:00:04', '2009-05-21 04:00:04', '', 'nova-fest', 0, 'NSU CommunityFest', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'nova-fest', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:00:04', '2009-05-21 04:00:04', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/nova-fest.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (21, 1, '2009-02-18 09:10:02', '2009-02-18 13:10:02', 'On Friday, February 13th TALK International offered a fun-filled Valentine''s Party, full of games and surprises, including the selection of the Sweetest Hearts of our School. Students were able to interact with their groups and work as teams on the different contests.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Celebrating Valentine's Day"]Celebrating Valentine''s Day[/caption]', 'Valentine''s Day Party!!!', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'valentine%e2%80%99s-day-party', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:16:47', '2009-11-13 22:16:47', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=21', 0, 'post', '', 0), (17, 1, '2009-05-21 00:03:29', '2009-05-21 04:03:29', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\n\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\n\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\n\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\n\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\n\n[caption id="attachment_16" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]nova-communityfest[/caption]\n\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:03:29', '2009-05-21 04:03:29', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=17', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (18, 1, '2009-05-21 00:08:25', '2009-05-21 04:08:25', '', 'talk-nova-fest', 0, 'TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'talk-nova-fest', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:08:25', '2009-05-21 04:08:25', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/talk-nova-fest.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (19, 1, '2009-05-21 00:08:50', '2009-05-21 04:08:50', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\n\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\n\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\n\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\n\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\n
\n\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\n\n
\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-autosave', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:08:50', '2009-05-21 04:08:50', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=19', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (20, 1, '2009-05-21 00:04:24', '2009-05-21 04:04:24', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_16" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]nova-communityfest[/caption]\r\n\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-2', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:04:24', '2009-05-21 04:04:24', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=20', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (22, 1, '2009-05-21 00:11:18', '2009-05-21 04:11:18', '', 'valentines-day-2009', 0, 'Celebrating Valentine''s Day', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'valentines-day-2009', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:11:18', '2009-05-21 04:11:18', '', 21, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/valentines-day-2009.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (23, 1, '2009-05-21 00:13:04', '2009-05-21 04:13:04', 'On Friday, February 13th TALK International offered a fun-filled Valentine?s Party, full of games and surprises, including the selection of the Sweetest Hearts of our School. Students were able to interact with their groups and work as teams on the different contests.\n\n[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Celebrating Valentine's Day"]Celebrating Valentine''s Day[/caption]', 'Valentine?s Day Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '21-revision', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:13:04', '2009-05-21 04:13:04', '', 21, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=23', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (24, 1, '2009-02-01 08:15:32', '2009-02-01 12:15:32', 'See South Beach''s gorgeous sites as the locals do ? on a bicycle! Popular destinations such as Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road, Venetian Causeway, Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and Coconut Grove are just a short bicycle ride away.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_25" align="alignright" width="193" caption="Bycicle Rental"]Bycicle Rental[/caption]\r\n\r\nWhether it''s sightseeing that grabs your interest, or just the thought of a relaxing ride, a bicycle is just the thing you need to top off your visit to South Beach. While in the Miami Beach Bicycle Center check out the excellent selection and name brand products such as Trek, Cannondale, Raleigh, Shimano, Oakley, Profile, Polar heart rate monitors, Nike, Kryptonite, Mavic, Campagnolos, and many more.\r\n\r\nDirections, Hours & Other Information\r\nAddress: 601 5th Street, Miami Beach\r\nPhone: 305-674-0150\r\nWeb: www.bikemiamibeach.com\r\nCost without Go Miami Card:\r\nAdult $25.68, Child $25.68\r\n\r\nHours:\r\nMonday?Saturday, 10:00 am?7:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am?5:00 pm\r\nClosed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year''s Day.\r\nAll holidays are subject to change without notice.\r\n\r\nDirections:\r\nTake local bus #123 (South Beach Local).\r\nFrom Miami Int''l Airport: 836 East to I-395 to Macarthur Causeway. Macarthur Causeway leads directly into 5th Street in South Beach. Continue heading east. Store is on NW corner of 5th Street and Washington Avenue.\r\nFrom Ft. Lauderdale Int''l Airport: I-95 South to I-395 East. I-395 becomes Macarthur Causeway. Proceed as above.', 'Miami Beach 1-Day Bicycle Rental', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'miami-beach-1-day-bicycle-rental', '', '', '2009-05-26 10:42:43', '2009-05-26 14:42:43', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=24', 0, 'post', '', 0), (25, 1, '2009-05-21 00:14:30', '2009-05-21 04:14:30', '', 'bike', 0, 'Bycicle Rental', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'bike', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:14:30', '2009-05-21 04:14:30', '', 24, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/bike.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (26, 1, '2009-05-21 00:13:55', '2009-05-21 04:13:55', '', 'Miami Beach 1-Day Bicycle Rental', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '24-revision', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:13:55', '2009-05-21 04:13:55', '', 24, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=26', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (27, 1, '2009-05-21 00:15:32', '2009-05-21 04:15:32', 'See South Beach''s gorgeous sites as the locals do ? on a bicycle! Popular destinations such as Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road, Venetian Causeway, Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and Coconut Grove are just a short bicycle ride away.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_25" align="alignright" width="193" caption="Bycicle Rental"]Bycicle Rental[/caption]\r\n\r\nWhether it''s sightseeing that grabs your interest, or just the thought of a relaxing ride, a bicycle is just the thing you need to top off your visit to South Beach. While in the Miami Beach Bicycle Center check out the excellent selection and name brand products such as Trek, Cannondale, Raleigh, Shimano, Oakley, Profile, Polar heart rate monitors, Nike, Kryptonite, Mavic, Campagnolos, and many more.\r\n\r\nDirections, Hours & Other Information\r\nAddress: 601 5th Street, Miami Beach\r\nPhone: 305-674-0150\r\nWeb: www.bikemiamibeach.com\r\nCost without Go Miami Card:\r\nAdult $25.68, Child $25.68\r\n\r\nHours:\r\nMonday?Saturday, 10:00 am?7:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am?5:00 pm\r\nClosed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year''s Day.\r\nAll holidays are subject to change without notice.\r\n\r\nDirections:\r\nTake local bus #123 (South Beach Local).\r\nFrom Miami Int''l Airport: 836 East to I-395 to Macarthur Causeway. Macarthur Causeway leads directly into 5th Street in South Beach. Continue heading east. Store is on NW corner of 5th Street and Washington Avenue.\r\nFrom Ft. Lauderdale Int''l Airport: I-95 South to I-395 East. I-395 becomes Macarthur Causeway. Proceed as above.', 'Miami Beach 1-Day Bicycle Rental', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '24-revision-2', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:15:32', '2009-05-21 04:15:32', '', 24, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=27', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (28, 1, '2009-05-21 00:08:54', '2009-05-21 04:08:54', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-3', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:08:54', '2009-05-21 04:08:54', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/wordpress/?p=28', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (33, 1, '2009-05-21 10:32:35', '2009-05-21 14:32:35', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-5', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:32:35', '2009-05-21 14:32:35', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=33', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (32, 1, '2009-05-21 00:17:40', '2009-05-21 04:17:40', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-4', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:17:40', '2009-05-21 04:17:40', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/blog/?p=32', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (34, 1, '2009-05-21 00:13:08', '2009-05-21 04:13:08', 'On Friday, February 13th TALK International offered a fun-filled Valentine?s Party, full of games and surprises, including the selection of the Sweetest Hearts of our School. Students were able to interact with their groups and work as teams on the different contests.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Celebrating Valentine's Day"]Celebrating Valentine''s Day[/caption]', 'Valentine?s Day Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '21-revision-2', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:13:08', '2009-05-21 04:13:08', '', 21, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=34', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (35, 1, '2009-05-20 23:58:43', '2009-05-21 03:58:43', '[caption id="attachment_11" align="alignleft" width="245" caption="TALK International stuff in Regis College"]TALK International stuff in Regis College[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International has opened its NEW language school on the beautiful campus of prestigious Regis College in Boston, Massachusetts (www.regiscollege.edu). This is our 2nd campus program in the USA and represents the conclusion of almost 3 years of planning.\r\n\r\nTALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 29th and was pleased to see, meet & chat with all the wonderful Regis Staff Members.\r\n\r\nTALK International looks forward to a great future with Regis College.\r\n\r\nAbout Regis College\r\n
  • Is located on a beautiful 132 acre campus in the exclusive Boston suburb of Weston;
  • \r\n
  • Is just 15 kilometers from the cultural life of central Boston;
  • \r\n
  • Is a liberal arts and sciences university founded in 1927;
  • \r\n
  • It has over 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students attending classes on campus;
  • \r\n
  • Has more than 23 undergraduate majors and a teachers licensure program;
  • \r\n
  • Has 9 Masters programs, 4 post-masters nursing certificates, and a doctoral degree in nursing practice.
  • \r\n
\r\nTALK International at Regis College\r\n
  • Language school students will enjoy all the benefits of full-time Regis College students including use of library, computer labs, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, etc.
  • \r\n
  • Well priced courses and prices (will be the same as our Fort Lauderdale campus).
  • \r\n
  • On-campus residence at very attractive rates;
  • \r\n
  • Homestay program beginning April, 2009.
  • \r\n
', 'TALK International at Regis College, Boston MA', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '10-revision-3', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:58:43', '2009-05-21 03:58:43', '', 10, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=35', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (36, 1, '2009-05-20 23:54:04', '2009-05-21 03:54:04', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out.', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision-3', '', '', '2009-05-20 23:54:04', '2009-05-21 03:54:04', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=36', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (37, 1, '2009-05-21 00:16:28', '2009-05-21 04:16:28', 'See South Beach''s gorgeous sites as the locals do ? on a bicycle! Popular destinations such as Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road, Venetian Causeway, Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and Coconut Grove are just a short bicycle ride away.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_25" align="alignright" width="193" caption="Bycicle Rental"]Bycicle Rental[/caption]\r\n\r\nWhether it''s sightseeing that grabs your interest, or just the thought of a relaxing ride, a bicycle is just the thing you need to top off your visit to South Beach. While in the Miami Beach Bicycle Center check out the excellent selection and name brand products such as Trek, Cannondale, Raleigh, Shimano, Oakley, Profile, Polar heart rate monitors, Nike, Kryptonite, Mavic, Campagnolos, and many more.\r\n\r\nDirections, Hours & Other Information\r\nAddress: 601 5th Street, Miami Beach\r\nPhone: 305-674-0150\r\nWeb: www.bikemiamibeach.com\r\nCost without Go Miami Card:\r\nAdult $25.68, Child $25.68\r\n\r\nHours:\r\nMonday?Saturday, 10:00 am?7:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am?5:00 pm\r\nClosed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year''s Day.\r\nAll holidays are subject to change without notice.\r\n\r\nDirections:\r\nTake local bus #123 (South Beach Local).\r\nFrom Miami Int''l Airport: 836 East to I-395 to Macarthur Causeway. Macarthur Causeway leads directly into 5th Street in South Beach. Continue heading east. Store is on NW corner of 5th Street and Washington Avenue.\r\nFrom Ft. Lauderdale Int''l Airport: I-95 South to I-395 East. I-395 becomes Macarthur Causeway. Proceed as above.', 'Miami Beach 1-Day Bicycle Rental', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '24-revision-3', '', '', '2009-05-21 00:16:28', '2009-05-21 04:16:28', '', 24, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=37', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (38, 1, '2009-05-21 10:56:45', '2009-05-21 14:56:45', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-6', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:56:45', '2009-05-21 14:56:45', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=38', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (39, 1, '2009-05-21 10:57:53', '2009-05-21 14:57:53', '[caption id="attachment_11" align="alignleft" width="245" caption="TALK International stuff in Regis College"]TALK International stuff in Regis College[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International has opened its NEW language school on the beautiful campus of prestigious Regis College in Boston, Massachusetts (www.regiscollege.edu). This is our 2nd campus program in the USA and represents the conclusion of almost 3 years of planning.\r\n\r\nTALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 29th and was pleased to see, meet & chat with all the wonderful Regis Staff Members.\r\n\r\nTALK International looks forward to a great future with Regis College.\r\n\r\nAbout Regis College\r\n
  • Is located on a beautiful 132 acre campus in the exclusive Boston suburb of Weston;
  • \r\n
  • Is just 15 kilometers from the cultural life of central Boston;
  • \r\n
  • Is a liberal arts and sciences university founded in 1927;
  • \r\n
  • It has over 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students attending classes on campus;
  • \r\n
  • Has more than 23 undergraduate majors and a teachers licensure program;
  • \r\n
  • Has 9 Masters programs, 4 post-masters nursing certificates, and a doctoral degree in nursing practice.
  • \r\n
\r\nTALK International at Regis College\r\n
  • Language school students will enjoy all the benefits of full-time Regis College students including use of library, computer labs, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, etc.
  • \r\n
  • Well priced courses and prices (will be the same as our Fort Lauderdale campus).
  • \r\n
  • On-campus residence at very attractive rates;
  • \r\n
  • Homestay program beginning April, 2009.
  • \r\n
', 'TALK International at Regis College, Boston MA', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '10-revision-4', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:57:53', '2009-05-21 14:57:53', '', 10, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=39', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (40, 1, '2009-05-21 10:58:52', '2009-05-21 14:58:52', 'See South Beach''s gorgeous sites as the locals do ? on a bicycle! Popular destinations such as Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road, Venetian Causeway, Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and Coconut Grove are just a short bicycle ride away.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_25" align="alignright" width="193" caption="Bycicle Rental"]Bycicle Rental[/caption]\r\n\r\nWhether it''s sightseeing that grabs your interest, or just the thought of a relaxing ride, a bicycle is just the thing you need to top off your visit to South Beach. While in the Miami Beach Bicycle Center check out the excellent selection and name brand products such as Trek, Cannondale, Raleigh, Shimano, Oakley, Profile, Polar heart rate monitors, Nike, Kryptonite, Mavic, Campagnolos, and many more.\r\n\r\nDirections, Hours & Other Information\r\nAddress: 601 5th Street, Miami Beach\r\nPhone: 305-674-0150\r\nWeb: www.bikemiamibeach.com\r\nCost without Go Miami Card:\r\nAdult $25.68, Child $25.68\r\n\r\nHours:\r\nMonday?Saturday, 10:00 am?7:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am?5:00 pm\r\nClosed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year''s Day.\r\nAll holidays are subject to change without notice.\r\n\r\nDirections:\r\nTake local bus #123 (South Beach Local).\r\nFrom Miami Int''l Airport: 836 East to I-395 to Macarthur Causeway. Macarthur Causeway leads directly into 5th Street in South Beach. Continue heading east. Store is on NW corner of 5th Street and Washington Avenue.\r\nFrom Ft. Lauderdale Int''l Airport: I-95 South to I-395 East. I-395 becomes Macarthur Causeway. Proceed as above.', 'Miami Beach 1-Day Bicycle Rental', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '24-revision-4', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:58:52', '2009-05-21 14:58:52', '', 24, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=40', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (43, 1, '2009-05-21 10:59:19', '2009-05-21 14:59:19', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-7', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:59:19', '2009-05-21 14:59:19', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=43', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (44, 1, '2009-05-26 10:36:39', '2009-05-26 14:36:39', '[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="NSU CommunityFest"]NSU CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\nOn February 14th, 2009, many TALK International students were able to participate as volunteers at the Nova Southeastern University Community Festival.\r\n\r\nNSU CommunityFest is an annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families in a carnival-like atmosphere around Gold Circle Lake.\r\n\r\nThe event was initiated and developed in 2004 by Michelle Manley, an NSU student who wanted to bring the university community together and build school spirit. While this is a student-initiated event, NSU CommunityFest is an event that involves the collaboration of NSU students, staff, and community businesses and organizations.\r\n\r\nThe day consisted of live entertainment, food and drinks, large scale games, activity booths, paddle boats on the lake, and much more. Best of all, our TALK students got the chance to interact with the NSU family and enjoy the multicultural exchange.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest"]TALK Students - Nova CommunityFest[/caption]\r\n\r\n
\r\nThank you very much to our volunteers: Maria Emilia, Christina, Yasser, Abdoul-Mohsen and Shenya.', 'Nova Southeastern CommunityFest', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '14-revision-8', '', '', '2009-05-26 10:36:39', '2009-05-26 14:36:39', '', 14, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=44', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (45, 1, '2009-05-21 10:57:14', '2009-05-21 14:57:14', 'On Friday, February 13th TALK International offered a fun-filled Valentine?s Party, full of games and surprises, including the selection of the Sweetest Hearts of our School. Students were able to interact with their groups and work as teams on the different contests.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Celebrating Valentine's Day"]Celebrating Valentine''s Day[/caption]', 'Valentine?s Day Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '21-revision-3', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:57:14', '2009-05-21 14:57:14', '', 21, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=45', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (46, 1, '2009-05-22 16:24:22', '2009-05-22 20:24:22', 'See South Beach''s gorgeous sites as the locals do ? on a bicycle! Popular destinations such as Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road, Venetian Causeway, Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and Coconut Grove are just a short bicycle ride away.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_25" align="alignright" width="193" caption="Bycicle Rental"]Bycicle Rental[/caption]\r\n\r\nWhether it''s sightseeing that grabs your interest, or just the thought of a relaxing ride, a bicycle is just the thing you need to top off your visit to South Beach. While in the Miami Beach Bicycle Center check out the excellent selection and name brand products such as Trek, Cannondale, Raleigh, Shimano, Oakley, Profile, Polar heart rate monitors, Nike, Kryptonite, Mavic, Campagnolos, and many more.\r\n\r\nDirections, Hours & Other Information\r\nAddress: 601 5th Street, Miami Beach\r\nPhone: 305-674-0150\r\nWeb: www.bikemiamibeach.com\r\nCost without Go Miami Card:\r\nAdult $25.68, Child $25.68\r\n\r\nHours:\r\nMonday?Saturday, 10:00 am?7:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am?5:00 pm\r\nClosed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year''s Day.\r\nAll holidays are subject to change without notice.\r\n\r\nDirections:\r\nTake local bus #123 (South Beach Local).\r\nFrom Miami Int''l Airport: 836 East to I-395 to Macarthur Causeway. Macarthur Causeway leads directly into 5th Street in South Beach. Continue heading east. Store is on NW corner of 5th Street and Washington Avenue.\r\nFrom Ft. Lauderdale Int''l Airport: I-95 South to I-395 East. I-395 becomes Macarthur Causeway. Proceed as above.', 'Miami Beach 1-Day Bicycle Rental', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '24-revision-5', '', '', '2009-05-22 16:24:22', '2009-05-22 20:24:22', '', 24, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=46', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (47, 1, '2009-05-21 10:58:18', '2009-05-21 14:58:18', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out.', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision-4', '', '', '2009-05-21 10:58:18', '2009-05-21 14:58:18', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=47', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (48, 1, '2009-06-16 14:33:45', '2009-06-16 18:33:45', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out on Flickr', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision-5', '', '', '2009-06-16 14:33:45', '2009-06-16 18:33:45', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=48', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (49, 1, '2009-06-16 14:34:27', '2009-06-16 18:34:27', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. Check it out on Flickr', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision-6', '', '', '2009-06-16 14:34:27', '2009-06-16 18:34:27', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=49', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (50, 1, '2009-07-06 16:13:11', '2009-07-06 20:13:11', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_83" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to "design"? a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by "strutting down the catwalk"? for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America''s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!\r\n
\r\nyoutubeSee summer kick-off video!', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'summer-kick-off-party', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:13:58', '2009-11-13 22:13:58', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=50', 0, 'post', '', 0), (51, 1, '2009-07-06 16:11:02', '2009-07-06 20:11:02', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay. \n\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:11:02', '2009-07-06 20:11:02', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=51', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (52, 1, '2009-06-16 14:34:57', '2009-06-16 18:34:57', '[caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="St Patrick's Day"]st-patricks-day[/caption]\r\n\r\nGreen theme on a green day!!! That is how Talk International commemorated the Irish Celebration? Games, fun, surprises and more?. See photos on Flickr', 'Celebrating the Saint Patrick?s Day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '3-revision-7', '', '', '2009-06-16 14:34:57', '2009-06-16 18:34:57', '', 3, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=52', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (53, 1, '2009-05-26 10:41:58', '2009-05-26 14:41:58', 'On Friday, February 13th TALK International offered a fun-filled Valentine?s Party, full of games and surprises, including the selection of the Sweetest Hearts of our School. Students were able to interact with their groups and work as teams on the different contests.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Celebrating Valentine's Day"]Celebrating Valentine''s Day[/caption]', 'Valentine?s Day Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '21-revision-4', '', '', '2009-05-26 10:41:58', '2009-05-26 14:41:58', '', 21, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=53', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (54, 1, '2009-07-06 16:31:56', '2009-07-06 20:31:56', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father's day"]Father''s day[/caption]\r\n\r\nFathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father''s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos of these proud fathers!', 'Father''s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'father%e2%80%99s-day-breakfast', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:50:46', '2009-11-13 21:50:46', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=54', 0, 'post', '', 2), (55, 1, '2009-07-06 16:18:32', '2009-07-06 20:18:32', '', 'fathers-day', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'fathers-day', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:18:32', '2009-07-06 20:18:32', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/fathers-day.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (56, 1, '2009-07-06 16:21:11', '2009-07-06 20:21:11', '', 'fathers-day1', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'fathers-day1', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:21:11', '2009-07-06 20:21:11', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/fathers-day1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (57, 1, '2009-07-06 16:24:30', '2009-07-06 20:24:30', '', 'fathers-day', 0, 'Father''s day', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'fathers-day2', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:24:30', '2009-07-06 20:24:30', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/fathers-day2.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (58, 1, '2009-07-06 16:26:09', '2009-07-06 20:26:09', '[caption id="attachment_57" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Father''s day"]Father's day[/caption]Fathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\n\nAll students were invited to participate. Check out some of the photos of these proud fathers!\n\n', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:26:09', '2009-07-06 20:26:09', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=58', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (59, 1, '2009-07-06 16:31:56', '2009-07-06 20:31:56', '[caption id="attachment_57" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Father''s day"]Father's day[/caption]Fathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate. Check out some of the photos of these proud fathers!\r\n\r\n', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-2', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:31:56', '2009-07-06 20:31:56', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=59', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (60, 1, '2009-07-06 16:34:16', '2009-07-06 20:34:16', '', 'fathers-day3', 0, 'Father''s day', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'fathers-day3', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:34:16', '2009-07-06 20:34:16', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/fathers-day3.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (61, 1, '2009-07-06 16:32:34', '2009-07-06 20:32:34', '[caption id="attachment_57" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Father''s day"]Father's day[/caption]Fathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate. Check out some of the photos of these proud fathers!\r\n\r\n', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-3', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:32:34', '2009-07-06 20:32:34', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=61', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (63, 1, '2009-07-06 16:51:30', '2009-07-06 20:51:30', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father's day"]Father''s day[/caption]\n\nFathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\n\nAll students were invited to participate.\n\nCheck out some of the photos of these proud fathers!', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-autosave', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:51:30', '2009-07-06 20:51:30', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=63', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (62, 1, '2009-07-06 16:35:11', '2009-07-06 20:35:11', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father''s day"]Father's day[/caption]Fathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate. Check out some of the photos of these proud fathers!\r\n\r\n', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-4', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:35:11', '2009-07-06 20:35:11', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=62', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (64, 1, '2009-07-06 16:40:44', '2009-07-06 20:40:44', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father's day"]Father''s day[/caption]\r\n\r\nFathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate. Check out some of the photos of these proud fathers!', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-5', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:40:44', '2009-07-06 20:40:44', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=64', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (65, 1, '2009-07-06 16:45:22', '2009-07-06 20:45:22', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father's day"]Father''s day[/caption]\r\n\r\nFathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate. Check out some of the photos of these proud fathers!', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-6', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:45:22', '2009-07-06 20:45:22', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=65', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (66, 1, '2009-07-06 16:54:17', '2009-07-06 20:54:17', '', 'flickr', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'flickr', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:54:17', '2009-07-06 20:54:17', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/flickr.gif', 0, 'attachment', 'image/gif', 0), (67, 1, '2009-07-06 16:51:24', '2009-07-06 20:51:24', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father's day"]Father''s day[/caption]\r\n\r\nFathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate.\r\n\r\nCheck out some of the photos of these proud fathers!', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-7', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:51:24', '2009-07-06 20:51:24', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=67', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (131, 1, '2009-07-07 09:48:44', '2009-07-07 13:48:44', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-12', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:48:44', '2009-07-07 13:48:44', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=131', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (69, 1, '2009-07-06 16:13:11', '2009-07-06 20:13:11', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay. \r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-2', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:13:11', '2009-07-06 20:13:11', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=69', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (78, 1, '2009-07-06 17:37:21', '2009-07-06 21:37:21', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-8', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:37:21', '2009-07-06 21:37:21', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=78', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (72, 1, '2009-07-06 17:28:15', '2009-07-06 21:28:15', 'Summer Kick off PartyIn June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-3', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:28:15', '2009-07-06 21:28:15', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=72', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (73, 1, '2009-07-06 17:32:15', '2009-07-06 21:32:15', '[caption id="attachment_71" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-4', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:32:15', '2009-07-06 21:32:15', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=73', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (77, 1, '2009-07-06 17:54:38', '2009-07-06 21:54:38', '', 'Summer kick off', 0, 'Summer Kick off Party', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'summer-kick-off', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:54:38', '2009-07-06 21:54:38', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/summer-kick-off.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (74, 1, '2009-07-06 17:32:40', '2009-07-06 21:32:40', '[caption id="attachment_71" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-5', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:32:40', '2009-07-06 21:32:40', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=74', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (75, 1, '2009-07-06 17:33:08', '2009-07-06 21:33:08', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_71" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-6', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:33:08', '2009-07-06 21:33:08', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=75', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (76, 1, '2009-07-06 17:36:48', '2009-07-06 21:36:48', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_71" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-7', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:36:48', '2009-07-06 21:36:48', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=76', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (81, 1, '2009-07-06 18:05:16', '2009-07-06 22:05:16', '', 'Summer Kick-off Party', 0, 'Summer Kick-off Party', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'summer-kick-off-2', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:05:16', '2009-07-06 22:05:16', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/summer-kick-off.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (82, 1, '2009-07-06 17:59:01', '2009-07-06 21:59:01', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-11', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:59:01', '2009-07-06 21:59:01', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=82', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (79, 1, '2009-07-06 17:55:11', '2009-07-06 21:55:11', '[caption id="attachment_77" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Kick off Party"]Summer Kick off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nIn June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-9', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:55:11', '2009-07-06 21:55:11', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=79', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (80, 1, '2009-07-06 17:55:40', '2009-07-06 21:55:40', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_77" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Kick off Party"]Summer Kick off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-10', '', '', '2009-07-06 17:55:40', '2009-07-06 21:55:40', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=80', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (83, 1, '2009-07-06 18:06:43', '2009-07-06 22:06:43', '', 'Summer Kick-off Party', 0, 'Summer Kick-off Party', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'summer-kick-off1', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:06:43', '2009-07-06 22:06:43', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/summer-kick-off1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (84, 1, '2009-07-06 18:06:01', '2009-07-06 22:06:01', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_81" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-12', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:06:01', '2009-07-06 22:06:01', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=84', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (85, 1, '2009-11-13 18:13:12', '2009-11-13 22:13:12', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\n\n[caption id="attachment_83" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\n\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to :design" a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk†for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America''s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\n\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!\n
\nyoutubeSee summer kick-off video!', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-autosave', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:13:12', '2009-11-13 22:13:12', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=85', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (86, 1, '2009-07-06 18:07:34', '2009-07-06 22:07:34', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_83" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-13', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:07:34', '2009-07-06 22:07:34', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=86', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (87, 1, '2009-07-06 18:10:20', '2009-07-06 22:10:20', '', 'youtube', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'youtube', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:10:20', '2009-07-06 22:10:20', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/youtube.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (88, 1, '2009-07-06 18:09:15', '2009-07-06 22:09:15', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_83" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-14', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:09:15', '2009-07-06 22:09:15', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=88', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (89, 1, '2009-07-06 18:14:06', '2009-07-06 22:14:06', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_83" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!\r\n\r\nyoutubeSee summer kick-off video!', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-15', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:14:06', '2009-07-06 22:14:06', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=89', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (90, 1, '2009-07-07 09:40:22', '2009-07-07 13:40:22', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy"Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves." said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. "I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life". said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. "I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale"\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'first-summer-group-program', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:49:58', '2009-11-13 21:49:58', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=90', 0, 'post', '', 0), (93, 1, '2009-07-07 09:28:12', '2009-07-07 13:28:12', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\n\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\n\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\n\n“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\n\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\n\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:28:12', '2009-07-07 13:28:12', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=93', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (94, 1, '2009-07-07 09:30:23', '2009-07-07 13:30:23', '', 'Massy', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'massy-2', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:30:23', '2009-07-07 13:30:23', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/massy.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (95, 1, '2009-07-07 09:29:11', '2009-07-07 13:29:11', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\n\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\n\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\n\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\n\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\n\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-2', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:29:11', '2009-07-07 13:29:11', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=95', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (96, 1, '2009-07-07 09:30:54', '2009-07-07 13:30:54', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-3', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:30:54', '2009-07-07 13:30:54', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=96', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (97, 1, '2009-07-07 09:31:18', '2009-07-07 13:31:18', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-4', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:31:18', '2009-07-07 13:31:18', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=97', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (98, 1, '2009-07-07 09:31:52', '2009-07-07 13:31:52', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n
\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-5', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:31:52', '2009-07-07 13:31:52', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=98', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (99, 1, '2009-07-07 09:32:55', '2009-07-07 13:32:55', '', 'Boston - First Summer Group Program', 0, 'Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'p1030126', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:32:55', '2009-07-07 13:32:55', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/p1030126.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (100, 1, '2009-07-07 09:32:06', '2009-07-07 13:32:06', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n

\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-6', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:32:06', '2009-07-07 13:32:06', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=100', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (101, 1, '2009-07-07 09:35:13', '2009-07-07 13:35:13', '', 'Boston - First Summer Group Program', 0, 'Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'boston-first-group', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:35:13', '2009-07-07 13:35:13', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/boston-first-group.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (102, 1, '2009-07-07 09:34:04', '2009-07-07 13:34:04', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_99" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-7', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:34:04', '2009-07-07 13:34:04', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=102', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (103, 1, '2009-07-07 09:36:11', '2009-07-07 13:36:11', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-8', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:36:11', '2009-07-07 13:36:11', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=103', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (104, 1, '2009-11-13 17:48:34', '2009-11-13 21:48:34', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\n\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \n\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\n\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\n\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.†said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\n\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. " (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life". said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. "I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale"\n\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\n\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-autosave', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:48:34', '2009-11-13 21:48:34', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=104', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (105, 1, '2009-07-07 09:40:22', '2009-07-07 13:40:22', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-9', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:40:22', '2009-07-07 13:40:22', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=105', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (106, 1, '2009-07-07 09:42:50', '2009-07-07 13:42:50', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-10', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:42:50', '2009-07-07 13:42:50', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=106', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (107, 1, '2009-07-07 09:46:31', '2009-07-07 13:46:31', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-11', '', '', '2009-07-07 09:46:31', '2009-07-07 13:46:31', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=107', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (108, 1, '2009-08-06 14:17:29', '2009-08-06 18:17:29', '[caption id="attachment_113" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]\r\n\r\n"My name is Asami Suzuki and I''m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\r\n\r\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate''s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor''s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I''m grateful for this experience because I''ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would''ve experienced in Japan.\r\n\r\nI''ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn''t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I''m very happy I''ve come back to this great school! "', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'welcome-to-our-newest-marketing-team-member-asami', '', '', '2010-05-19 14:23:10', '2010-05-19 19:23:10', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=108', 0, 'post', '', 0), (109, 1, '2009-08-06 14:08:31', '2009-08-06 18:08:31', '', 'Asami SUZUKI', 0, 'Asami SUZUKI', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'asami', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:08:31', '2009-08-06 18:08:31', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/asami.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (110, 1, '2009-08-06 14:05:02', '2009-08-06 18:05:02', 'My name is Asami Suzuki and I’m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\n\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I’m grateful for this experience because I’ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would’ve experienced in Japan. \n\nI’ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn’t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I’m very happy I’ve come back to this great school! \n\n', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:05:02', '2009-08-06 18:05:02', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=110', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (111, 1, '2009-08-06 14:11:02', '2009-08-06 18:11:02', '[caption id="attachment_109" align="alignleft" width="279" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]My name is Asami Suzuki and I’m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\n\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I’m grateful for this experience because I’ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would’ve experienced in Japan. \n\nI’ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn’t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I’m very happy I’ve come back to this great school! \n\n', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision-2', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:11:02', '2009-08-06 18:11:02', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=111', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (112, 1, '2009-08-06 14:11:22', '2009-08-06 18:11:22', '[caption id="attachment_109" align="alignleft" width="279" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption] \r\nMy name is Asami Suzuki and I’m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\r\n\r\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I’m grateful for this experience because I’ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would’ve experienced in Japan. \r\n\r\nI’ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn’t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I’m very happy I’ve come back to this great school! \r\n\r\n', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision-3', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:11:22', '2009-08-06 18:11:22', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=112', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (113, 1, '2009-08-06 14:16:08', '2009-08-06 18:16:08', '', 'Asami SUZUKI', 0, 'Asami SUZUKI', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'asami1', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:16:08', '2009-08-06 18:16:08', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/asami1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (114, 1, '2009-08-06 14:12:20', '2009-08-06 18:12:20', '[caption id="attachment_109" align="alignleft" width="279" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]\r\n\r\n"My name is Asami Suzuki and I’m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\r\n\r\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I’m grateful for this experience because I’ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would’ve experienced in Japan.\r\n\r\nI’ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn’t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I’m very happy I’ve come back to this great school! "', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision-4', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:12:20', '2009-08-06 18:12:20', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=114', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (115, 1, '2009-08-06 14:16:40', '2009-08-06 18:16:40', '[caption id="attachment_113" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]\r\n\r\n"My name is Asami Suzuki and I’m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\r\n\r\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I’m grateful for this experience because I’ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would’ve experienced in Japan.\r\n\r\nI’ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn’t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I’m very happy I’ve come back to this great school! "', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision-5', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:16:40', '2009-08-06 18:16:40', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=115', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (116, 1, '2009-08-17 10:48:53', '2009-08-17 14:48:53', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley''s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\n
\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventura\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ\r\n[Students] prepare the fish for grilling! \r\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'tropical-barbeque-at-haulover-park-and-marina', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:45:09', '2009-11-13 21:45:09', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=116', 0, 'post', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (120, 1, '2009-08-17 10:01:23', '2009-08-17 14:01:23', '', 'tropical BBQ', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'tropical-bbq', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:01:23', '2009-08-17 14:01:23', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/tropical-bbq.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (121, 1, '2009-08-17 10:01:55', '2009-08-17 14:01:55', '', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Aventura', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'tropical-bbq-aventura', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:01:55', '2009-08-17 14:01:55', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/tropical-bbq-aventura.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (122, 1, '2009-08-17 10:02:32', '2009-08-17 14:02:32', '', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'tropical-bbq-students', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:02:32', '2009-08-17 14:02:32', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/tropical-bbq-students.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (123, 1, '2009-08-17 09:57:37', '2009-08-17 13:57:37', 'Tropical BBQHaulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \n\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision', '', '', '2009-08-17 09:57:37', '2009-08-17 13:57:37', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=123', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (124, 1, '2009-08-17 10:03:44', '2009-08-17 14:03:44', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventuratropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQHaulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \n\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-2', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:03:44', '2009-08-17 14:03:44', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=124', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (125, 1, '2009-08-17 10:04:32', '2009-08-17 14:04:32', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventuratropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n\r\nHaulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-3', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:04:32', '2009-08-17 14:04:32', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=125', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (126, 1, '2009-08-17 10:05:04', '2009-08-17 14:05:04', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventuratropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n\r\nHaulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-4', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:05:04', '2009-08-17 14:05:04', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=126', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (127, 1, '2009-08-17 10:06:00', '2009-08-17 14:06:00', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura \r\nHaulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-5', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:06:00', '2009-08-17 14:06:00', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=127', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (128, 1, '2009-08-17 10:06:19', '2009-08-17 14:06:19', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-6', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:06:19', '2009-08-17 14:06:19', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=128', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (130, 1, '2009-08-17 10:07:29', '2009-08-17 14:07:29', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-8', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:07:29', '2009-08-17 14:07:29', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=130', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (129, 1, '2009-08-17 10:06:56', '2009-08-17 14:06:56', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-7', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:06:56', '2009-08-17 14:06:56', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=129', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (132, 1, '2009-08-17 10:08:19', '2009-08-17 14:08:19', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\n
\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventuratropical BBQ\r\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-9', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:08:19', '2009-08-17 14:08:19', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=132', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (133, 1, '2009-08-17 10:46:36', '2009-08-17 14:46:36', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \n\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\n\n
\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventura\n\ntropical BBQ\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-10', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:46:36', '2009-08-17 14:46:36', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=133', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (134, 1, '2009-08-17 10:48:53', '2009-08-17 14:48:53', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\n
\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventura\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ\r\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-11', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:48:53', '2009-08-17 14:48:53', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=134', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (135, 1, '2009-08-17 10:18:41', '2009-08-17 14:18:41', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-13', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:18:41', '2009-08-17 14:18:41', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=135', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (136, 1, '2009-08-17 10:49:25', '2009-08-17 14:49:25', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\n
\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventura\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ\r\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-12', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:49:25', '2009-08-17 14:49:25', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=136', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (137, 1, '2009-08-17 10:59:03', '2009-08-17 14:59:03', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\n
\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventura\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ\r\n[Students] prepare the fish for grilling! \r\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-13', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:59:03', '2009-08-17 14:59:03', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=137', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (138, 1, '2009-08-20 11:45:24', '2009-08-20 15:45:24', 'ACCET TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting\r\nCouncil for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n"We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field."? said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'successful-re-accreditation', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:43:33', '2009-11-13 21:43:33', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=138', 0, 'post', '', 0), (139, 1, '2009-09-10 11:46:29', '2009-09-10 15:46:29', 'TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\n\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\n\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\n\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\n\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org\n', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:46:29', '2009-09-10 15:46:29', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=139', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (140, 1, '2009-09-10 11:50:11', '2009-09-10 15:50:11', '', 'ACCET', 0, 'ACCET', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'accet', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:50:11', '2009-09-10 15:50:11', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/accet.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (141, 1, '2009-09-10 11:51:11', '2009-09-10 15:51:11', '', 'ACCET', 0, 'ACCET', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'accet1', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:51:11', '2009-09-10 15:51:11', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/accet1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (142, 1, '2009-09-10 11:46:37', '2009-09-10 15:46:37', 'TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org\r\n', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-2', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:46:37', '2009-09-10 15:46:37', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=142', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (144, 1, '2009-09-10 11:53:39', '2009-09-10 15:53:39', '', 'ACCET', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'accet2', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:53:39', '2009-09-10 15:53:39', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/accet2.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (145, 1, '2009-09-10 11:52:33', '2009-09-10 15:52:33', 'TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org\r\n', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-4', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:52:33', '2009-09-10 15:52:33', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=145', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (143, 1, '2009-09-10 11:52:01', '2009-09-10 15:52:01', '[caption id="attachment_141" align="alignright" width="76" caption="ACCET"]ACCET[/caption]TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org\r\n', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-3', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:52:01', '2009-09-10 15:52:01', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=143', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (146, 1, '2009-09-10 11:54:02', '2009-09-10 15:54:02', 'ACCETTALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org\r\n', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-5', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:54:02', '2009-09-10 15:54:02', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=146', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (149, 1, '2009-09-10 11:55:59', '2009-09-10 15:55:59', 'ACCET TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-7', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:55:59', '2009-09-10 15:55:59', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=149', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (147, 1, '2009-09-10 11:59:25', '2009-09-10 15:59:25', 'ACCET TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting\nCouncil for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\n\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\n\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\n\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\n\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-autosave', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:59:25', '2009-09-10 15:59:25', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=147', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (148, 1, '2009-09-10 11:54:36', '2009-09-10 15:54:36', 'ACCETTALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org\r\n', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-6', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:54:36', '2009-09-10 15:54:36', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=148', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (150, 1, '2009-09-10 11:56:19', '2009-09-10 15:56:19', 'ACCET TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting\r\nCouncil for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-8', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:56:19', '2009-09-10 15:56:19', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=150', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (151, 1, '2009-10-08 11:34:08', '2009-10-08 15:34:08', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n



On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n\r\n


- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows'' Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we''re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'halloween-2009', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:42:35', '2009-11-13 21:42:35', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=151', 0, 'post', '', 0), (155, 1, '2009-10-13 11:38:14', '2009-10-13 15:38:14', '', 'Halloween', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'halloween', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:38:14', '2009-10-13 15:38:14', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/halloween.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (156, 1, '2009-10-13 11:36:49', '2009-10-13 15:36:49', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n

"On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-4', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:36:49', '2009-10-13 15:36:49', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=156', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (152, 1, '2009-10-13 11:35:13', '2009-10-13 15:35:13', '

It''s Hallo-scream!



“On Hallowe''en the thing\nyou must do\nis pretend that nothing\ncan frighten you.\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\nand you want to run\nJus'' let on like\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.”\n\n

\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\n



Halloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.



On October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).



Halloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!


', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:35:13', '2009-10-13 15:35:13', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=152', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (154, 1, '2009-10-13 11:36:12', '2009-10-13 15:36:12', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \n\n“On Hallowe''en the thing\nyou must do\nis pretend that nothing\ncan frighten you.\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\nand you want to run\nJus'' let on like\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.”\n\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\n \n\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA. \n\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\n\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures! \n\n', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-3', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:36:12', '2009-10-13 15:36:12', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=154', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (153, 1, '2009-10-13 11:35:20', '2009-10-13 15:35:20', '

It''s Hallo-scream!



“On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.”\r\n\r\n

\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n



Halloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.



On October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).



Halloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!


', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-2', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:35:20', '2009-10-13 15:35:20', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=153', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (157, 1, '2009-10-13 11:40:08', '2009-10-13 15:40:08', '', 'halloween1', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'halloween1', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:40:08', '2009-10-13 15:40:08', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/halloween1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (158, 1, '2009-10-13 11:40:22', '2009-10-13 15:40:22', '', 'Halloween', 0, 'Halloween', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'halloween2', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:40:22', '2009-10-13 15:40:22', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/halloween2.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (159, 1, '2009-10-13 11:38:59', '2009-10-13 15:38:59', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n

Halloween\r\n"On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-5', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:38:59', '2009-10-13 15:38:59', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=159', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (160, 1, '2009-10-13 11:41:04', '2009-10-13 15:41:04', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n

[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignright" width="238" caption="Halloween"]Halloween[/caption]"On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-6', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:41:04', '2009-10-13 15:41:04', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=160', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (161, 1, '2009-10-13 11:42:29', '2009-10-13 15:42:29', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n

[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignright" width="238" caption="Halloween"]Halloween[/caption] "On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-7', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:42:29', '2009-10-13 15:42:29', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=161', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (162, 1, '2009-10-13 11:42:50', '2009-10-13 15:42:50', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n

[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignright" width="238" caption="Halloween"]Halloween[/caption] "On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-8', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:42:50', '2009-10-13 15:42:50', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=162', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (163, 1, '2009-10-13 11:43:39', '2009-10-13 15:43:39', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n

\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignright" width="238" caption="Halloween"]Halloween[/caption]\r\n\r\n"On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-9', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:43:39', '2009-10-13 15:43:39', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=163', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (164, 1, '2009-10-13 11:44:14', '2009-10-13 15:44:14', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n


"On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun."\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-10', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:44:14', '2009-10-13 15:44:14', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=164', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (165, 1, '2009-10-13 11:44:45', '2009-10-13 15:44:45', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n

On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-11', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:44:45', '2009-10-13 15:44:45', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=165', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (166, 1, '2009-10-13 11:45:20', '2009-10-13 15:45:20', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n

On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-12', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:45:20', '2009-10-13 15:45:20', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=166', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (167, 1, '2009-10-13 11:45:43', '2009-10-13 15:45:43', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n


On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n\r\n

- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-13', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:45:43', '2009-10-13 15:45:43', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=167', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (168, 1, '2009-10-13 11:45:58', '2009-10-13 15:45:58', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n

On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n\r\n\r\n


- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-14', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:45:58', '2009-10-13 15:45:58', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=168', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (172, 1, '2009-10-13 11:56:20', '2009-10-13 15:56:20', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n



On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n\r\n\r\n


- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-17', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:56:20', '2009-10-13 15:56:20', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=172', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (169, 1, '2009-10-13 11:47:17', '2009-10-13 15:47:17', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n

On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n\r\n\r\n


- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-15', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:47:17', '2009-10-13 15:47:17', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=169', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (170, 1, '2009-11-13 17:42:27', '2009-11-13 21:42:27', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \n



On Hallowe''en the thing\nyou must do\nis pretend that nothing\ncan frighten you.\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\nand you want to run\nJus'' let on like\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\n\n


- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\n\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\n\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows'' Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\n\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we''re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-autosave', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:42:27', '2009-11-13 21:42:27', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=170', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (171, 1, '2009-10-13 11:48:45', '2009-10-13 15:48:45', 'It''s Hallo-scream! \r\n\r\n

On Hallowe''en the thing\r\nyou must do\r\nis pretend that nothing\r\ncan frighten you.\r\nAn'' if somethin'' scares you\r\nand you want to run\r\nJus'' let on like\r\nit''s Hallowe''en fun.\r\n\r\n\r\n


- - - from an Early Nineteenth Century Halloween Postcard

\r\n\r\nHalloween is a perfect example of the American "melting pot". It is a mixture of beliefs, rituals and traditions, both religious and pagan, which come from all cultures in the USA.\r\n\r\nOn October 31st we celebrate Halloween or Hallowe''en, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Even. This holiday marks the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. When the Romans conquered the Celts in 43AD, they incorporated many of their festivals into their own celebrations, including Halloween. Nowadays, we celebrate with elaborate costumes, haunted houses, carved pumpkins and trick-or-treating (children go door-to-door asking for goodies and threaten to play tricks on those who refuse).\r\n\r\nHalloween is an excuse to dress up and we’re going all out this year at TALK. We have planned a trip to Orlando for Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studies (Oct. 23rd) and a party (Oct. 30th) with pumpkin carving and costume contests. Stay tuned for pictures!', 'Halloween 2009', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '151-revision-16', '', '', '2009-10-13 11:48:45', '2009-10-13 15:48:45', '', 151, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=171', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (173, 1, '2009-09-10 11:58:15', '2009-09-10 15:58:15', 'ACCET TALK International is an accredited institute, recognized by ACCET (Accrediting\r\nCouncil for Continuing Education & Training) and consequently the US Department of Education. Our 5-year accreditation which ended in August 2009 was continued for an additional 5-year period. This determination includes our Fort Lauderdale Main Campus at Nova Southeastern University, and our Aventura (North Miami) and Downtown Miami, Brickell Avenue facilities.\r\n\r\n“We are very proud of fact that we are an accredited institute, and have been one since 1998. Our teachers and staff are professionals of the highest quality, all working hard to provide a superior educational experience for our students. It is gratifying to know that the quality of their work is recognized and acknowledged by experts in the field.” said Des Levin, President of TALK International.\r\n\r\nACCET was founded in 1974 and is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. ACCET is certified as an ISO 9001-Quality Management System, under the international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization.\r\n\r\nAccreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public by evaluating schools to ensure they maintain high standards in all important areas of the organization.\r\n\r\nFor additional information regarding accreditation and ACCET, please go to www.accet.org', 'Successful Re-Accreditation', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '138-revision-9', '', '', '2009-09-10 11:58:15', '2009-09-10 15:58:15', '', 138, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=173', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (174, 1, '2009-08-17 11:04:35', '2009-08-17 15:04:35', 'tropical BBQ - TALK Students at Aventura Haulover Park and Marina is one of the most popular launching points for deep-sea fishing in South Florida. Located on the infamous Collins Avenue of Miami Beach, the marina is right next to tennis courts, a golf course, restaurant, and tons of green space. \r\n\r\nA popular tourist attraction at the marina, The Kelley Fleet, was created in 1957 by Capt. George Kelley. His goal was to give the public a safe, low-cost way to enjoy deep-sea fishing. Elizabeth Bercaw and her students from TALK in Aventura enjoyed a day in the sun while touring Kelley’s Fleet. After learning about various fish found in Florida waters, students grilled Red Snapper at Haulover Beach. Check out the photos below!\r\n\r\n
\r\ntropical BBQ - TALK Aventura\r\n\r\ntropical BBQ\r\n[Students] prepare the fish for grilling! \r\n
', 'Tropical Barbeque at Haulover Park and Marina', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '116-revision-14', '', '', '2009-08-17 11:04:35', '2009-08-17 15:04:35', '', 116, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=174', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (175, 1, '2009-11-13 17:46:57', '2009-11-13 21:46:57', '[caption id="attachment_113" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]\n\n"My name is Asami Suzuki and I''m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\n\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate''s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor''s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I''m grateful for this experience because I''ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would''ve experienced in Japan.\n\nI''ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn''t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I''m very happy I''ve come back to this great school! "', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-autosave', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:46:57', '2009-11-13 21:46:57', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=175', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (176, 1, '2009-08-06 14:17:29', '2009-08-06 18:17:29', '[caption id="attachment_113" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]\r\n\r\n"My name is Asami Suzuki and I’m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\r\n\r\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I’m grateful for this experience because I’ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would’ve experienced in Japan.\r\n\r\nI’ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn’t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I’m very happy I’ve come back to this great school! "', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision-6', '', '', '2009-08-06 14:17:29', '2009-08-06 18:17:29', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=176', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (177, 1, '2009-08-17 10:53:38', '2009-08-17 14:53:38', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy“Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves.” said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. “I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life”. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. “I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale”.\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-14', '', '', '2009-08-17 10:53:38', '2009-08-17 14:53:38', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=177', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (178, 1, '2009-11-13 17:49:03', '2009-11-13 21:49:03', 'In June 2009, TALK hosted the first of its summer groups in the Boston area, on the beautiful campus of Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. This first group comprised of Japanese seniors who wanted to experience life in America on a college campus. They wanted to live on the college campus, stay in the dorms, eat at the cafeteria and of course learn English and see Boston.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall"]Shopping at famed Fanueil Hall[/caption] \r\n\r\nThe successful implementation of the program would not have been possible without the active participation and involvement of Regis College, their wonderful staff and the stewardship of the group leader Michael. Living on the campus was comfortable and filled with activities and opportunities for members of the group to practice English and enjoy the American culture. The location of the college close to the subway system made transportation to activities and places of interest easy.\r\n\r\nThe group program included activities and trips that were used to add content and relevance to the academic program. Trips included using the subway and going to museums, prestigious academic institutes and universities, bustling shopping areas, exciting sporting venues and historical sites around Boston.\r\n\r\nMassy"Boston was an excellent choice as a destination for this group. The rich history and culture of Boston presented us with many interesting options for trips and activities. Also, the utilization of the substantial resources and facilities at the college allowed made everything convenient and allowed us to really enjoy ourselves."? said Massey Pakdaman, Academic Director.\r\n\r\nAs always, saying goodbye was difficult and the farewell ceremony was a tearful occasion. "I (am) 78 years (old) and I have (one of the) best time of my life"?. said Yoko Nakamura, a member of the group. "I look forward to (my) next trip - Fort Lauderdale"\r\n\r\nThank you Yoko and all the other members of your group, we will miss you and we look forward to seeing you again.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!', 'First Summer Group Program', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '90-revision-15', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:49:03', '2009-11-13 21:49:03', '', 90, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=178', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (179, 1, '2009-07-06 16:55:10', '2009-07-06 20:55:10', '[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Father's day"]Father''s day[/caption]\r\n\r\nFathers also deserve their own special day. TALK International honored fathers by sponsoring a Father’s Day Breakfast. Each father was presented with a certificate of appreciation recognizing the great contribution each one gives in his own special way.\r\n\r\nAll students were invited to participate.\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos of these proud fathers!', 'Father’s Day Breakfast', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '54-revision-8', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:55:10', '2009-07-06 20:55:10', '', 54, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=179', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (180, 1, '2009-07-06 18:14:59', '2009-07-06 22:14:59', 'In June TALK International started the summer off with a bang with the Summer Kick-Off Party. In the usual TALK International style, students participated in fun games and activities. Classes competed in such categories as: Summer Fun Maze, the Flamingo Ring Toss, and a Balloon Relay.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_83" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Summer Kick-off Party"]Summer Kick-off Party[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe highlight of the party surely was the Fashion Show and Contest. Working in teams, students were given a roll of paper towels, tape, and ribbon and just 15 minutes to “design” a glamorous outfit for the competition. The creativity of the students shows in these photos! Competitors then presented their creations by “strutting down the catwalk” for the panel of judges (comprised of all students celebrating June birthdays). Contestants were judged for their creativity and presentation. We may not have found America’s next top model, but we certainly discovered a lot of hidden talents!\r\n\r\nflickrCheck out some of the photos!\r\n
\r\nyoutubeSee summer kick-off video!', 'Summer Kick-Off Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '50-revision-16', '', '', '2009-07-06 18:14:59', '2009-07-06 22:14:59', '', 50, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=180', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (181, 1, '2009-07-06 16:14:05', '2009-07-06 20:14:05', 'On Friday, February 13th TALK International offered a fun-filled Valentine?s Party, full of games and surprises, including the selection of the Sweetest Hearts of our School. Students were able to interact with their groups and work as teams on the different contests.\r\n\r\n[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Celebrating Valentine's Day"]Celebrating Valentine''s Day[/caption]', 'Valentine''s Day Party!!!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '21-revision-5', '', '', '2009-07-06 16:14:05', '2009-07-06 20:14:05', '', 21, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=181', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (182, 1, '2009-11-13 18:23:43', '2009-11-13 22:23:43', 'Thanksgiving is the perfect time to indulge in tons of turkey, watch football and spend time with family and friends. \r\n\r\nThanksgivingThanksgiving dates back to the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans in the fall of 1621. However, this "first Thanksgiving" was just a gathering, not a holiday. In fact, it wasn''t a holiday until Pres. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day in 1863. We''ve been giving thanks on the fourth Thursday of November ever since. \r\n\r\nStay tuned for pictures of how we do Thanksgiving at TALK!\r\n', 'Happy Turkey Day!', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'happy-turkey-day', '', '', '2010-06-02 16:15:50', '2010-06-02 21:15:50', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=182', 0, 'post', '', 0), (183, 1, '2009-11-13 18:22:36', '2009-11-13 22:22:36', '', 'Thanksgiving', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'turkey', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:22:36', '2009-11-13 22:22:36', '', 182, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/turkey.gif', 0, 'attachment', 'image/gif', 0), (184, 1, '2009-11-13 18:18:13', '2009-11-13 22:18:13', 'Thanksgiving is the perfect time to indulge in tons of turkey, watch football and spend time with family and friends. \n\nThanksgiving dates back to the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans in the fall of 1621. However, this "first Thanksgiving" was just a gathering, not a holiday. In fact, it wasn’t a holiday until Pres. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day in 1863. We’ve been giving thanks on the fourth Thursday of November ever since. \n\nStay tuned for pictures of how we do Thanksgiving at TALK!\n', 'Happy Turkey Day!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '182-revision', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:18:13', '2009-11-13 22:18:13', '', 182, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=184', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (185, 1, '2009-11-13 18:23:13', '2009-11-13 22:23:13', 'Thanksgiving is the perfect time to indulge in tons of turkey, watch football and spend time with family and friends. \n\nThanksgivingThanksgiving dates back to the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans in the fall of 1621. However, this "first Thanksgiving" was just a gathering, not a holiday. In fact, it wasn’t a holiday until Pres. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day in 1863. We’ve been giving thanks on the fourth Thursday of November ever since. \n\nStay tuned for pictures of how we do Thanksgiving at TALK!\n', 'Happy Turkey Day!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '182-revision-2', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:23:13', '2009-11-13 22:23:13', '', 182, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=185', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (186, 1, '2009-11-13 18:23:31', '2009-11-13 22:23:31', 'Thanksgiving is the perfect time to indulge in tons of turkey, watch football and spend time with family and friends. \r\n\r\nThanksgivingThanksgiving dates back to the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans in the fall of 1621. However, this "first Thanksgiving" was just a gathering, not a holiday. In fact, it wasn?t a holiday until Pres. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day in 1863. We?ve been giving thanks on the fourth Thursday of November ever since. \r\n\r\nStay tuned for pictures of how we do Thanksgiving at TALK!\r\n', 'Happy Turkey Day!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '182-revision-3', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:23:31', '2009-11-13 22:23:31', '', 182, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=186', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (187, 1, '2009-11-13 18:23:43', '2009-11-13 22:23:43', 'Thanksgiving is the perfect time to indulge in tons of turkey, watch football and spend time with family and friends. \r\n\r\nThanksgivingThanksgiving dates back to the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans in the fall of 1621. However, this "first Thanksgiving" was just a gathering, not a holiday. In fact, it wasn?t a holiday until Pres. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day in 1863. We?ve been giving thanks on the fourth Thursday of November ever since. \r\n\r\nStay tuned for pictures of how we do Thanksgiving at TALK!\r\n', 'Happy Turkey Day!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '182-revision-4', '', '', '2009-11-13 18:23:43', '2009-11-13 22:23:43', '', 182, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=187', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (199, 1, '2010-02-04 11:06:56', '2010-02-04 16:06:56', '[caption id="attachment_197" align="alignright" width="245" caption="TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009"]TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009[/caption]\n\nTALK International School of Languages in the picturesque Boston suburb of Weston, Mass., is situated on the beautiful campus of Regis College. Culture, history and beauty abound. Here, TALK students can enjoy all the benefits of life on an American college campus with full access to such campus facilities as the Regis College Library, the Fine Arts Center with its art galleries and spectacular Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre and take advantage of on-campus accommodations. Students can dine in the Main Dinning Room, exercise and train in the Regis Cardiovascular Fitness Center and the Weight Fitness Center and attend intramural sporting events.\n\nOur staff and teachers will welcome you and make you feel right at home while helping you to achieve your personal language study goals. TALK teachers share a common vision: a program of academic excellence and full cultural and social integration. Join us in Boston; you''ll see exactly what we?re talking about.\n

Weston Community Facts

\nWeston, home of TALK?s Regis College campus, is the wealthiest suburb in the Boston area and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. Weston is among the 100 most affluent small towns in the United States. Weston also has the number one public school system in Massachusetts, according to Boston Magazine (2005). It also enjoys the lowest crime rate among Metro-west Boston suburbs.', 'New Opening! Boston Campus', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '196-autosave', '', '', '2010-02-04 11:06:56', '2010-02-04 16:06:56', '', 196, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=199', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (196, 1, '2009-02-04 10:50:51', '2009-02-04 15:50:51', '[caption id="attachment_197" align="alignright" width="245" caption="TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009"]TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International School of Languages in the picturesque Boston suburb of Weston, Mass., is situated on the beautiful campus of Regis College. Culture, history and beauty abound. Here, TALK students can enjoy all the benefits of life on an American college campus with full access to such campus facilities as the Regis College Library, the Fine Arts Center with its art galleries and spectacular Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre and take advantage of on-campus accommodations. Students can dine in the Main Dinning Room, exercise and train in the Regis Cardiovascular Fitness Center and the Weight Fitness Center and attend intramural sporting events.\r\n\r\nOur staff and teachers will welcome you and make you feel right at home while helping you to achieve your personal language study goals. TALK teachers share a common vision: a program of academic excellence and full cultural and social integration. Join us in Boston; you''ll see exactly what we?re talking about.\r\n

Weston Community Facts

\r\nWeston, home of TALK?s Regis College campus, is the wealthiest suburb in the Boston area and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. Weston is among the 100 most affluent small towns in the United States. Weston also has the number one public school system in Massachusetts, according to Boston Magazine (2005). It also enjoys the lowest crime rate among Metro-west Boston suburbs.', 'New Opening! Boston Campus', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'new-opening-boston-campus', '', '', '2010-02-04 11:09:33', '2010-02-04 16:09:33', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=196', 0, 'post', '', 0), (197, 1, '2010-02-04 11:02:49', '2010-02-04 16:02:49', 'TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009', 'boston-talk-stuff', 0, 'TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'boston-talk-stuff-2', '', '', '2010-02-04 11:02:49', '2010-02-04 16:02:49', '', 196, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/boston-talk-stuff.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (198, 1, '2010-02-04 10:54:59', '2010-02-04 15:54:59', 'TALK International School of Languages in the picturesque Boston suburb of Weston, Mass., is situated on the beautiful campus of Regis College. Culture, history and beauty abound. Here, TALK students can enjoy all the benefits of life on an American college campus with full access to such campus facilities as the Regis College Library, the Fine Arts Center with its art galleries and spectacular Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre and take advantage of on-campus accommodations. Students can dine in the Main Dinning Room, exercise and train in the Regis Cardiovascular Fitness Center and the Weight Fitness Center and attend intramural sporting events.\n\nOur staff and teachers will welcome you and make you feel right at home while helping you to achieve your personal language study goals. TALK teachers share a common vision: a program of academic excellence and full cultural and social integration. Join us in Boston; you''ll see exactly what we’re talking about.\n

Weston Community Facts

\nWeston, home of TALK’s Regis College campus, is the wealthiest suburb in the Boston area and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. Weston is among the 100 most affluent small towns in the United States. Weston also has the number one public school system in Massachusetts, according to Boston Magazine (2005). It also enjoys the lowest crime rate among Metro-west Boston suburbs.', 'New Opening! Boston Campus', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '196-revision', '', '', '2010-02-04 10:54:59', '2010-02-04 15:54:59', '', 196, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=198', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (194, 1, '2009-11-23 15:22:06', '2009-11-23 20:22:06', 'TALK will administer the IELTS Exam in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic on June 26th and December 11th, 2010.\r\n\r\n"We are very pleased to be able to serve IELTS candidates in the Dominican Republic. By providing the exam in Santo Domingo, we are saving candidates hundreds of dollars in airfare and accommodations and a large amount of time and stress associated with international travel", said Barbara Halwa, the IELTS Centre Administrator for TALK International.\r\n\r\nThe IELTS Exam is the world''s leading test of English proficiency for higher education, immigration and employment. Education institutions, faculties, government agencies and employers around the world rely on the IELTS exam. For additional information please see www.talk.edu/ielts/ or contact Kremena Parvanova at ielts@talk.edu.', 'IELTS Test in Santo Domingo, DR.', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'ielts-test-in-santo-domingo-dr-2', '', '', '2010-03-16 08:22:35', '2010-03-16 13:22:35', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=194', 0, 'post', '', 2), (195, 1, '2009-11-24 15:22:28', '2009-11-24 20:22:28', 'TALK will administer the IELTS Exam in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic on December 12th, 2009.\n\n"We are very pleased to be able to serve IELTS candidates in the Dominican Republic. By providing the exam in Santo Domingo, we are saving candidates hundreds of dollars in airfare and accommodations and a large amount of time and stress associated with international travel", said Barbara Halwa, the IELTS Centre Administrator for TALK International.\n\nThe IELTS Exam is the world''s leading test of English proficiency for higher education, immigration and employment. Education institutions, faculties, government agencies and employers around the world rely on the IELTS exam. For additional information please see www.talk.edu/ielts/ or contact Kremena Parvanova at ielts@talk.edu.', 'IELTS Test in Santo Domingo, DR.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '194-revision', '', '', '2009-11-24 15:22:28', '2009-11-24 20:22:28', '', 194, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=195', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (200, 1, '2010-02-04 11:04:34', '2010-02-04 16:04:34', '[caption id="attachment_197" align="alignright" width="245" caption="TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009"]TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International School of Languages in the picturesque Boston suburb of Weston, Mass., is situated on the beautiful campus of Regis College. Culture, history and beauty abound. Here, TALK students can enjoy all the benefits of life on an American college campus with full access to such campus facilities as the Regis College Library, the Fine Arts Center with its art galleries and spectacular Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre and take advantage of on-campus accommodations. Students can dine in the Main Dinning Room, exercise and train in the Regis Cardiovascular Fitness Center and the Weight Fitness Center and attend intramural sporting events.\r\n\r\nOur staff and teachers will welcome you and make you feel right at home while helping you to achieve your personal language study goals. TALK teachers share a common vision: a program of academic excellence and full cultural and social integration. Join us in Boston; you''ll see exactly what we?re talking about.\r\n

Weston Community Facts

\r\nWeston, home of TALK?s Regis College campus, is the wealthiest suburb in the Boston area and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. Weston is among the 100 most affluent small towns in the United States. Weston also has the number one public school system in Massachusetts, according to Boston Magazine (2005). It also enjoys the lowest crime rate among Metro-west Boston suburbs.', 'New Opening! Boston Campus', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '196-revision-2', '', '', '2010-02-04 11:04:34', '2010-02-04 16:04:34', '', 196, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=200', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (201, 1, '2010-02-04 11:05:46', '2010-02-04 16:05:46', '[caption id="attachment_197" align="alignright" width="245" caption="TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009"]TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International School of Languages in the picturesque Boston suburb of Weston, Mass., is situated on the beautiful campus of Regis College. Culture, history and beauty abound. Here, TALK students can enjoy all the benefits of life on an American college campus with full access to such campus facilities as the Regis College Library, the Fine Arts Center with its art galleries and spectacular Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre and take advantage of on-campus accommodations. Students can dine in the Main Dinning Room, exercise and train in the Regis Cardiovascular Fitness Center and the Weight Fitness Center and attend intramural sporting events.\r\n\r\nOur staff and teachers will welcome you and make you feel right at home while helping you to achieve your personal language study goals. TALK teachers share a common vision: a program of academic excellence and full cultural and social integration. Join us in Boston; you''ll see exactly what we?re talking about.\r\n

Weston Community Facts

\r\nWeston, home of TALK?s Regis College campus, is the wealthiest suburb in the Boston area and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. Weston is among the 100 most affluent small towns in the United States. Weston also has the number one public school system in Massachusetts, according to Boston Magazine (2005). It also enjoys the lowest crime rate among Metro-west Boston suburbs.', 'New Opening! Boston Campus', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '196-revision-3', '', '', '2010-02-04 11:05:46', '2010-02-04 16:05:46', '', 196, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=201', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (202, 1, '2010-02-04 11:08:28', '2010-02-04 16:08:28', '[caption id="attachment_197" align="alignright" width="245" caption="TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009"]TALK International Senior Management Team visited this campus on January 2009[/caption]\r\n\r\nTALK International School of Languages in the picturesque Boston suburb of Weston, Mass., is situated on the beautiful campus of Regis College. Culture, history and beauty abound. Here, TALK students can enjoy all the benefits of life on an American college campus with full access to such campus facilities as the Regis College Library, the Fine Arts Center with its art galleries and spectacular Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre and take advantage of on-campus accommodations. Students can dine in the Main Dinning Room, exercise and train in the Regis Cardiovascular Fitness Center and the Weight Fitness Center and attend intramural sporting events.\r\n\r\nOur staff and teachers will welcome you and make you feel right at home while helping you to achieve your personal language study goals. TALK teachers share a common vision: a program of academic excellence and full cultural and social integration. Join us in Boston; you''ll see exactly what we?re talking about.\r\n

Weston Community Facts

\r\nWeston, home of TALK?s Regis College campus, is the wealthiest suburb in the Boston area and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. Weston is among the 100 most affluent small towns in the United States. Weston also has the number one public school system in Massachusetts, according to Boston Magazine (2005). It also enjoys the lowest crime rate among Metro-west Boston suburbs.', 'New Opening! Boston Campus', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '196-revision-4', '', '', '2010-02-04 11:08:28', '2010-02-04 16:08:28', '', 196, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=202', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (203, 1, '2010-02-12 14:57:24', '2010-02-12 19:57:24', 'American football, simply known as football in the states, is a competitive team sport. The main objective is to score points by getting the ball to the other team''s end zone. Football is very popular in the United States and every year, fans can''t wait for the championship game called the Super Bowl. \r\n\r\nHeld in Miami, this year''s Super Bowl was between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts. Sports lovers were glued to their seats; however, many people were just watching for the great half-time show and memorable commercials. In fact, it was the most-watched program in US history, with 106 million viewers. In the end, the Saints won with a final score of 31 to 17.\r\n', 'Super Bowl 2010', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'super-bowl-2010', '', '', '2010-02-12 14:58:27', '2010-02-12 19:58:27', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=203', 0, 'post', '', 0), (204, 1, '2010-02-12 14:56:57', '2010-02-12 19:56:57', '', 'Super Bowl 2010', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '203-revision', '', '', '2010-02-12 14:56:57', '2010-02-12 19:56:57', '', 203, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=204', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (205, 1, '2010-02-12 14:57:24', '2010-02-12 19:57:24', 'American football, simply known as football in the states, is a competitive team sport. The main objective is to score points by getting the ball to the other team?s end zone. Football is very popular in the United States and every year, fans can?t wait for the championship game called the Super Bowl. \r\n\r\nHeld in Miami, this year?s Super Bowl was between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts. Sports lovers were glued to their seats; however, many people were just watching for the great half-time show and memorable commercials. In fact, it was the most-watched program in US history, with 106 million viewers. In the end, the Saints won with a final score of 31 to 17.\r\n', 'Super Bowl 2010', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '203-revision-2', '', '', '2010-02-12 14:57:24', '2010-02-12 19:57:24', '', 203, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=205', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (206, 1, '2010-02-12 14:57:51', '2010-02-12 19:57:51', 'American football, simply known as football in the states, is a competitive team sport. The main objective is to score points by getting the ball to the other team?s end zone. Football is very popular in the United States and every year, fans can''t wait for the championship game called the Super Bowl. \r\n\r\nHeld in Miami, this year''s Super Bowl was between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts. Sports lovers were glued to their seats; however, many people were just watching for the great half-time show and memorable commercials. In fact, it was the most-watched program in US history, with 106 million viewers. In the end, the Saints won with a final score of 31 to 17.\r\n', 'Super Bowl 2010', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '203-revision-3', '', '', '2010-02-12 14:57:51', '2010-02-12 19:57:51', '', 203, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=206', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (207, 1, '2010-02-25 12:29:27', '2010-02-25 17:29:27', 'When TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."\r\n\r\nNeimar Garbes Salome\r\nFrom: Brazil\r\n"I''m staying at Nova to learn the English language because I need it for my job.\r\nThis has been a great opportunity for me, I''ve made new friends and learned about new cultures.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\nSincerely yours,\r\n\r\nNeimar"', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'hey-talk-grad', '', '', '2010-04-08 11:49:33', '2010-04-08 16:49:33', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=207', 0, 'post', '', 2), (208, 1, '2010-02-25 12:09:56', '2010-02-25 17:09:56', 'Hey TALK Grad!\n\nWhen TALK students graduate, it’s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\n\nName: Hyo Jeon Lee\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\n“[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin’s husband lives… [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it’s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch.”\n\nName: Alexandre Campetelli\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\n“I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK.”', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:09:56', '2010-02-25 17:09:56', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=208', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (210, 1, '2010-02-25 12:11:56', '2010-02-25 17:11:56', 'Hey TALK Grad!\n\nWhen TALK students graduate, it’s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\n\nName: Hyo Jeon Lee\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin’s husband lives… [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it’s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\n\nName: Alexandre Campetelli\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-3', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:11:56', '2010-02-25 17:11:56', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=210', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (209, 1, '2010-02-25 12:11:08', '2010-02-25 17:11:08', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it?s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\nName: Hyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n?[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin?s husband lives? [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it?s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch.?\r\n\r\nName: Alexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n?I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK.?', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-2', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:11:08', '2010-02-25 17:11:08', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=209', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (211, 1, '2010-02-25 12:12:32', '2010-02-25 17:12:32', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it?s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin?s husband lives? [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it?s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-4', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:12:32', '2010-02-25 17:12:32', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=211', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (212, 1, '2010-02-25 12:14:00', '2010-02-25 17:14:00', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives? [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-5', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:14:00', '2010-02-25 17:14:00', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=212', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (213, 1, '2010-02-25 12:21:24', '2010-02-25 17:21:24', '', 'student-testimonial', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'student-testimonial', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:21:24', '2010-02-25 17:21:24', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/student-testimonial.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (214, 1, '2010-02-25 12:22:20', '2010-02-25 17:22:20', '', 'student-testimonial', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'student-testimonial1', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:22:20', '2010-02-25 17:22:20', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/student-testimonial1.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (215, 1, '2010-02-25 12:14:37', '2010-02-25 17:14:37', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-6', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:14:37', '2010-02-25 17:14:37', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=215', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (225, 1, '2010-02-25 12:29:07', '2010-02-25 17:29:07', 'When TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom? Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-16', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:29:07', '2010-02-25 17:29:07', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=225', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (216, 1, '2010-02-25 12:22:45', '2010-02-25 17:22:45', 'student-testimonialHey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\n?\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-7', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:22:45', '2010-02-25 17:22:45', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=216', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (217, 1, '2010-02-25 12:23:37', '2010-02-25 17:23:37', '\r\n\r\nHey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\n?


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-8', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:23:37', '2010-02-25 17:23:37', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=217', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (218, 1, '2010-02-25 12:23:52', '2010-02-25 17:23:52', '\r\n\r\nHey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-9', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:23:52', '2010-02-25 17:23:52', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=218', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (222, 1, '2010-02-25 12:26:58', '2010-02-25 17:26:58', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee from South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli from? Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-13', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:26:58', '2010-02-25 17:26:58', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=222', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (219, 1, '2010-02-25 12:24:09', '2010-02-25 17:24:09', '\r\n\r\nHey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-10', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:24:09', '2010-02-25 17:24:09', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=219', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (220, 1, '2010-02-25 12:24:24', '2010-02-25 17:24:24', '\r\n\r\nHey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-11', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:24:24', '2010-02-25 17:24:24', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=220', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (221, 1, '2010-02-25 12:24:59', '2010-02-25 17:24:59', '\r\n\r\nHey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nPlace of Birth: South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nPlace of Birth: Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-12', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:24:59', '2010-02-25 17:24:59', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=221', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (224, 1, '2010-02-25 12:28:33', '2010-02-25 17:28:33', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom? Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-15', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:28:33', '2010-02-25 17:28:33', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=224', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (223, 1, '2010-02-25 12:27:37', '2010-02-25 17:27:37', 'Hey TALK Grad!\r\n\r\nWhen TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom? Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'It is Time to Say ''Goodbye!'' to Hyo Jeon Lee and Alexandre Campetelli', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-14', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:27:37', '2010-02-25 17:27:37', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=223', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (226, 1, '2010-04-08 11:50:43', '2010-04-08 16:50:43', 'When TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\n


\n\nHyo Jeon Lee\nFrom South Korea\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\n\nAlexandre Campetelli\nFrom Brazil\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."\n\nNeimar Garbes Salome\nFrom: Brazil\n"I''m staying at Nova to learn the English language because I need it for my job.\nThis has been a great opportunity for me, I''ve made new friends and learned about new cultures.\n\nThanks\n\nSincerely yours,\n\nNeimar"', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-autosave', '', '', '2010-04-08 11:50:43', '2010-04-08 16:50:43', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=226', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (227, 1, '2010-02-25 12:29:27', '2010-02-25 17:29:27', 'When TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom? Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-17', '', '', '2010-02-25 12:29:27', '2010-02-25 17:29:27', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=227', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (228, 1, '2010-03-16 08:23:44', '2010-03-16 13:23:44', 'TALK will administer the IELTS Exam in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic on June 26th and December 11th, 2010.\n\n"We are very pleased to be able to serve IELTS candidates in the Dominican Republic. By providing the exam in Santo Domingo, we are saving candidates hundreds of dollars in airfare and accommodations and a large amount of time and stress associated with international travel", said Barbara Halwa, the IELTS Centre Administrator for TALK International.\n\nThe IELTS Exam is the world''s leading test of English proficiency for higher education, immigration and employment. Education institutions, faculties, government agencies and employers around the world rely on the IELTS exam. For additional information please see www.talk.edu/ielts/ or contact Kremena Parvanova at ielts@talk.edu.', 'IELTS Test in Santo Domingo, DR.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '194-autosave', '', '', '2010-03-16 08:23:44', '2010-03-16 13:23:44', '', 194, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=228', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (229, 1, '2009-11-24 15:23:19', '2009-11-24 20:23:19', 'TALK will administer the IELTS Exam in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic on December 12th, 2009.\r\n\r\n"We are very pleased to be able to serve IELTS candidates in the Dominican Republic. By providing the exam in Santo Domingo, we are saving candidates hundreds of dollars in airfare and accommodations and a large amount of time and stress associated with international travel", said Barbara Halwa, the IELTS Centre Administrator for TALK International.\r\n\r\nThe IELTS Exam is the world''s leading test of English proficiency for higher education, immigration and employment. Education institutions, faculties, government agencies and employers around the world rely on the IELTS exam. For additional information please see www.talk.edu/ielts/ or contact Kremena Parvanova at ielts@talk.edu.', 'IELTS Test in Santo Domingo, DR.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '194-revision-2', '', '', '2009-11-24 15:23:19', '2009-11-24 20:23:19', '', 194, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=229', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (231, 1, '2010-03-10 14:23:56', '2010-03-10 19:23:56', 'When TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-18', '', '', '2010-03-10 14:23:56', '2010-03-10 19:23:56', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=231', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (232, 1, '2010-03-23 09:03:27', '2010-03-23 14:03:27', 'When TALK students graduate, it''s always bittersweet. Take a look at what some students said about their time with us.\r\n


\r\n\r\nHyo Jeon Lee\r\nFrom South Korea\r\n"[This was] my first time living in the U.S. First, I went to Indiana, where my cousin''s husband lives... [Then], I went to Florida to stay with my [other] cousin. In Davie, I not only studied English, but I also visited many places such as: Disney World, Miami Beach, and the Bahamas. Now it''s time for me to graduate from the program and go back home to South Korea. It was very nice to meet everyone and I hope we keep in touch."\r\n\r\nAlexandre Campetelli\r\nFrom Brazil\r\n"I never imagined living outside of Brazil. I only dreamed about it. [Now] I see that dreams are possible. Everything has changed. I [started] a new life and I am very happy with my decision to study at TALK."\r\n\r\nNeimar Garbes Salome\r\nFrom: Brazil\r\n"I?m staying at Nova to learn the English language because I need it for my job.\r\nThis has been a great opportunity for me, I?ve made new friends and learned about new cultures.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\nSincerely yours,\r\n\r\nNeimar"', 'Hey TALK Grad!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '207-revision-19', '', '', '2010-03-23 09:03:27', '2010-03-23 14:03:27', '', 207, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=232', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (233, 1, '2010-05-13 13:47:32', '2010-05-13 18:47:32', 'The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting? It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective\r\nThis course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology? Once the students? weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'toefl-preparation-course', '', '', '2010-07-20 16:16:50', '2010-07-20 21:16:50', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=233', 0, 'post', '', 0), (234, 1, '2010-05-13 13:28:03', '2010-05-13 18:28:03', ' <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; panose-1:3 15 7 2 3 3 2 2 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:script; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:647 0 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> \n

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting. It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.



Course Objective


This course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test.. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.



Admission Requirements


Students must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.



Study Environment


Study sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.



Please refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.

', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '233-revision', '', '', '2010-05-13 13:28:03', '2010-05-13 18:28:03', '', 233, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=234', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (236, 1, '2010-05-13 13:50:28', '2010-05-13 18:50:28', '\r\n\r\n The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting.? It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective\r\nThis course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test.. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology.? Once the students? weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '233-revision-3', '', '', '2010-05-13 13:50:28', '2010-05-13 18:50:28', '', 233, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=236', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (235, 1, '2010-05-13 13:47:32', '2010-05-13 18:47:32', ' <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; panose-1:3 15 7 2 3 3 2 2 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:script; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:647 0 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> \r\n

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting. It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.



Course Objective


This course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test.. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.



Admission Requirements


Students must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.



Study Environment


Study sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students? weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.



Please refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.

', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '233-revision-2', '', '', '2010-05-13 13:47:32', '2010-05-13 18:47:32', '', 233, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=235', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (237, 1, '2010-05-13 13:51:29', '2010-05-13 18:51:29', '\r\n\r\n The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting.? It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective\r\nThis course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology.? Once the students? weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '233-revision-4', '', '', '2010-05-13 13:51:29', '2010-05-13 18:51:29', '', 233, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=237', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (238, 1, '2010-07-20 16:17:59', '2010-07-20 21:17:59', 'The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting? It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.\n\nCourse Objective\nThis course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.\n\nAdmission Requirements\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\n\nStudy Environment\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology? Once the students? weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\n\nPlease refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '233-autosave', '', '', '2010-07-20 16:17:59', '2010-07-20 21:17:59', '', 233, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=238', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (278, 1, '2010-08-26 11:20:40', '2010-08-26 16:20:40', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-autosave', '', '', '2010-08-26 11:20:40', '2010-08-26 16:20:40', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=278', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (239, 1, '2010-05-19 14:23:18', '2010-05-19 19:23:18', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption] \r\n\r\nWelcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College - Boston, Massachusetts', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'talk-international-at-regis-college-boston-massachusetts', '', '', '2010-05-19 14:23:18', '2010-05-19 19:23:18', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=239', 0, 'post', '', 0), (244, 1, '2010-05-19 13:37:42', '2010-05-19 18:37:42', '

Welcome to TALK International?s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College!? Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston.? Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the ?the Athens of the Americas? with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world.? The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere.? Our ?English Only? policy means that everyone uses English exclusively.? The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience.? TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun!? We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International?s intensive English program is located in Regis College?s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-5', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:37:42', '2010-05-19 18:37:42', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=244', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (245, 1, '2010-05-19 13:38:09', '2010-05-19 18:38:09', 'Welcome to TALK International?s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the ?the Athens of the Americas? with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our ?English Only? policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International?s intensive English program is located in Regis College?s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-6', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:38:09', '2010-05-19 18:38:09', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=245', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (246, 1, '2010-05-19 13:39:12', '2010-05-19 18:39:12', 'Welcome to TALK International?s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the ?the Athens of the Americas? with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our ?English Only? policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International?s intensive English program is located in Regis College?s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-7', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:39:12', '2010-05-19 18:39:12', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=246', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (247, 1, '2010-05-19 13:39:58', '2010-05-19 18:39:58', 'Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the ?the Athens of the Americas? with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International?s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-8', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:39:58', '2010-05-19 18:39:58', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=247', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (248, 1, '2010-05-19 13:40:49', '2010-05-19 18:40:49', 'Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-9', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:40:49', '2010-05-19 18:40:49', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=248', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (249, 1, '2010-05-19 13:49:50', '2010-05-19 18:49:50', '', 'Fine Arts Center', 0, 'Fine Arts Center - Regis College', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', 'blog', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:49:50', '2010-05-19 18:49:50', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/blog.jpg', 0, 'attachment', 'image/jpeg', 0), (250, 1, '2010-05-19 13:42:15', '2010-05-19 18:42:15', 'Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-10', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:42:15', '2010-05-19 18:42:15', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=250', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (243, 1, '2010-05-19 13:37:00', '2010-05-19 18:37:00', ' \r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-4', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:37:00', '2010-05-19 18:37:00', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=243', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (242, 1, '2010-05-19 13:36:43', '2010-05-19 18:36:43', ' <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> Welcome to TALK International’s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the “the Athens of the Americas” with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\n\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our “English Only” policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\n\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\n\nTalk International’s intensive English program is located in Regis College’s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\n\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\n\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\n


TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-3', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:36:43', '2010-05-19 18:36:43', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=242', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (240, 1, '2010-05-19 13:35:43', '2010-05-19 18:35:43', ' <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> \n

Welcome to TALK International’s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the “the Athens of the Americas” with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.



TALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our “English Only” policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.



At TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.



Talk International’s intensive English program is located in Regis College’s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.



TALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.



So come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!



TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:35:43', '2010-05-19 18:35:43', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=240', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (241, 1, '2010-05-19 13:35:51', '2010-05-19 18:35:51', ' <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> \r\n

Welcome to TALK International?s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the ?the Athens of the Americas? with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.



TALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our ?English Only? policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.



At TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.



Talk International?s intensive English program is located in Regis College?s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.



TALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.



So come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!



TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-2', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:35:51', '2010-05-19 18:35:51', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=241', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (251, 1, '2010-05-19 13:55:24', '2010-05-19 18:55:24', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption]Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\n\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\n\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\n\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\n\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\n\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\n\n\n\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-11', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:55:24', '2010-05-19 18:55:24', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=251', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (252, 1, '2010-05-19 13:55:58', '2010-05-19 18:55:58', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption]Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-12', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:55:58', '2010-05-19 18:55:58', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=252', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (253, 1, '2010-05-19 13:56:38', '2010-05-19 18:56:38', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption] Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-13', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:56:38', '2010-05-19 18:56:38', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=253', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (256, 1, '2010-05-19 14:00:34', '2010-05-19 19:00:34', '

Fine Arts Center - Regis College Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.

\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-16', '', '', '2010-05-19 14:00:34', '2010-05-19 19:00:34', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=256', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (254, 1, '2010-05-19 13:57:20', '2010-05-19 18:57:20', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption]\r\nWelcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-14', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:57:20', '2010-05-19 18:57:20', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=254', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (255, 1, '2010-05-19 13:58:01', '2010-05-19 18:58:01', '

[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption] Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.

\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-15', '', '', '2010-05-19 13:58:01', '2010-05-19 18:58:01', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=255', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (257, 1, '2010-05-19 14:01:03', '2010-05-19 19:01:03', '

[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption] Welcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.

\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-17', '', '', '2010-05-19 14:01:03', '2010-05-19 19:01:03', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=257', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (258, 1, '2010-05-19 14:02:46', '2010-05-19 19:02:46', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption] \r\n\r\nWelcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College in Boston, MA.', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-18', '', '', '2010-05-19 14:02:46', '2010-05-19 19:02:46', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=258', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (259, 1, '2009-11-13 17:47:15', '2009-11-13 21:47:15', '[caption id="attachment_113" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Asami SUZUKI"]Asami SUZUKI[/caption]\r\n\r\n"My name is Asami Suzuki and I''m from Japan. I moved to the U.S. in 2006 to study English at TALK International. I had planned on staying for a year; however, one year was not enough. TALK not only taught me how to speak English, but also the importance of meeting friends from all over the world and learning about each of their cultures. So, I decided to stay longer.\r\n\r\nAfter studying at TALK, I went to Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, where I graduated with an Associate''s Degree in Business Administration. I also have a Bachelor''s Degree in Business form Japan, so I learned a lot about the differences between Japanese and American business. I''m grateful for this experience because I''ve learned so much at both TALK and Johnson & Wales that I never would''ve experienced in Japan.\r\n\r\nI''ve recently returned to TALK to become a part of their staff. Now, I am the new Marketing Assistant for our Asian division. Most of the staff hasn''t changed since I was a student and I feel very comfortable here. I am extremely excited about meeting new students and learning about their cultures. Therefore, I''m very happy I''ve come back to this great school! "', 'Welcome to our newest marketing team member: Asami', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '108-revision-7', '', '', '2009-11-13 17:47:15', '2009-11-13 21:47:15', '', 108, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=259', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (260, 1, '2010-05-19 14:03:19', '2010-05-19 19:03:19', '[caption id="attachment_249" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Fine Arts Center - Regis College"]Fine Arts Center - Regis College[/caption] \r\n\r\nWelcome to TALK International''s new location on the prestigious campus of Regis College! Regis, founded in 1927, is located in beautiful Weston, MA, an upscale, affluent suburb of Boston. Study on the 132-acre wooded Regis campus and explore the nearby vibrant professional, educational and cultural life of Boston, known as the "the Athens of the Americas" with more than 100 colleges and universities and 250,000 students. There is frequent shuttle service from Regis to the closest train station.\r\n\r\nTALK students come from all over the world. The mixture of languages and cultures creates a fascinating international atmosphere. Our "English Only" policy means that everyone uses English exclusively. The American students and staff from Regis are always delighted to welcome and get to know our international students. Making new friends from America is part of the experience. TALK students will also have the opportunity to observe college classes in order to understand how the American way of teaching differs from that in their country.\r\n\r\nAt TALK we really want our students to have fun! We organize a schedule of daily activities, which guarantees that the students will never be bored and are immersed in learning English, all day, every day. International food festivals, boat tours, shopping trips, museums, concerts, theatre, sporting events, guided tours of historic New England and visits to the famous campuses of Harvard and MIT are organized for TALK students so that they will experience a complete cultural immersion into the history and customs of the United States. Many of the activities are free and others are offered at special budget rates.\r\n\r\nTalk International''s intensive English program is located in Regis College''s main building and classes are taught in spacious state-of-the art classrooms. International students live at Domitilla Hall, which includes a main lounge for socializing with flat screen TV, couches and tables. Each floor has its own kitchen and study lounges, and there is also a laundry facility on the ground floor. Residents enjoy the comforts of living with the safety of a staffed security desk, new card access entry, and a warm atmosphere of a welcoming and close-knit community of students.\r\n\r\nTALK students are given privileges to use all the Regis College facilities on campus, including tennis courts, competitive- length swimming pool, gymnasium, Jacuzzi, bookstore, drugstore, fine arts center, 24/7 cafeteria, library, post office and computer labs. Campus police provide security 24/7.\r\n\r\nSo come to TALK International at Regis and begin your experience of a lifetime!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

TALK International, Boston


Regis College website


', 'TALK International at Regis College - Boston, Massachusetts', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '239-revision-19', '', '', '2010-05-19 14:03:19', '2010-05-19 19:03:19', '', 239, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=260', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (261, 1, '2009-11-23 13:42:02', '2009-11-23 18:42:02', 'Thanksgiving is the perfect time to indulge in tons of turkey, watch football and spend time with family and friends. \r\n\r\nThanksgivingThanksgiving dates back to the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans in the fall of 1621. However, this "first Thanksgiving" was just a gathering, not a holiday. In fact, it wasn''t a holiday until Pres. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day in 1863. We?ve been giving thanks on the fourth Thursday of November ever since. \r\n\r\nStay tuned for pictures of how we do Thanksgiving at TALK!\r\n', 'Happy Turkey Day!', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '182-revision-5', '', '', '2009-11-23 13:42:02', '2009-11-23 18:42:02', '', 182, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=261', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (262, 1, '2010-07-07 10:36:12', '2010-07-07 15:36:12', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'accent-reduction-course', '', '', '2010-07-07 15:54:49', '2010-07-07 20:54:49', '', 0, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=262', 0, 'post', '', 0), (264, 1, '2010-07-07 10:15:38', '2010-07-07 15:15:38', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\nDo others misunderstand you?\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\n\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\n\nCourse Objective:\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\n\nAdmission Requirements:\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\n\nStudy Environment:\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\n\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-2', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:15:38', '2010-07-07 15:15:38', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=264', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (265, 1, '2010-07-07 10:17:19', '2010-07-07 15:17:19', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\nDo others misunderstand you?\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\n\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\n\nCourse Objective:\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\n\nAdmission Requirements:\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\n\nStudy Environment:\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\n\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-3', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:17:19', '2010-07-07 15:17:19', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=265', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (266, 1, '2010-07-07 10:19:00', '2010-07-07 15:19:00', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-4', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:19:00', '2010-07-07 15:19:00', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=266', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (267, 1, '2010-07-07 10:21:20', '2010-07-07 15:21:20', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\nOther TALK International Programs', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-5', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:21:20', '2010-07-07 15:21:20', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=267', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (268, 1, '2010-07-07 10:21:40', '2010-07-07 15:21:40', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-6', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:21:40', '2010-07-07 15:21:40', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=268', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (269, 1, '2010-07-07 10:29:44', '2010-07-07 15:29:44', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-7', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:29:44', '2010-07-07 15:29:44', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=269', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (270, 1, '2010-07-07 10:30:11', '2010-07-07 15:30:11', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n
', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-8', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:30:11', '2010-07-07 15:30:11', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=270', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (271, 1, '2010-07-07 10:30:33', '2010-07-07 15:30:33', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n

', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-9', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:30:33', '2010-07-07 15:30:33', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=271', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (272, 1, '2010-07-07 10:31:48', '2010-07-07 15:31:48', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-10', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:31:48', '2010-07-07 15:31:48', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=272', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (273, 1, '2010-07-07 10:31:54', '2010-07-07 15:31:54', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-11', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:31:54', '2010-07-07 15:31:54', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=273', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (274, 1, '2010-07-07 10:36:12', '2010-07-07 15:36:12', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-12', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:36:12', '2010-07-07 15:36:12', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=274', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (275, 1, '2010-07-07 10:36:50', '2010-07-07 15:36:50', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-13', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:36:50', '2010-07-07 15:36:50', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=275', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (263, 1, '2010-07-07 10:12:23', '2010-07-07 15:12:23', ' <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1107304683 0 0 415 0;} @font-face {font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; panose-1:3 15 7 2 3 3 2 2 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:script; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:647 0 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> \n

Do others ask you to repeat yourself?


Do others misunderstand you?


Does your accent hold your career back?



If your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.



Course Objective:


This course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .



Admission Requirements:


Students must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.



Study Environment:


Study sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.



Please refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.

', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision', '', '', '2010-07-07 10:12:23', '2010-07-07 15:12:23', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=263', 0, 'revision', '', 0), (276, 1, '2010-07-07 13:21:45', '2010-07-07 18:21:45', 'Do others ask you to repeat yourself?\r\nDo others misunderstand you?\r\nDoes your accent hold your career back?\r\n\r\nIf your answer is YES, then you need to take our Accent Reduction course which is a program for individuals who have learned English as a second language. Accent Reduction Course is the process of modifying individual’s pronunciation, so their speech is understood by others.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective:\r\nThis course is designed to help students to achieve the ability to pronounce correctly, learn about stress, rhythm, and intonation, moreover, practice Contractions and Reductions. Accent Reduction Course will help you to sound more natural and also understand others better. Each lesson concludes with a summary of common Phrases, expressions, or vocabulary with the emphasis on rhythm. .\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements:\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment:\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology. Once the students’ weak areas are identified, the repetition and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the Accent Reduction course flyer for specific course details including price, time and dates.\r\n\r\n', 'Accent Reduction Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '262-revision-14', '', '', '2010-07-07 13:21:45', '2010-07-07 18:21:45', '', 262, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=276', 0, 'revision', '', 0); INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_category`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES (277, 1, '2010-05-13 13:52:23', '2010-05-13 18:52:23', '\r\n\r\n The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) evaluates your ability to use and understand English in an academic setting? It is the most widely accepted English proficiency test in the USA and is recognized by most universities and colleges in the USA.\r\n\r\nCourse Objective\r\nThis course is designed to provide students with the skills, strategies, practice and confidence needed to maximize their score on the TOEFL iBT test. Students will be provided with tips on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and will receive guidance developing a study plan and learning time management and improving note-taking skills necessary for success in an academic environment.\r\n\r\nAdmission Requirements\r\nStudents must have a High-Intermediate or higher level of English.\r\n\r\nStudy Environment\r\nStudy sessions and practices are conducted by experienced instructors utilizing the latest materials and technology? Once the students? weak areas are identified, explanations and practice is provided to bring that area of proficiency up to standard.\r\n\r\nPlease refer to the TOEFL iBT Preparation Course flyer for specific course details including price, times and dates.', 'TOEFL Preparation Course', 0, '', 'inherit', 'open', 'open', '', '233-revision-5', '', '', '2010-05-13 13:52:23', '2010-05-13 18:52:23', '', 233, 'http://talk.edu/blogs/english-courses/?p=277', 0, 'revision', '', 0); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `wp_terms` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_terms` ( `term_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', `slug` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', `term_group` bigint(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`term_id`), UNIQUE KEY `slug` (`slug`), KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=35 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `wp_terms` -- INSERT INTO `wp_terms` (`term_id`, `name`, `slug`, `term_group`) VALUES (1, 'Uncategorized', 'uncategorized', 0), (3, 'Miami / Fort Lauderdale', 'miami-fort-lauderdale', 0), (4, 'Activities', 'activities', 0), (5, 'St Patrick''s Day', 'st-patricks-day', 0), (6, 'Nova Southeastern University', 'nova-southeastern-university', 0), (7, 'Language Centers', 'language-centers', 0), (8, 'Regis College', 'regis-college', 0), (9, 'TALK International Stuff', 'talk-international-stuff', 0), (10, 'TALK Students', 'talk-students', 0), (11, 'Valentine''s Day', 'valentines-day', 0), (12, 'Things to do', 'things-to-do', 0), (13, 'Interesting Links', 'talk-links', 0), (14, 'University Campuses', 'university-campuses', 0), (15, 'Cities', 'cities', 0), (16, 'Summer kick-off', 'summer-kick-off', 0), (17, 'Father''s day', 'fathers-day', 0), (18, 'Boston', 'boston', 0), (19, 'TALK Aventura', 'talk-aventura', 0), (20, 'BBQ', 'bbq', 0), (21, 'Accreditation', 'accreditation', 0), (22, 'Halloween', 'halloween', 0), (23, 'TALK International', 'talk-international', 0), (24, 'IELTS Test centre', 'ielts-test-centre', 0), (25, 'IELTS', 'ielts', 0), (26, 'IELTS Test', 'ielts-test', 0), (27, 'Exams', 'exams', 0), (28, 'Student testimonial', 'student-testimonial', 0), (29, 'Exam Preparation Courses', 'exam-preparation-courses', 0), (30, 'TOEFL - Courses', 'toefl-courses', 0), (31, 'English Courses', 'english-courses', 0), (32, 'Pronounciation', 'pronounciation', 0), (33, 'Advanced English', 'advanced-english', 0), (34, 'Pronunciation', 'pronunciation', 0); 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